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chemist 1

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Everything posted by chemist 1

  1. I have spent the better part of the day reading posts about the chemicals used to clean roofs, houses and exterior surfaces. All I can say is that, as someone who knows, I am in shock at the utter lack of reguard for the safety of you, the customer, and the property you are spraying toxic fluids on. Sodium hypochlorite should never be mixed with water and sprayed on a roof or building. It will atomize, drift up to hundreds of yards, and possible poison someone. Bleach of 12% concentration is approaching the toxicity level of mustard gas. Over exposure to sodium hypochlorite can cause liver failure, lung tissue damage and reproductive problems. Let me know how you are feeling in 5 more years! CAN YOU HONESTLY SAY WORKING WITH BLEACH IS A PLEASANT EXPERIENCE? I challenge you to find instructions for roof cleaning on a bottle of bleach or pool shock, which might contain bromine, even worse. Bleach is NOT AN ALGAECIDE. If you don't believe me go to the EPA website and find out for yourself. Bleach is corrosive, toxic, and should not be inhaled...Period. 1 Gallon of bleach at 6% concentration can contaminate 40,000 gallons of ground water. I will not even comment on sodium hydroxide. Make sure your liability insurance is current, because you will be needing it very soon. FACTOID. Ah,.. so the shingle manufactures recommend a mix of bleach, TSP and water to "brighten" shingles. Did it ever occur to you that they are in business to sell and promote shingles? If you think they will send out a lawyer to help defend you in court, guess again. Their out-dated tech bulletins will not cover your rear ends. If you really want to, you can use safe products that work well and limit your liability. Do everybody a favor and look into it. Have a nice day!