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Posts posted by DustinC

  1. It's funny to think this jerk dose'nt even realize he's being talked about all over the country.Some loser ran out of gas in front of my house,and offered to buy some from my neighbor.My neighbor handed him a gas can and refused his money.The guy stole my neighbors gas can.I admire your take on it but I find it hard to be as forgiving to people who live by a different set of rules.

  2. I'm a former gs user and recently used gg the first time this week and I think I'll stay with the gg.I think gs works great,but with gg I worried less about paint damage and had the same great results.I wet the gutters and use a spray bottle to apply the gg to a brush and brush it on without diluting it.this method works for me.maybe someone with more experience will chime in.

  3. This is a 2000 square foot brick building that is going to be turned into a duplex.I got the call today to clean it but I'm not sure if the white stuff is efflorescense or not. I've cleaned mold/grime from brick before but this is my first time running into this.will safe restore take care of it.I'd like to do some testing before giving my price but they want it soon. thanks alot




  4. I got a call today from a guy that had laid a stone walk right before a downpour,the area flooded and every stone became covered with mortar.It was dry and a half inch thick in some places.I offered to come back another day more prepared(tgs) for the job,but after a turbo nozzle test spot he was happy with the results.This was about 90%-95% effective.I was thinking a wire brush/chisel and muriatic for the stubborn spots but I could be wrong.What would you do?sorry no pics I have them on film and could post later.thanks

  5. We have lived in the same house for about three years now.last year my dryer practically cooked my clothes.They were crispy and the dryer was hot to the touch. I took apart the 4 inch wide exhaust pipe which was about 35 feet long to the side of the house versus going about 7 feet to the back of the house.besides the obvious problem with the pipe being to long they also had 4 screws holding each section together that had been catching lint for over 16 years.All 35 feet of the pipe was packed with lint.I mean packed! several pounds. Its definately a legitimate concern. We were lucky.
