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Posts posted by paulES

  1. Carlos,

    I cleaned and sealed a similar type of house last Summer. There was failed dark stain on the 2 story house. I ended up using EFC-38 with a little HD-80. I then brightened with citrolic. After letting dry I applied the honey gold wood tux. Job turned out great. Hi Beth. Been a while since we spoke. Make sure U rinse thoroughly and use minimal pressure since you are dealing with soft wood.

  2. Hi All,

    I just completed stripping and cleaning a multi-level cedar deck of failed behr stain. Now the homeowner wants me to provide an estimate to strip and stain the cedar siding on her house. The house is a combination of cedar siding and limestone. One side of the house is on sloped and rocky ground. Additionally, the side is near her neighbor's house. Any advice on the proper procedure to strip and stain this side of the house is appreciated.

    Paul in Austin
