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About joelnece

  • Rank
    TGS Newbie
  • Birthday 01/08/1978

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  • Location
  • Company Name
    Texas Precision Washing Company
  • First & Last Name
    Joel Nece
  • City & State
    Magnolia, Texas
  • Occupation
  1. Selling my MaxxClean Induction System

    MaxxClean Induction System – includes water blasting induction system and portable vacuum system. $1900 contact me at 979-324-0375 if interested. Portable Vacuum System. Gas powered pump, Portable media filter, Vacuum hose, Vacuum head and pole. Allows for excess media to be vacuumed out of a pool so as to not overload the pool filtration system. Media needs to be removed during vacuuming so as to not harden on the bottom of the pool. Water Blasting Induction System. Increase production with abrasive injected water blasting. Operating pressures from 3 to 20K PSI. System includes the 15 Degree induction nozzle, siphon hose, and abrasive pot to supply the media of your choice. (Does not include gun and wand assembly or Media) Used for Removal Of: Oil and scum buildup Hard water deposits Rust and mill scale Mold and mildew Multiple layers of graffiti Paint from all surfaces Contaminants from natural stone Stains from concrete and bricks Included Maxx Abrasive Pot: 150 lb.Capacity of Soluble Abrasives 225 Capacity of Hard Abrasives Polyurethane Pot 15 Degree Fan Nozzle 50 Ft of Siphon Hose Heavy Duty Welded Steel Frame Construction Can Be Used With All Conventional Media Good for various types of sand blasting media
  2. Selling MaxxClean Induction System - $1900

    MaxxClean Induction System – includes water blasting induction system and portable vacuum system - $1900 contact me at 979-324-0375 if interested Portable Vacuum System. Gas powered pump, Portable media filter, Vacuum hose, Vacuum head and pole. Allows for excess media to be vacuumed out of a pool so as to not overload the pool filtration system. Media needs to be removed during vacuuming so as to not harden on the bottom of the pool. Water Blasting Induction System. Increase production with abrasive injected water blasting. Operating pressures from 3 to 20K PSI. System includes the 15 Degree induction nozzle, siphon hose, and abrasive pot to supply the media of your choice. (Does not include gun and wand assembly or Media) Used for Removal Of: Oil and scum buildup Hard water deposits Rust and mill scale Mold and mildew Multiple layers of graffiti Paint from all surfaces Contaminants from natural stone Stains from concrete and bricks Included Maxx Abrasive Pot: 150 lb.Capacity of Soluble Abrasives 225 Capacity of Hard Abrasives Polyurethane Pot 15 Degree Fan Nozzle 50 Ft of Siphon Hose Heavy Duty Welded Steel Frame Construction Can Be Used With All Conventional Media Good for various types of sand blasting media
  3. I have a pressure pro 5.6 gallon per minute sled mounted belt drive unit with a General TS2021 pump. The other day I started it up and the engine runs fine until I pull the trigger and it bogs down and the pressure and volume, obviously, drops off. I removed the unloader, connected the hose directly to the pump and ziptied the wand and started the engine but with the same bogged down engine. The oil in the pump looks good. The air filter on the engine is good. It has plugs and oil that are barely a month old. Any ideas of where to start before tearing into the pump or engine? Thanks for any help.
  4. Thank you guys. Not good news but can set realistic expectations with the client. Thanks again.
  5. This was in an entry way and on a garage door near some landscaped areas with some bushes and palm trees. There may have been some mulch there.
  6. I went to go look at a potential job this morning. The home is a lake house with lots of spider webs up high and these little hard dots that almost feel like a plaster or drop of concrete on the stucco exterior. Does anyone know what this is and if it can be safely removed from a stucco surface?
  7. I have a job that is proving tedious. The house has a massive back porch with ceiling that are approx. 28 feet high. They have not had the house cleaned in over 6 years and there is a massive amount of spider webs. I first tried x jetting with an extension pole with a mix of two gallons of 8.25, one gallon of Power House Wash from Sunbrite and two gallons of water with no reducer in the tip. It removed very little. I then attempted to climb a ladder right under the eaves with brushes if varying stiffness and was not able to get enough off to make a difference. Not being able to really put some pressure on the brush being so high does not help. I am looking for any ideas of what to do. I am looking at giving the client some options including renting a boom lift to get up under to get closer with the washer, renting a hot water unit that might help remove the webs better. Also wanted to see if anyone else had any ideas for a solution that may be better to deal with the webs. I appreciate any insight. Joel
  8. Pump just shudders

    Thanks guys. Ran to home depot and found some stuff to plug the hole from the thermal valve and finish running the unloader to my tank. Works like a charm. Thanks for all the advice.
  9. Pump just shudders

    I guess I was looking at this all wrong then. I thought I had to plumb to different lines for the unloader. One into the unloader and one out of it to keep the loop flowing and the pump cool internally.
  10. Pump just shudders

    Thanks guys got the plug installed. on a different note I do not yet have the unloader plumbed into my tank yet and wondered how you any about doing that. More specifically I found parts.that I could easily do it but run into the issue of reaching the bottom of the tank inside to install. Am I making this harder than it needs to be?
  11. Pump just shudders

    Thank you Russ. You think that is causing the issue?
  12. I just recently bought a new Pressure Pro 5.5 GPM skid machine that I mounted on my trailer and hooked up to a buffer tank. The other day for the first time I used it with a wand to clean a fence and it ran perfectly. Well today I tried running it with a surface cleaner and it will no pressure up and just pulses. Tried the wand and it does the same thing. I noticed there is a small valve on the side of the belt that is leaking some water. Any ideas? So far the only thing I have been able to come up with is a possible spring in a valve, Maybe? When I first started it today the water was switch off for 4-5 seconds and then was turned on when I noticed no water was flowing. Could that length of time damaged the pump? Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is a new machine and a bit more sophisticated than the 4gpm direct drive I was using before.
  13. Just wanted to say thank you for the peace of mind regarding starting the new washer up. Did as you said took about 8 seconds and then water was a-flowing. Holy Crap what a difference between 4 GPM and 5.5 GPM! Granted it's a new machine and the old isn't pushing exactly as it used to but wow. Thanks again.
  14. Yes that is correct, water is running to the pump. And yes it is belt driven. I am not sure if I was completely clear but I did not start the washer yet as I have always been able to bleed the air from the system in my old washer from just the water pressure alone before starting the pressure washer. So just to sure when you say "let it run" you are referring to the pressure washer and not the water, correct?
  15. I just recently bought a new Pressure Pro 5.5 GPM skid machine that I am mounting on my trailer and hooking up to a buffer tank. I am using a 3/4" crush resistant hose straight from the tank. After hooking everything up for the maiden run I pulled the trigger to bleed the air from the system before lighting her up and... nothing. I know there is water flowing to the pressure washer. Up until now all of my experience has been with a 4 GPM machine that I have been able to run straight from the spigot. Am I doing something wrong or will a machine that is fed from a tank not bleed the air from the hose simply from the pressure coming from the water level in the tank? I was a little concerned and did not want to burn up a new machine. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.