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Posts posted by Ryan556

  1. Beth, I'm sorry but I blocked or deleted the posts. I don't know how to look it back up. You're right, you didn't post anything offensive, and you are not responsible for what others post. That is not what I was saying.


    Maybe it's because I don't really know how to use the application yet, but I know I don't want non business related material, especially people's personal opinions on news headlines and politics and things of that nature, popping up on someone's feed because they follow my business account.

  2. Beth, I'm sorry but I blocked or deleted the posts. I don't know how to look it back up. You're right, you didn't post anything offensive, and you are not responsible for what others post. That is not what I was saying.


    Maybe it's because I don't really know how to use the application yet, but I know I don't want non business related material, especially people's personal opinions on news headlines and politics and things of that nature, popping up on someone's feed because they follow my business account.

  3. I personally do not have a twitter or Facebook account. I believe that our civilization is becoming a "look at me" culture. I am actually a private person and I don't think people need to know what I am doing every five minutes. Also, I believe that you are no better than the company that you keep...which brings me to my point.


    I started a twitter account yesterday for my business, because it is an unfortunate necessity for SEO these days. Yesterday I started following @seedirtrun...Beth and Rods account. They haven't posted anything that I disagreed with, but after one day, I stopped following them...because of the updates from people they follow. These people have made posts that were offensive or vulgar.


    They aren't the only ones either. Michael Kreisle is a respectable business man in this industry and I got an update from a nudist activist that he follows...makes me wonder about his interests as well.


    The message here, is that, in your personal life you are free to do want you want. I'm cool with that. But if your business is connected to questionable people, you become questionable at that point.


    I try to make sure that my personal beliefs and interests are completely separate from my business. I have stopped shopping places because of what their ownership say publicly. I know that there are plenty others like me.


    Watch what you do online...and watch who you associate with. 

  4. Yep, I get drunk on Christmas eve too! Nothin beats a bottle of Jameson and a TBS marathon of A Christmas story.


    I'm 9 shots in right now. Kids are in bed, wife is taking a bubble bath and I'm enjoying my tradition. Tomorrow is pajamas and bacon wrapped BBQ pulled pork!


    Life is grand.

  5. I was able to locate propylene glycol at my local chem supplier. That stuff is not cheap! I was given a price of 1.43 per pound for a 55 gallon drum and 2.88 per pound for a 5 gallon pale. They didnt have butyl though. I may have to order that one online.


    Sorry I haven't been able to post pics yet. I live in the middle of nowhere and have horrible internet service. I've been too busy when at the office to upload pics. I should be able to this weekend. The job is on hold due to the severe weather.

  6. Ok, I have been using F-18 since I started. I ran out on a job yesterday and went to my local chem supplier and bought a 50lb bag of caustic soda mini pearls (beads). I thought that was all I would need, but after reading through threads, it looks like that is only half or a third of the mix. Most of what I strip is oil based, but I am on a house right now that is covered in a cheap, failing acrylic. It is coming off ok with 12oz of f-18 per gallon of water. Its just a nasty gooey mess.


    Can someone who makes their own mixes please help me out with what else needs to go into it. I ordered another 20 lbs of f-18 today, but I really want to get into making this stuff on my own. F-18 works great for me, but if I am able to just hit the chem supplier near me and make a 100lb batch, it would suit me better.


    I undertand that there will be different mixes for different jobs, but I am looking for a basic recipe that I can add to if needed. If you would rather discuss this in PM, Im good with that too. You can also call me at 540-319-0441. Thanks.


  7. Wow they stick ya'll for all these $$ fees just to stain a deck?


    I can only see it good to weed out the hacks?

    Im saving so much money now that we escaped the people's communist Republic of NY, that I don't mind paying for a license. Just another selling point for me anyway.


    I'm sure it also helps weed out SOME hacks as well.

  8. I'm not concerned with the cost of plane tix. Its only a 6 hour drive from the new house. Between getting ready, driving and flying, its about the same...I just don't have to get assaulted by the TSA!


    It will just be me attending this one. My wife will be home with the kiddos. We are going to Costa Rica in September...that's this years vacation. We were going to go to Fiji, but flight time really cuts into the vacation time.
