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Everything posted by Ryan556

  1. Be careful who you hire!

    High pressure on composite decking...
  2. Be careful who you hire!

    Here are a few pics that I have taken of "how not to do it". Pressure washer used on asphalt shingles..
  3. Have a look at my website...

    Indeed....Indeed. You know you are on the edge of your seat...
  4. Water based puts what I like to call a "thin candy shell" on the surface. It looks great at first, but ultimately starts to scratch, chip and peel away from the surface; normally requiring a strip (which is difficult with acrylics) and restain. Since it doesn't really penetrate, it also doesn't give the wood fibers the moisture it needs, which leads to splitting, cracking and warping. On the other hand, a true oil based stain (I prefer A/C brand) pentrates deep into the surface, bonding with the fibers of the wood. This prevents that scratching, chipping and peeling. The oil also conditions the wood, keeping that needed moisture there to avoid splitting and cracking. It can even help seal up cracks that have already happened due to lack of moisture. And when it comes time to re-stain it, it just requires a simple wash before staining (providing you are applying the same color stain...and obviously those two steps aren't done same day).
  5. Boosting F-18

    I'm about to be a POG. Just had a re-evail for TDRL and all went well. Should get my letter in a couple months and then I will be joining the Guard when I get to Virginia. The wife said yes to going back in, but no to going back to the Infantry....We'll see...No more active duty (not counting deployments) for this guy either. I did a few years in the Guard in the beginning of my career (99-02). It was boring....boring is good I guess. Anyhow, sorry for hijacking the thread...back on topic, everyone...NOW!
  6. Boosting F-18

    Hey chief, nice to meet you. 11 years Army Infantry here. I have to assume he means solid acrylic stain. I learned here last season to boost with a butyl based degreaser. Luckily, I found a local guy that make a mean mean degreaser. Be careful though, the boosted stripping agent will fur certain wood and will burn you easily if it contacts your skin.
  7. Be careful who you hire!

    Oh, boy. I have a ton of these pics. let's see what I can dig up. Consumers should also be aware that most licensed, reputable companies will have an additional fee to "fix" another persons previous attempts.
  8. ^^^this. I agree, Rod. It seems like the orgs are always "at war" with each other. It seems kind of dumb to me. I came to this site due to the lack of name calling, bashing and all around "internet tough guy" knowitall crap that exists on a few other forums.
  9. Joke time!

    Being an Army Infantryman, this has been one of my favorite military jokes...don't get too butthurt, Marines. (oh, and both my brothers are Marines) A marine recon platoon was on patrol when the lt. noticed a lone special forces soldier standing on a hill top in their area. The lt. told two of his men to go take out that man. They promptly ran as fast as they could toward the sf soldier. Just before they got to the top, the sf soldier ran over the other side of the hill. The two marines followed. For the next few miniutes there were bloody screams and dust flying in the air. Then as quick as it had started, it stopped and the sf soldier came up on the hill top. He brushed off his bdu's, straightened his beret, crossed his arms and stood there looking at the marines. The lt., pissed, called for a squad to go get that sf soldier. They promptly ran as fast as they could toward the sf soldier. Just before they got to the top, the sf soldier ran over the other side of the hill. The marine squad followed. For the next few miniutes there were bloody screams and dust flying in the air. Then as quick as it had started, it stopped and the sf soldier came up on the hill top. He brushed off his bdu's, straightened his beret, crossed his arms and stood there looking at the marines. The lt. was really hot now. He ordered the rest of his platoon to attack the sf soldier. Determined that the recon was far superior to the one sf soldier they had blood in their eyes as they ran up the hill.Just before they got to the top, the sf soldier ran over the other side of the hill. The marine's followed. For many minutes there were bloody screams and dust flying in the air. It continued and continued. Finally there was one lone marine crawling back to the lt., all bloody and beat about the head and shoulders. His bdu's were torn, cuts were all over his body. The lt. asked for a sit.rep. The lone marine, bloody and beaten replied in a forceful and fearful voice "Sir, run, its a trick. There are TWO of them!!"
  10. Today I start back at the gym-- How about you?

    I feel ya, bud. I used to be pretty cut. I was level 3 combatives certified and a level 1 trainer in the Army. I used to run in the (A) group and could easily do 10 miles before I started to get tired..and this was in Colorado where Oxygen doesn't exist! Then I was injured. I was ran over stateside. Right after getting back from Iraq. Some punk kid trying to leave the scene of a crime decided I was in his way. It chipped my Femur, broke my ankle, tore up my knee, displaced two disks in my back, gave me concusion, bruised ribs...etc etc. It took 6 months of physical therapy to be able to walk on my own. The Army put me on 18 different medications including 2 types of Morphine (MS IR and MS Contin) and percosets...yes...at the same time. It took a long time to kick those addictions on my own. Spent all that time basically living on my couch. My muscle mass quickly started to melt away and then I started gaining fat. Shortly after I got out of the Army, the VA put me on a blood pressure medicine..to help with nightmares..I don't have a blood pressure problem. Well, one night shortly after I started the meds, I woke up and went to go downstairs. My BP was messed up. I got dizzy and fell down the stairs rebreaking my ankle. Well, I'm almost healed up. Just got through my last surgery and am on my way back to being healthy. I have been working on cardio and as soon as I get the all clear from the doc and PT to run...run I shall. I miss it so bad. My goal is to cut 20 LBS and then build back 10-15 in muscle. I have already signed up for the Tough Mudder challenge in Andover, NY in July. You Should sign up. It's going to be great! Good luck to you. I hope you can stick with it. Don't over do it. Start slow and build on that.
  11. Complaint? Huh? I'm not complaining. I'm just lost....wait...you're talking about different types of websites? I think I might understand now. The GP site looks like a digital bulletin board. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..I feel like an idiot. I'm going to start talking about the purpose of different types of reactors in the marine aquatics hobby...or tactics and effective loadouts for a Tech Ice DPS Hero in the DCUO MMORPG....just so you too, can get lost in a sea of terms you don't understand. Hahaha So now what is an org? Like PWNA?...if so, you're trying to figure out which one is better for contractor networking?
  12. The subject of the thread. BB vs ORG. I feel like a monkey screwing a football trying to figure out what everyone is talking about.
  13. Can someone please explain to me what the heck you guys are talking about?
  14. Hello all!

    Hey everybody. Been a ghost lately. I've been healing. I had surgery and have been out of commision for a while. Winter is taking too long and I can't wait to get back to work in the spring. Right now, I am looking for a new truck. We are switching over to the trugreen truck with the fiberglass body on it. I am hopeing that will have enough room inside of it for all of the equipment. Worst case scenario, we take off the chemical body and replace it with a flatbed. Hunting season was horrible. I didn't get one deer. I was learning how to bow hunt on the ground and made a lot of mistakes that cost me kills. So the freezers are light this year. W are going to end up having to buy a cow for the year. Now that I've had my surgery, I am nearing the point where I can start running again (mid to late February). Looking forward to working out again. I am going to be running in the Tough Mudder Challenge in late July, so I have some work to do! I hope everyone has been well. I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. I hope everyone sees amazing profits this year!!! Jake, I owe you some pics.
  15. Hello all!

    Thanks guys! I am healing well. Yesterday was the first day that I could walk without a limp. I went to physical therapy today and my therapist is very impressed. She said I am weeks ahead of schedule. On to a better subject. So....I actually did some WORK today. I drove around scouting. I got names and numbers for some commercial jobs (I will start another thread about that) and I sought out homes that have cedar siding in need of maintenance. After that house last season...I have a severe hunger for those jobs. I found 5 properties...one being a country club, that need it. I want to go back to work soooo bad.
  16. As far as gutter whitening, I would like to see product comparisons. Gutter Grenade, Gutter zap, super clean..etc etc. Maybe in different temps too. With clean outs, I would like to see how people are doing the job. I use the old fashioned bucket and rubber glove method. Then I run a hose down the downspouts. Works every time. I've heard of people using vacuum systems on them. I would like to see the effectiveness of that.
  17. Who here hunts. What do you go after? What are you hunting with this year? Post pics of your trophies! I will be missing gun season for deer this year. I get a new ankle 5 days before the season starts. Not even allowed to have gravity weight on it for 2 1/2 months. That's also the reason I am not plowing this year. I will be bow hunting. Just got a new bow this year. 2013 Elite hunter. Using a Truglo carbon XS sight. Regular old whisker biscuit. will be upgrading to a drop away rest. 2 Inch grouping at 40 yds. I WILL post pics tomorrow.
  18. Official TGS 2013 Fall Hunting thread.

    OOOOHHHHHH BOY!!!! Spent 2 hours at the range tonight. I just finished packing everything up. I leave in 4 1/2 hours!!!!!! OPENING DAY!
  19. Song playing on your...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VbQnxzgmS8 Woke up with this one in my head today.
  20. I spent 4 days in the Colorado Rockies on a survival expedition with an Army buddy. We are taking baby steps to build up to a 1 month expedition to Alaska. Next we are doing 2 weeks in Montana, next spring. We had a great time. The weather was great. The hardest part was keeping up with the fire. Lots of wet stuff up there right now. We spent a LOT of time gathering firewood. We dined on fine cuisine....squirrels, grass hoppers, grubs, and I kinda saved the day on saturday by shooting a grouse! I am still beat. I feel like I could sleep for 2 days. On my flight back, I had a layover in NYC...what a different world. Pics of the city from the plane is as close as I ever want to get to that place!
  21. Official TGS 2013 Fall Hunting thread.

    Six more days until opening of bow season!!! Can't wait..I got the itch!
  22. Official TGS 2013 Fall Hunting thread.

    ^^^ Nice! My 3 year old princess wants to hunt so bad! I know she doesn't understand it though. She was so disappointed the other day when I brought home a camo had for my youngest son. She asked to come to the "deer store" with me so she could get a pink deer hat. I bought her one the next day...I am such a sucker for that tiny little blond haired blue eyed princess.
  23. Official TGS 2013 Fall Hunting thread.

    I like frying farm raised turkey. Wild turkey gets roasted. I shot two turkeys in my back yard last fall...while in my pajama pants. Great morning.
  24. Official TGS 2013 Fall Hunting thread.

    Oh...I forgot..I said pictures... 1st pic is from 30 yds. 2nd pic is at 45 yds. 3rd pic is opening day of gun season last year. My buddy's garage.
  25. Official TGS 2013 Fall Hunting thread.

    Wow Rick, a 300 yd run is a long run! I chuckled when you said "People do not act like this in suburbia."...There is no way I could live in suburbia. You should try actually going to deer camp once. Deer camp is a special time for a man. You get to be a MAN. Throw beer cans at your buddies. Burp, Fart, cook meat over fire and drink more beer. Then wake up at 0430 to head out to your stand. Bow hunting is different. Bow hunting is actually very cool. I prefer to spot and stalk hunt while bow hunting. During bow season, the deer aren't spooked from all the gun fire. If you know what you are doing, you can walk right up on them. After work yesterday, I was stalking a herd on my fresh grounds. This property hasn't been hunted in over 10 years. I got within 10 yds of 2 yearlings before they snorted away. I watched as the herd of about 8 ran across the open field to the wood line. I paused for a moment to watch them and then continued on. Just as I started to walk. They ran out of the woodline and back across the field. The same 8 or so deer. One buck in the mix was a big 6/small 8...too far to tell. THEN... Then the real buck showed himself. He was at the rear of the herd. He trotted out into the open field and stopped. Looked directly at my buddy and I and stomped. He knew we were there and he knew we were watching him. What a show he put on. He stood there stomping the ground and grunting and snorting. Challenging us. He was easily the biggest buck I have ever seen with my own eyes..not on tv. He stood there for a good 2-3 minutes before taking off after his herd. It was amazing. I told the property owner and he said that I could take it if I can. I told him that I will let him take it. I am after freezer meat. Bucks that big and old arent good for much else than burger. Pretty cool though. Kristopher, that is the perfect age to take a kid fishing. 4-5 is the time to turn them on to outdoor sports. Not only is it fun, it is also a skill that may save his life one day. My youngest son loves catching bass. He is 7. He is also shooting a .22 now. He started with a pellet on his 6th B-day. He loves the .22 because it actually makes noise. Now he wants a bow...