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Everything posted by Ryan556

  1. Official TGS 2013 Fall Hunting thread.

    We grow a ton of food as well. All of our veggies, apples, pears, herbs etc...etc... I have a clausen copycat recipe that I love for fresh pack pickles. Never fished for striped bass. Fishing is one more reason I can't wait to move south. Take the boy fishing! Take him to a spot with a ton of bluegill/sunfish. He will catch 20 and you can't make a kid happier. If you take him somewhere that he has to wait for fish...he wil probably get bored.
  2. Jake, I have a video but not a single photo. I will try to get one tomorrow.
  3. Armstrong clark stain was the talk of my little town last weekend. I did a freebee job for a restaurant that hired my company for the Exterior wash, and deck restoration on a hundred year old building. The freebee was the water wheel out front. It was original with the building. I was told that it was redwood. We used oxford brown (customer insisted). It was perfect. Popped in front of the entire building. Lots of people stopped to take pictures of it running. Felt pretty cool.
  4. Where were you when the 9-11 attacks happened?

    Not in my opinion. The heros were there that day and the days that followed. They were the first responders that stayed awake for days. Searching through chaos, only to uncover horror and tragedy. Those that packed their cars and drove hundreds of miles just to give blood or serve water to people they had never met before. The people in every state that put together food, clothing and needed supply drives in their local towns. The people who ran in when everyone was trying to run out. I just got to go hang out with my brothers and kick doors in. It was mostly boring.
  5. Where were you when the 9-11 attacks happened?

    I was living in a crappy little apartment on Franklin street in Fort wayne, Indiana. My girlfriend and I had just gotten up and flipped on the morning news. We watched as they went to a breaking story out of NYC, where a plane had "accidently" crashed into one of the WTC towers. I remember talking to her about how hard it would be to accidently hit one of those, as you can see them for miles in the air on a clear day. Then the second plane hit. I stood up and grabbed my phone. My girlfriend could see in my face that something was wrong. She started asking why I was so concerned. I replied "this is the beginning of WW3. This isn't an accident, we are under attack. We will not see peace again for a long time." I just knew in my gut. I finished dialing and reached my Plt. Sgt. I said "hey Sgt., are you watching the news?" He said no. I told him to turn it on. He watched for a few minutes and told me to grab my gear and get to the armory. We all sat on standby, waiting for the orders, but they didn't come. My unit deployed to Iraq in 03, but I had since gotten out. I was a single father with custody of two kids. After I got married, I re-enlisted active duty. I did my time in Kirkuk and Mosul, Iraq. I loved my job. An injury put me out. Got ran over and messed me up pretty bad. I would go back over there in a heartbeat, because those people HATE us and they will not stop until they have won or been wiped out. I AM THE INFANTRY! FOLLOW ME! 11B, SGT. 1-67 CAB 2 BCT, 4 ID WARHORSE!
  6. Excuse me for being dense, but are you refering to cleaning gutters out, or cleaning the gutter's exterior?
  7. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Thanks, Beth! You guys are going to be great to talk to, I'm sure. I would love to learn more about log home resto. Maybe a labor for learning some day...
  8. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Thanks Shane. Hey, that cedar shingle house I talked to you about earlier this season...The owner sold it before I could get the job. I was kinda bummed. Well, the new owner called me because the previous owner recommended me for snow plowing and I sold the job. Starting it tomorrow. I bumped the price up too...10K!
  9. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Hello. Im Ryan. Some of the people here know me. Glad I can finally post. I registered a while ago, but was still unable to log in. I am in Western NY. about 30 mins south of Buffalo. Not a New Yorker though...moved here for my wife. Moving to Virginia (to stay) in a couple years. We made the complete change over to a wash company this year. We started as a general property maintanance company. Made a lot of sense to make the switch. If my signature doesn't work, I will try to fix it. Thanks.