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Deck Guy

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Everything posted by Deck Guy

  1. What will happen to iraq?

    The number given more frequently is around 600,000 during his 24 years in power, but that includes casualties during the Iraq-Iran war, which accounts for about 500,000 of the total. Your statement would have us believe that this number represented the evil doings of death squads and such. As of now, there have been approximately 50,000 Iraqi civilian casualties in this war (since March 2003).
  2. Favorite Arcade Game?

    Golden Tee Golf! To lower your scores, just keep feeding it money and they will drop eventually!
  3. What will happen to iraq?

    Over 100 Iraqi's die every day plus whatever American casualties. Somehow I don't think the Iraqi kids who are losing their mothers and fathers are going to be waving our flag ever. We are creating greater anti-American sentiment the longer we stay. At least we can be guaranteed to have someone to fight against for a couple generations if we choose to stay. I'd like to see a way out, but it will turn into a bloodbath wether we do it sooner or later.
  4. Boris???

    James, you mean Boris Badenov and his hot wife, Natasha, former Ms. Transylvania??
  5. how to handle non-paying customer

    Does your contract specify any late fee charges??
  6. A midwest roundtable

    Jarrod! Coming to Redbird Country! Yea!!!
  7. A midwest roundtable

    I'm in!
  8. Mortgage pay down

    I agree here. A very simple way to knock years off an existing mortgage. Do this and add $150 to every payment (instead of the $300 monthly), and you will be home free in no time!
  9. Surface Cleaner

    I can't imagine you could run that surface cleaner efficiently regardless of tip size. I'm guessing a 19" Whisper Wash or comparable size is about the max for that machine.
  10. Vote

    Ryan, I'm glad to hear someone else here has concerns about The Patriot Act. I was beginning to think I was the only one concerned with my civil liberties.
  11. Vote

    There are currently something like 20 states that have a minimum wage higher than the fedreal requirement, not including the ones that passed it on this election (which includes mine). That being the case, the increase they are considering would have no effect either here or across the river in Illinois. It would be interesting to see an economic comparison between them and those that pay $5.15. I bet there isn't a great difference.
  12. Looks like quite a find!
  13. Vote

    I'm thinking they lost because most people are moderates, and they have gone off the deep end. For that matter, I'd like to see both parties get more towards the middle and out of the radical left and right. If Rumsfeld would have resigned last week, I bet things would have gone differently too.
  14. Vote

    Jarrod, Why four years? Senators serve for six, congressmen for two. Pres election in two years. So your theory is that people that would have voted Republican, voted Democrat (liberal) because the Republicans weren't conservative enough? I don't see how that would be a logical decision.
  15. Haggard

    The hypocrisy of it is what bothers me most about it, yet I found myself defending this man (somewhat) to my mother-in -law last night at dinner. Undoubtably, he made a positive impact on the spirituality of many people during his time in the pulpit, and that is a good thing. We are all sinners, so maybe he just needed to be reminded, and humbled a bit in order to realize his own real spiritual potential...Hopefully he can be forgiven by those who placed their trust in him. He may be back someday, and with a greater understanding of the human condition. I'm certain that particular verses in the Bible have taken on new meaning following recent events in his life. ...And I'm not a particularly religious guy.
  16. Vote

    The pendulum may swing, but it never swings very far.
  17. P-Diddy the new James Bond?

    To me, Bond is a suave and debonair guy from the 60's with narrow lapels, thin tie, and a British accent. It's hard for me swallow most of the actors who have played the role inthe last 20 years. I have to agree that some roles just don't make sense when the race of the actor is changed. The example above of "Shaft" (Richard Roundtree?) is a great one. That's not to say you couldn't create a white character similar to him, but something would be lost in the translation, since black culture at the time played a part in who that character was. The theme song (Isaac Hayes) definitely reflected that as well. I can't imagine that movie with Burt Reynolds as the lead, and a theme song by Crosby, Stills, and Nash. Romeo and Juliet is a story which has been told a million times, but when they change the setting and characters, they also re-name the story. Ever heard of West Side Story??
  18. Vote

    They must do the mailings by zip code. I never even recieved one, and you got one every day?
  19. Saddam will hang

    Many soldiers now survive grevious wounds which would have killed them in previous wars. We must remember to consider that there will be many young men returning from this war alive, but with devastating injuries. It takes on a different perspective than previous wars in this context.
  20. US war combat death through time

    So, the only question left is, how many deaths seem like a reasonable number for this cause, Scott? Here's an intersting quote in the vein of your post: Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country. It works the same in every country. - Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall at the Nuremberg trials Scary! Huh?
  21. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Mike, just so you don't feel you got shafted, nobody gets any real guarantees when entering the service. There is a part of every enlistment contract which states "The needs of the Military come first." I wasn't "guaranteed" my specialty either, and even after aptitude tests that eliminated 80% of people who thought they wanted to be controllers, another 50% didn't make it through school, and ended up in all sorts of specialties. Many technical specialties had similar failure rates. Bottom line is that even if you would have gotten the "gaurantee" it isn't one, and you still would have had to complete the program. I'm not sure what you meant about libertarians and my poke at the Chickenhawks in the White House, but I was really just yanking your chain at their expense. I kid my friends here in much the same way. Don't take anything I say personally.
  22. P-Diddy the new James Bond?

    ...and he cheated on his wife. How ugly did she have to be to have a blind guy cheat on her??? "Honey...you just FEEL ugly!" ...as heard on some morning talk show.
  23. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Me too (Air Force)! My father served in the 1st Air Cav in Vietnam. Bronze Star with Valor (when they were harder to come by), two Air Medals (over 100 combat missions), and many more commendations. My hero!
  24. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Neither were George Bush or **** Cheney during the Vietnam war! It's good to see staunch conservatives like yourself toeing the party line!
  25. Would yall do this?

    Unbelievable pricing. I bid on one of his auctions today.