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Deck Guy

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Posts posted by Deck Guy

  1. As a side note:

    The Gollop Poll does not represent a world survey; the US does not represent the way the entire world thinks. Majority of Gallop polls quiry much less than 10% of the population and project the rest. In reality the percentage is normally very low (at times much less than 1% of the population) for the US. The polls are hardly considered scientific based on how the questions are asked, and the fact that they can be rather squewed in any direction (intended or not).

    Paul, you make the mistake that many people make assuming that a scientific poll is about asking a few people what they think, then publishing the results. Scientific polling takes into account the education, background, ethnicities, education, etc. of those polled, then extrapolates the number to assume they represent a certain portion of the population.

    Persons who are polled are given lengthy questionaires regarding all manner of the above items. Then they are questioned or polled regarding a specific item.

    For example...If the pollsters knew you were born to a protestant family in a large city, with two older siblings, and a blue collar father and a stay-at-home mother. And they knew your favorite color was blue, and that you strongly dislike midgets, and that you have two years of college studying art history. They also know that you plan on getting married and having two children, but no pets, since you are allergic to cats...and on and on. The pollsters can now group you with a certain percentage of population.

    When they ask you if, for example, if you support gay marriage, they assume that similar people with similar interests, similar educations, similar family backgrounds etc, will feel the same way. Not only that, but they will poll a certain number of people in your group to see how many of these agree with you.

    Let's say they poll a total of only four thousand people. Knowing that your group represents 3% of the population, but that only 2/3 of those in your group agree with you, they can say with reasonable scientific certainty that if they polled all people in your group (with your background) that 2/3 of them would feel the same as you. Now, knowing what precentage of the population your group represents (lets say for arguments sake, 1.0125%), they then can assume that 2/3 of that precentage or .67 of the population feels as you do. That's how they arrive at their numbers.

    Many (if not most) people have a complete misunderstanding of scientific polling, assuming that people are simply called and asked their opinions, and the responses are then multiplied as representative samples of the population, when in fact, polling is quite different, as well as accurrate. It's quite a science in itself.

  2. Larry

    I'm curious how long that Deckscapes last over top the old sealer. I realize you didn't promise your customer anything and you gave them what they wanted. This is just why I don't like doing jobs like this, because if it fails in a year then who are they going to call? Then you have a real mess to strip.

    I can't say how long it will last done this way, but I can say I have a deck I did 4 years ago where it's still going strong, and was applied after a combination of sanding and stripping latex paint, where I got only maybe 80% off before staining (before I knew how to pass on jobs like that).

    This latest job wasn't applied over a sealer as you said, it was applied over a solid stain...there is a difference. According to the guys at SW, latex over oil is OK, oil over latex is another story. I also don't generally let the customer talk me into anything that will be a problem down the road, but there was no confusion on his part as to my warranty or lack therof. Not to mention, it looks pretty good, and I expect it to last. I hope he does call me if he has problems. Pro Golfer, Great guy, no BS, quick pay...what's not to like.

  3. Don,

    I wasn't worried about the difficulty of changing tips, so much as just having to do it, then undo it regularly. I tried Pressure Tec's F-18 this year with good results, but I think both have their place, one being liquid and the other a powder. I expect it'll be a 50/50 deal next summer.


    I do each board full length with a 4010 tip, rather than sweeping the wand. Don't you get uneven areas at the end of the arc?

  4. Well, there are always alternate ways of doing things here so...

    1. You need to know what type stain is on the deck. Ask the homeowners if they have an old can of it laying around, because...

    2. You won't necessarily need to strip the deck if you can be certain that what you plan to use is compatible with what's already on there. Of course, it would be best to get the exact same stuff if possible.

    With a solid stain, I have had good success cleaning, then spot sanding and applying new stain. I did one this year that had a portion undercover, and a portion exposed to the elements. He wanted just the fading and chipping area recoated. I was reluctant to try it this way, but the homeowner said not to worry how it would turn out, and he understood that I was just following his instructions. The stain he had used was discontinued, so I had my SW store custom mix some to match. In the end, the new stain had a bit more sheen or gloss, but the color was a perfect match. I cleaned the entire deck first with bleach and detergent, sanded the area to be stained to knock off any loose coating, and rolled a fresh coat on.

  5. Well...I just bought a used 16" Whisper Wash and was wondering if anyone here had used one for wood restoration. My plan was to use it to upsell concrete and flatwork, but I have a big strip job tomorrow and it would save me lots of time if it would work without damaging the wood. I could practice on their sidewalk in back of the house before getting on the deck. Any suggestions or input would be appreciated.

  6. I hate to say this, ...but if you want to over simplify it: Which has a potential for greater loss - believing or NOT believing (in GOD)?

    Is choosing or deciding to believe the same as true belief?

    If you have to say this to yourself, you have made an intellectual decision, not one of the heart. Can a four year old decide not to be afraid of the dark, or do they have to believe that there is nothing there to harm them?

  7. you seem to be dabbling in demonic activity. I could be totally not getting what you are saying and I'm sorry if I am, but if you're into the whole meditation, new age, hindu , yoga kinda stuff...

    Mike...as I understand it, Christianity's objection to meditation is that it is about not looking outside yourself, rather than prayer to God. Is that correct?

    Meditation is not prayer in any way, and one does not need to be a Buddhist to know the benefits of meditation..sitting queitly and clearing your mind from the everyday conflicts and stresses. Is it that this time could be better spent in prayer?

  8. I can't really buy the argument that since science doesn't explain things to your satisfaction, God must have had a hand in them.

    For thousands of years, man didn't know why the sun rose in the east and set in the west. Scientists did eventually come up with a pretty solid explanation for that one though, didn't they? Where would we be now if we didn't look to explain our world through use of the scientific method? Living in caves I presume. We can't always assume that because something is beyond our understanding, that it is divine.

  9. Its been a rough couple of days here... the fifth anniversary of the death of my father-in law on 9/8. You can guess what 9/11 was like with those two things together.

    He accepted me as his own son, and I loved him as my own father. I can certainly see how stronger faith can help through difficult times. That being said, I always have felt it was my job to be strong for my wife and son when this time comes around.

  10. I actually read this thread from beginning to end today, and have to say I am impressed with the knowledge of all who entered into this debate. I tend to support science over religion as far as this debate goes, but...

    As for me...I'm still searching. Faith isn't something I can force myself into, because wanting to believe isn't the same as believing. Why do I have all these questions while others are so certain? Members of my own family are very dissapointed in me for admitting that I am unclear as to my faith. Undoubtably, I have had issues with organized religion for some time.

  11. Okay, back to the original thread, I finished the deck, but when I took the plastic off the brick house, some readyseal had gotten on the brick. I spoke to Pierce with ReadySeal and he said to use Fast Orange hand cleaner, so I am going to try that tomorrow or the next day, but if that doesn't work, does anyone have any other ideas that I may be able to try out?


    Next time, try just leaning large pieces of cardboard against the house when you're spraying in a particular area. I use cut up refridgerator boxes which give me roughly 2 1/2 x 6 foot pieces. Do a board or two near the house by hand.

  12. I agree with Phillip. Most municipal water systems should have no trouble keeping up. If you live in St. Louis and work around there (with municipal water supply), try this...measure the flow at your work place using your watch and a five gallon bucket. If it overflows in one minute, you've got sufficient flow. If not, use your old machine for this once-in-a-blue-moon scenario.

  13. I see what you're saying Jeff, but much of the hatred directed at us from the Arab countries is based on our support of Israel. Perhaps if we had kept our nose out of that never-ending conflict, we wouldn't be threatened by those opposing Israel.

    On the Bagel issue...there used to be a guy with a stand (like a hot dog cart) that roamed the streets near the Southern Illinois University campus bar area late at night. He'd toast bagels on a small Weber-type grill built into the stand, and top them with anything you could imagine. My favorite was just cream cheese and sunflower seeds. It tasted great after a few pitchers of beer!
