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Posts posted by CoastalHydro

  1. All in fun......

    I think therefore I'm Conservative

    John Kerry: He's Forgainst Everything

    John FF. Kerry: Because you need two F's to spell Flip Flop

    I Believe that Everyone should have a Job EXCEPT Kerry, Clinton, and Kennedy

    Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Liberals threatening them

    "We must not look to Government to solve our problems. Government IS the problem" Pres. Ronald Reagan

    Work Harder: Millions of people on welfare are counting on you.

    "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for people to restrain the government." - Patrick Henry

  2. Ok, I know this is an old thread but I'm reading all I can so i can get the knowledge and hopefully add this onto my business model in the near future. There was a question that surfaced a few times in this thread that I coudn't find where it was answered. When you throw out a $ per sqft, does that include the cost of materials (stain, stripper, etc) or are those costs added onto the estimate at the end?


  3. $108k? I haven't had any experience with SparkleWash but I did see one of their trucks the other day. I was leaving a job and saw the truck parked at a house. It looked like it hadn't moved in a long time. It was a big bread van type truck that looked well over 15 years old.

  4. Celeste,

    I would love to come to the Roundtable, however that is the day of my Daughter's 2nd BDay party and I don't think my wife would understand. :) I've tried to work my schedule in order to make it to a roundtable for the past year but everytime something comes up that takes priority.


    Coming to Maryland is an option, although not in the near future. I'm planning on taking the family up there probably in the summer to see some extended family in the area. How far are you from Davidsonville and Severna Park?


    I may take you up on that offer. Where exactly is Buford?

  5. I have had a few customers over the past month ask if I do wood restoration. I explained to them that at the present time I do not but will be adding that to my business in the near future. I am planning on adding that service this year and when I do will be sending out flyers to past customers to let them know.

    I do not want to just jump out there and start cleaning and staining decks without the proper knowledge of what I'm doing. That being said, here is my question:

    What is the best way to get training when it comes to wood restoration? Are there training seminars or classes that are offered? I'm not opposed to offering free labor in return for on the job training. If anyone is willing to take me up on that offer, I'm in the Savannah, GA area and don't mind driving an hour or two.

  6. I found out today that the engine on my machine is only 12.5 HP. What kind of compromise are we talking if I use that pump on my machine. This may be a stupid question but since I dont know that much about the relationships between engines and pumps Ill ask anyway. The pdf you sent me to lists the rpm for all of the pumps at 1450 RPM. What difference does the engine size make since you can vary the size of the pully to obtain the required pump RPM?

    Like I said, its probably a stupid question.

  7. It is definatly leaking. When I cranked her up it was shooting a nice stream of water out of that crack. I immediatly shut it down.

    My mechanic said he has a used head that they are going to put on today. They are also going to install a blow back? valve so I can put air to it and blow the water out of the lines and the pump to keep this from happening again.

  8. Especially in Georgia where it can be 70 degrees one weekend and 20 the next. Let me just start out by saying that this is completely my fault for not checking the weather.

    I had a job Sunday afternoon (or was supposed to) so Saturday night I went to make sure my machine was operating properly so I didn't have any surprises when I got to the job. The night before the temperature dropped tremendously and I DIDN'T WINTERIZE MY MACHINE. I probably don't have to tell you any more as you can see in the photo. I'm not sure at this point how much damage was done to the pump


  9. I have a PM that would like me to clean the exterior of some apartments. All of the buildings are precast and the mildew is very minimal. Basically the bad spots are the eaves and gutters. The problem is that the parts of the precast that do need cleaning have black splotches with black lines running down from where kids have thrown eggs at the buildings. I did a test on one and hit it with bleach and pretty good pressure but it didn't have any affect.

    Anyone know of a chemical to remove egg? I'm afraid it soaked into the pores of the concrete and my not come off.


  10. Hello All.

    Was wondering if anyone could help me with pricing a fence that I've been called about. I've seen the fence, and will post a few pictures this evening. It is a 3-rail fence, using 2x6. It is painted white. The owner had it repainted a year and a half ago but the person did a horrible job and the paint is pealing and flaking everywhere. All he wants is someone to paint prep it so his sons can paint it. I'm assuming that the pressure will remove most of the flaky paint, however there may need to be some scraping done to get the stubborn stuff off. The problem is, I have no idea how to price something like this.

    There are 305 sections equalling 2,074 linear feet.

    Any suggestions are appreciated!!
