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Posts posted by bradcarey

  1.  Headed down to GA this weekend Sat, to attend a wood class. It couldn't have come at a better time.I was going to GA anyway next week for something else and just happened to find out about this class.The town  is just 2 hrs out of our way so I had to include it in our trip. The owner, Tracy ? used to be with Sun Bright for many years but all that is history. Many of you probably know some of the history. Anyway I'm excited and will try to report back. Anybody else going?



  2. I'm mainly speaking from  house washing experience so it doesn't have to last too long. When we are doing it right we tape around the box and then overlapping strips like siding so the water can not get behind. The blue 3M 2'' painters tape seems to work best. The cheap stuff is not worth it.Then I teach my guys even though the outlets are taped just avoid them, in a perfect world. But we have blown a breaker of two, one time turning off the garage freezer. Not good.

  3. In my experience  a house wash mix would be fine , maybe a little stronger on the bleach if the green is bad. I use Eliminator 1oz per gallon or 5 gallon bucket 5 ounces. 4 gallons of SH. I would not add F-13.That may mess with pink stucco and there really isn't any reason to add it.Tell the customer the color may lighten a little to to the oxidization but you should be fine maybe even a hero. Just my 2 cents

  4. Funny local thing, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan or” UP” is connected by the 1/2 long Mackinac suspension Bridge “Mighty Mac”. The UP is sort of the continental USA’s the frontier in that it’s remote some says beautiful some just say remote. Nicer in the summer for sure. But those that live in the Upper Peninsula are called Upper’s. They call those of us that live below the bridge Trolls.

  5. Rick -Clarkson is over by Detroit. I'm about 2 hrs. to the  west. If you liked Clarkson you'll love Grand Rapids home of Gerald R Ford, Amway and named Beer City USA for all the micro brews.  My little town 15 min outside of Grand Rapids is home to Wolverine World Wide. The birth place of Hush Puppy shoes and a real factory store for Mariel Shoes. So if your back in MI and make it this far give me shout  I'd love to buy meal.

  6. There isnt much stain left on this old deck, so I am planning on using a precarbonate, and then neutralize. There are some sections, mainly under the overhang of the roof and here and there on a few spindles that do have some old stain. Will the wood be effected if I use something heavier and stronger to more or less spot strip here and there? Will the precarbonate handle removing the stain that is still there? Thanks for the help.


  7. I have a large deck we may be doing that the customer would like the underside stained. I did a few last year and know how time consuming staining the bottom side of a deck is .I'm considering buying a deckster. Can someone tell me if they have ever added an extension to a wand of the deckster to add reach? From the ground to rafters of the underside of the deck is about 12 feet. We could use a scissor lift to get up close and  and work it into the corners but I’d like to stay on the ground.Any suggestions or tips appreciated
