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Posts posted by kctech42hl

  1. Pressure cleaning is a method now widely used in all places like industries, hospitals, offices and even homes to remove long stayed dust, grime, mold, grease, paint or mud from concrete, wooden and almost all kinds of surfaces attached to buildings, equipments etc. Even without the use of any detergent whatsoever, in most cases the surfaces look as good as new and we feel that it is worth the effort. The method used here is spraying of water at a high pressure using a sprayer. The pressure exerted on the pump can be altered with the help of a valve appended to the pressure washer. The pressure washer usually runs on a motor which uses electrical energy and it has a hose which can take high pressure of water, the flow of which can be regulated by a switch. One aspect must be made sure of before connecting the pressure washer to a water inlet, and that is that there is adequate force in the water supply.


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