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Don L

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Posts posted by Don L

  1. I live in the heart of the Finger Lakes.

    Spiders are the bane of my customers that live on the lakes or the canals.

    I don't have a huge machine,but it's hot and still does little against those pesky webs!

    The spiders proclivity to nest and hide in the multitude of crevice makes it almost mandatory that you need exterminators in conjunction with your cleaning.( I learned that on Oprah)My experience is that the exterminators are adversely affected by ladders,so they make a friggin' mess on windows and eaves,and siding.Plan accordingly.

    my own 2.

    I'm out.

  2. Jim,

    It is from hell.

    You can rinse your onions off and won't see any difference.

    You could sub a window cleaner to finish in those situations,or ,from what I hear,use ionized water for your rinse.I am not even sure if that would be sufficient.Water fed poles to finish glass??? $$$$.

    You might be able to down stream a light vinegar solution to rinse?

    IMOHO a window pro would be the way to go with the hard water.


  3. Ant

    Great post,except the last paragraph.

    I won't go the lowlife thing.These people are either decieved by the world,or refuse to believe God's Word.

    None the less... it hurts my heart to see the people choose helplessness.

    To you naysayers, this is AMERICA.

    Every opportunity to excell is available to EVERYONE.

    You fight against the "circumstances" and labor for victory.

    I ,personally ,am sick of the mindset that we are victims.

    This is America.

    Stand up! Stand up!

  4. Absolutely drive Fed,State control out of the picture!Privatize the entire operation!!!!!

    When did Americans start relying upon their Gov't for their sufficiency?

    We,as a people are quite capable of deciding for ourselves!Regardless of the apparent observational quandary we may fall into.

    Business is business.

    The free market is the key.The free market.

    ANYTHING subsidised by Gov't(in my opinion) should CEASE!!!


    Happy September.

  5. The most disturbing memory of Katrina I have is the image of 20 year old men standing on top of rooftops holding up signs begging to be rescued.I will NEVER forget this.

    To me that is the ultimate manifestation of the cancer that is destroying this country...the CURSE of the welfare state.

    I am not referring the halt and maimed,the elderly.

    I am talking about young men who,instead of leading their families out of danger(this was not a suprise),bleated like goats at the Gov.to save them.

    The mindset of "the Gov't did'nt do enough" sickens me.

    "Providing for the common defense and general welfare of the United States" does not cover the problems of a single city.

    On top of that is the culture of voodoo that pervades that city.Another giant chain of bondage around the neck of that city.

    When I recall the images of the Astrodome filled with hopeless,helpless people who have lived off the tit of the Gov't for so long that they are incapable of providing for themselves...heartbreaking.

    Like it or not this country was settled,founded and built by people who relied not on gov's,but upon The Living God,the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ to supply all their needs,according to His RICHES and GLORY,by Christ Jesus.This is what spawned the term self reliance that has been methodically drained from our culture by the Gov't schools,universities and the big bang of that Stalin fan,FDR.Google "The Frankfurt School" before anyone starts frothing .

    That mindset has been replaced by the welfare culture.Government is now viewed as the supplying god,and that is sucking the very life from this great country.

    Obviously I am featuring the worst of the calamity.

    I know that beloved people suffered greatly from loss of life and material destruction.I also know that a great many people took it for what it was,dealt with it and kept fighting to rebuild their losses,instead of whining about the Gov.I thank God for their lives and courage.

    I am not trying to pick any fights,but simply expressing my thoughts concerning a subject that has been used to vilify President Bush,instead of exposing the then useless Governor,and mayor of NO.

    Bobby Jindal is a different story.

    I thank God that Gustave evaporates before landfall,and life may go on....if not I trust that the people will deal with it,or move.There is not much choice...except for whining about the Governments inaction.

    We will see.

  6. I've been doing HOA's for 2 years and pressure washing for 3, I haven't used a lift, i have a person that i bring to operate it when i use on. I don't know which is the proper harness to use, that is why i asked, i didn't mean to **** anyone off sorry guys :(

    this job is 46 2 story units and 12units in a 4 story condo. in 2007 i've done about 175 HOA roofs im here to NETWORK and to learn more from others. In my opinion that is the beautiful thing about pressure washing that almost every guy uses different equipment and a different method. and all of us help each other out and not compete like in other occupations.


    no need to think you p***** anyone off.

    Full body harness with shocked lanyard.6' to 3' lanyard,depending on state regs.They are great machines.

  7. Excellent suggestion!

    I use this tool a great deal and 40-50' is a dream. One of the ultimate tools.

    To revisit experience...if you have never run one of these machines,get the training!It is not rocket science ,but these are serious machines.

    You can use up your ins.coverage in a heartbeat.

    Be honest with your skills and build wisely.

  8. Don,

    I would want to think that and educated person that wants to help children would never want to even think about shooting or even harming a child even if they felt a risk or danger.

    I also feel we as people need to make these problems better not by defense but education and learning about whats really going on with our society.

    Whats next, we all need to pack a 38 to pick milk and bread up and 7-11.

    I'm sorry, times are changing and maybe I'm just ready to change. Maybe the terriorist have won, we are going broke as people and it seems the Empire is possibly falling apart. ( maybe if more Americans realized this we could make some real efforts of change)

    I never dreamed in a million years we would be arming my third grade teacher Miss Z as was her name when i was in third grade. She had a pretty mean paddle, everyone in the room respected her, not because she had a paddle, she was compasionate but firm and she was fair. If you broke the rules you would be punished. If you didnt turn your homework in you would get detention. Its seemed like simpler times, I however do not advocate putting any adult incharge of my family with a firearm.

    We have better things to spend the money on, miss Z needs better books. The children in some Schools dont even have paper. What the H_LL are we using resources like this. I can see it now, bond for teachers issued weapons choice. Would you like to carry a 9 or a 38? Maybe we could just have you drive the Hummer with remote bomb cntrol and cannon on rear.

    We just have better things to spend money on, we give kids condoms and they still get prego. We say no to drugs and they still smoke pot.

    What makes us think that the kid or the drug dealer thats going to kill someone is going to care if Miss Z is packing.

    I see this happening,,,,, Miss Z pulled the gun first so I had to protect myself. I was in fear of my life!!!!!!!!!Miss Z dead and she didnt pull the weapon first, but every kid in that room knows he will have to go out that door and drive or ride home that day with this drug dealing kids gang members on the corner. ( so while we issue Miss Z a gun lets just make a weapon standard issue for every american child because is there constitutional right to bear arms.

    So you have it DON, how about we presure wash some Schools and clean them up so they dont look bad. How about we use the money for that?


    Thanks for the reply.

    I understand your view.

    We have very different viewpoints concerning this subject.

    I thought you made an excellent point about the loving discipline that Miss Z meted out.It has a place when dealing with the foolishness of children.

    I commend your last statement,and agree.

  9. I disagree with you here... Where does it say we're given the right by God to keep and bear arms? We're given that right by the constitution, not God. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying God wants us to lay down and not defend our families, or the defenseless, from evil, but carrying a gun certainly isn't a God-given right, at least I don't think it is. Can you show me otherwise? I'm certainly willing to learn!

    Hey Mike,

    The bill of rights,to the best of my knowledge were simply a clarification and a re numeration of the premise of The Constitution.

    There is no scripture that speaks to the second amendment.

    You may even recall the phrase "turn your swords into ploughshares".Remember He was speaking to Israel.

    I do, although,believe that it is a right of a citizen of this once free country,bestowed by our Creator...not by The Constitution...to have life ,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.

    I acknowledge this is a broad stroke,but that is the document that, under God, has secured our liberty for some 300 or so years.

    In moho,to stray is calamity indeed.

  10. Hey Allen,

    Public or private,the premise does not change.

    Any public institution runs the risk,any private does the same.

    Defenselessness( in the context of gun crime)in our day and time is untenable.I should say,.. should be untenable.

    We by our Creator are endowed with certain inalienable rights...one of them being the right to keep,and bear arms...Regardless of the teacher's unions,regardless of the states,regardless of the mayors, regardless of Joe Biden and Barry Obama.

  11. Mike,

    I applaud your wisdom in keeping your son free from the indoctrination of the government schools.

    A free man has the indisputable right to carry a weapon any where he sees fit.

    Savages don't obey the law.

    In this presently effeminized world,there is much confusion about a man's responsibility to his family and neighborhood and workplace.

    It is time to remind the savages that there are still men willing to protect and defend our families,friends,and co workers from the savages that are allowed ,by this present world, to run free.


    I would like to understand your objection to this issue.Do you believe that your public school teachers are irresponsible,incompetent to the point that they can't be trusted with this responsibility?

    I am curious.

  12. This weather has my freaking head spinning!


    Weathermen are so punchy the have resorted to innuendo concerning the forecast.

    The days dawn beautifully then WHAM 10 am we're getting bolts,hail ,rain,wind.


    I could have a nice cubicle job...sorry,I just threw up in my mouth a little.

    We chose our profession,and I am glad I did.

    Thank God this crap clears out and the rest of the season just burns with work.

    This weather freaks out customers also.

    Oh well,I have more time to visit and learn .

    Take care everyone,keep those chins up and MOW THE LAWN!

  13. I would like 10 days without leaving our beautiful home.

    Except to fish in the lake that is 5 min from here,or to fish in the lake that is 10 min from here.

    A 20lb laker was taken in one of them some weeks ago.


    I would love to see my wife or one of the kids hook a monster fish!

    I know, I should get out more.

    Maybe some smally ?
