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Don L

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Everything posted by Don L

  1. '08 Economy Poll

    Do not believe the government schooled,university papered ,corporate Borg. American prosperity is all about small biz.Always has been. It is we who buck the fashionable mindset. Americans do not become overwhelmed by circumstance,we,historically OVERCOME ANY obstacle...and PROSPER in spite of the panty wringers. This must not be forgotten. I live and do business in the people's republic of N.Y. There is no place in these United States that is more challenging in relation to illegal taxation and regulation to do business in.(even in the governator's state). We simply need to stand and fight. If we don't ...all is lost. Do not be deceived by the new religion of global warming scat of energy prices,the mental disorder of Pelosi,or any powertition! We fight the battle of Thermophiles. Stand ,Fight and PROSPER!
  2. 2008 Flick of the Summer

    This is a response to Beth/Rod's inquirey.Ironman was awesome!I have been waiting for years!The Dark Knight was incredible! Hellboy 2 will be great,if it is anything like the first movie.Ron Pearlman is incredible as Hellboy. I really want to see the Hulk,but I will wait and watch it in our home theatre.5 beloved kids...I have used up my movie budget for this summer. I don't mind...In my home I am a free man,smoking,not drinking lemonade...our homes-the last bastion of American freedom.
  3. Quick Stucco Rust Remedy?

    James, You would have to spot test the stucco,but I would suggest CLR. Thanks to a tip from the board,I used it on a similar issue,and it worked great. Granted ,I don't run across much stucco,so again spot test,and rinse. You may not even need a pressure washer,a hose may meet your need.
  4. Quick Stucco Rust Remedy?

    James, You would have to spot test the stucco,but I would suggest CLR. Thanks to a tip from the board,I used it on a similar issue,and it worked great. Granted ,I don't run across much stucco,so again spot test,and rinse. You may not even need a pressure washer,a hose may meet your need.
  5. Working outdoors - most and least...

    What are frubals??
  6. Working outdoors - most and least...

    There's nothing I don't love about it. Builds character in a "oh ,there's weather outside!!" culture. God is good. Yeeehaa!!
  7. Dirt Daubbers(sp)

    Jeff, I concur with James. I would suggest an extension pole. Take the pole and knock off the nests dry.You can really scrape them off well. The stain may linger but it beats getting 4" away to remove the whole structure with the wand. My own humble opinion. Knock 'em dead.
  8. Hi JJ, Are there 4 sections or only 2 in each sash? I ask because I can't tell if the center seperator is within the panes ,or external. If inside the glass,I would go with $3-$3.50 per casement.If external,$4-$4.50. Again,if internal I would suggest poling them,if they are external you should ladder them.My 2 cents.
  9. Learning to adapt

    Man ,for Cooper's sake I hope it is WOW.
  10. Family show off :)

    Ken , You have an astute eye...PIG! Hee,Hee. Great job Hanna!
  11. Gotta love these slideshows

    Joel, Great work,great slideshow! I don't know your market,but I know mine. On residential (which I qualify this as),I use a base price of 100.00 per story.Then evaluate acess challenges,obstacles etc,then price accordingly.Even here, $250.00 per bdg might be a hard sell. Now I am still learning ,so maybe I am way off.Could you profit at $200.00 per building?
  12. Fellow ny'rs, I just got my contractor's renewal figures.For 1mil/2mil cvg,I will be paying $1,783.81 for the year. Is this comparable to what you are paying?Thanks.
  13. New Yorker insurance....

    Phil, This is one of the most beautiful places on earth,for which I am extremely thankful for.Unfortunately,that is clouded by the miscreants that infest our "law" making bodies.
  14. New Yorker insurance....

    I live in the people's republic of New York,rhymes with DORK< et al...Hillary,Chuck...which rhymes with f@@$%* I am deep in prayer to figure how to call the freemen of this state to rise up ,and stand against the extortion that is wreaked upon us at every turn.You name it ,they tax us.No matter what they call it...regulation,fee,registration...it is a rapeing.Engendered by an effeminate culture. No matter the obstacles,victory is the only option.Carry on.
  15. New Yorker insurance....

    Finishing touch, I should be thankful huh? Thanks for the reply,and you might want to check out the signature rules for the site. Have a great weekend.Hope you're out of snow by June!
  16. D tagr, On a 1 time job of $ magnitude(1,000.00 or over),I require a one third deposit.On a maintenence contract,I only require one month's deposit to cover additional supplies,etc.That's just me.If i were hiring ,I would not pay for work undone,unproven,for an extended run.I would allow the customer to see what they are getting.I believe this gives you ,and them an opportunity to decide if this will be profitiable for you both,without trapping either of you in case of unsatisfactory result on either side. Does this make any sense to you? Let me know what you think.Sorry about spelling.
  17. I graduated hs in 1980.Got hired as a front man for a band out of Syracuse,NY(I had been singing and writing for$ since 14).Played from Montreal to Baltimore,singing and playing bass for a band booked out of New London,Ct called Q.T.Hush. Moved to Moore,OK in 1984.85 bought a small window cleaning co,and joined orig. band "The Fanatics".Released album,nearly got the real deal from BMG,but couldn't close it.Took some of the blokes back to East...,Hyde Park,NY in 93.Rehersal,playing out,and running a janitorial co for a guy in Poughkeepsi,NY.Then took a job managing a poultry farm,intended to buy it,at the point of transition,fell through.One of the boys decided to return to St.Louie,end of band.Our third child was due,I decided after 20 yrs,I wasn't going to start over.I took a job as an on air announcer at a public radio station in Schenectady.Then moved to doing high rise window cleaning in Albany.Decided I could do better owning a company.Moved back to upstate NY,started Peerless Services in 01.The guy who taught me to clean windows in OK had started in the pw biz,and was doing well.I went out and worked with him,and the next year partnered up on the purchase of our machine,and added pwing to Peerless.That was in 03.This season has been an explosive year. Thanks to so many of you. Believe me,this is a miniscule fraction of jobs I have held,and I will never have another.Entrepenurship is the balm(thats what the kids say).Sorry about rambling...great thread!
  18. Why give THANKS

    God bless you and yours,in the mighty name of our Lord,and Savior,Jesus Christ!!! Happy Thanksgiving! I just read a GREAT book on President John Adams.Taught me alot.You might enjoy it,mabey not. The title is simply "John Adams" by David McCullough.You may have already read it.Check it out,let me know what you think. Thanks Jeff. I'll see you here,there,or in the air brother.
  19. What's your opinion...

    Hey Mike, The Mister is obviousley considering the "damage"to the vehicle,not the window.He doesn't want to pay for it,and has an easy excuse....you pressure washing fool!If he remains unreasonable,not admitting his liability(probably had the mindset that his wife set it up,so he thought nothing of it),thenyou need to evaluate this customer's impact on your potential biz,if you choose not to repair the vehicle.You know the deal about customers dissing your service,measure against their longterm prospect of income/loss of income. Not an easy spot to be in.If you decide to repair,use your insurance,that's what we pay it for.(This is obviously going to get you stabbed by the ins .co-oh,it's great isn't it.We pay the premiums to protect ourselves,then get penalized for using the service...a lot like mortages...anyhoo...) I would ask The Living God,in the name of Jesus Christ,to direct me,then DO.MOHO. Let us know outcome. Happy Thanksgiving!
  20. Is one employee worth it?

    Ken, May I ask what % are your lead's,and helpers getting.Your concept is intriguing.I am positing to carry this out next season,and I am curious.
  21. The Dow industrials....

    Ladies,and (ahem)Gentlemen, The Dow Jones Industrials hit 12,000.00 for the first time in the history of the index!!! Amongst the din of the Bush hating shills,this has been overshadowed. Election time draws near. Please consider that when taxes are slashed,not hiked...the gov't revenue soars,investment dollars flood the markets,people that generate revenue,keep more of their spoils,spend more of their spoils,might even SAVE!!!!more of their spoils,GIVE MORE OF THEIR ABUNDANCE!!! Extreme taxation,extreme regulation strangles prosperity! IMOHO If we give the likes of N.Pelosi,Schumer..etc,ad nausem,control,this prosperity will vanish.They WILL repeal the tax cuts that President Bush is responsible for,they WILL abandon the protection of this country,they WILL enbrace the UN's efforts to overthrow this countries soveringty.If these are things you desire,you'll love it.If these are items that repulse,and disgust you...CRUSH THEM WITH YOUR VOTE!!! Anyhoo...GO VOTE.
  22. The Dow industrials....

    Jeff,Jeff,Jeff, I am soooo confused! I was so encouraged by what I thought was an epiphany for you,I thought you had come around when you declared yourself a Republican redneck!!Alas,I was too enthusiastic.LOL!! you just keep hitting that submit button.The back,and forth is good for all of us.I do agree with your encouragement to vote.Regardless of your choice(kind of...)we the people MUST VOTE. Ant...very funny,nice work. J.Meeks, If it weren't for the UN lovers in the big apple(sheer numbers,and not to imply liberals don't infest the rest of the state),this state is redder than anyone who doesn't live in the Empire state would believe.Voter apathy is a big problem here.Too many have been seduced into believing that their vote is worthless.It is heartbreaking.Got to fight on,no matter what anybody else does,or doesn't.Later men.
  23. Artillery fungus is tough to fight

    There has been an explosion of artillery here.According to several university coop ext's(U of Maryland,Cornell,both heavy hitters)there is NO chem that will touch it. Rod,have you had any problems with the hypochlorite on vinyl? Jon,good idea w/ the carnuba.What kind of results have you had? The strongest division of my biz is window cleaning,that is easy to remove(razor),but the damage to vinyl is rampant.To find an answer to this problem that is effective,and cost effective would be a great boon to any of us. My recent tack has been education of my customers.Informing them that the spores are activated by temps that are between 65-45 degrees.If you catch the spores before they set,it is possible to pw them off.Have fun keeping track of this.The other point is that they should consider switching mulch.To stone or bark based mulch.I am doing this off the top of my head,hope I am on target,but accurate info is available with a brief search. This stuff is a real PITA. Let's figure it out.
  24. Are you a Democrat, Republican or Redneck?

    Ken, That is beautiful!LMAO!!! Oh,decisions,decisions.