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Don L

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Everything posted by Don L

  1. Weapons for protection

    Anthony, Stop it.Gahh.
  2. Weapons for protection

    Cudos Phil, We need to remember what our freedom means,and what it is worth.On the other hand ,wisdom is the better part of valor.A can collector stealing equipment will be dealt with differently than a miscreant trying to rip off my machine.A thin line ,but still a line...it is a judgement call.Do you feel lucky ,punk?
  3. Weapons for protection

    Thanks Scott, I admit ,sometimes I'm a dorkfish.I don't kid about the clinton infestation.
  4. Weapons for protection

    Anthony, Go back to *** site ,and let me know what your reaction to my last post under your Al-quida post.Just curious.
  5. Weapons for protection

    Anthony, Please explain your intended message from your last post.I'm a slow learner.Thanks.
  6. Weapons for protection

    Mathew, I will take you for your word. Does LOL mean lots of luck?
  7. Weapons for protection

    Mathew, I beg of you to reconsider your thought about Clinton.Please do not give it a reason to afflict our state any longer.DO NOT BE DECEIVED.I lived in Salt Point for several years,I am not ignorant about our state.Please rethink.All of it's actions are a ruse,please rethink.Thank you.
  8. Weapons for protection

    As an American,you have EVERY RIGHT to keep and BEAR arms,accorded to you in the Constituion of the United States.Do not EVER forget this.Unless you are a convicted felon.If you are not,research your state's gun laws,and obtain your right to carry permit,learn how to use the wepon of your choice,and understand the responsibility you bear as a law abiding citizen of this great country.It is not to be feared.Your right to keep and bear arms is NOT to be infringed.Not by the flippin' UN,not by Ted Kennedy,George Sorros,not by any group that seeks to destroy the soverignity of this country.The "world spin" of guns are "evil",is straight from the pit of hell.... Do not be deceived by the "do gooders" that don't want you to be able to protect yourself,from savages that grow bolder by the hour,be it some crack head,a school shooter,insane fundamentalist,the list goes on and on. Check out the massive attack on the citizens of D.C,after the miscreant city gov banned hand guns,as opposed to what happens when a community serves notice to the animals of our modern day "society",that they are armed and prepared to defend their communities.Criminals are cowards and prey on the weak(unarmed,in this context).I am not fear mongering at all,but we don't live in our Daddy's world anymore.How far do you think the pieces of s%$# that killed 3,000 people on 9/11 would have gotten if we were still actually free.Do what you must to protect yourself,your biz,your country,and do not fear.My humble .02 .
  9. 2 party system

    Jeff , I hear ya.This world is a wicked place,and will only get worse.Don't let our true adversary whisper you out of the truth.There is a man who lives,the very Son of the living God,who has never lied.He has given all those who believe on His name this comfort...I have overcome the world.Fear not Jeff,regardless of the circumstances.Raise up your children in the way they they should go,and when they are old,they will not depart from it.It is written.These words are spirit,and they are life.Keep your chin up,and remember ,fear not,brother.Take care.
  10. 2 party system

    Jeff, Some good points...but.Rep/Dem,I agree that under those headings,there is little difference.It is the fine points of philosophies ,the details that really make the difference.Now,I am going to be brief(I am at 21 hrs ,as we speak,not as sharp as I would like to be,sorry I got sucked in).The point about both parents working...our oldest is 15,youngest is 2,there are 3 in between.My wife works 1 day per week,sometimes half day more.She has been home teaching them what you spoke of.It is available in this day and time,regardless of social trends. Jeff,you tell me I think of worker's as a commodity.I find that nearly insulting,but we're having a civil discourse,so no offence taken.They are the building blocks of our business's prosperity.That doesn't mean I,or you are responsible for feeding them popcorn,or paying for their insurance,or putting their kids through college!That is their responsibility.A workman is worthy of his wage.No dissagreement here.You say so what to 40,000 vehicles! I will offer this to you...mega corps/unions ,are the same animal.Both have conspired to destroy the small bizmen,along with gov't(both sides of the isle,although I am slanted towards one side)WE are their greatest fear.This country was driven by entrepenureship at it's onset.We are the only ones that can weaken their grip on commerce,because of the advantage of our mobility to truely service the customer.Both mega corps,and (forgive me)unions must be broken.Completely.Not by anarchy,but by COMPETITIOIN! I don't know if this will ever come to pass,but if not,Lord Jesus,come quickley.The gov dictating what we do as private enterprises must be crushed.Government by the people,for the people...I read that somewhere before.Where was it...? Oh,btw,I wasn't being snide when I said make a million...I meant it.
  11. 2 party system

    Jeff,I'm sorry I blew right by your last post.My response is...Romans 1.18-32.Why would you vote to give them the right to represent you?Curious.
  12. 2 party system

    Hey Jeff, Now I didn't wade through all the posts,so I may have missed something,but glory man!IMOHO,when are you going to stop being a union apologist ,and start thinking like a business owner? I am not trying to start any s### with you,so don't get all riled,but it seems to me that you spent more time unioning,than running a biz,correct me if I am wrong. Minimum wage is not an entitlement,it is an ENTRY LEVEL wage!!!!! How can you swallow the Federal gov"t dictating to you (a bussiness owner) what you will pay an employee!!It is no different than welfare,only "santioned" by the feds,imposing their will upon you the owner.I simply don't understand.Help me to see your view.I am sure that you ,at this point are much more sucessful than I am in this business.I defer to you in this aspect,but I will be gall darned to understand your loyality to unions at this point in your life.A vehicle costs 40,000...have you considered why? Again,I am not ragging on you,just curious.Let me know.Thanks ,and make a million,would you.P.S. Telling me to vote dem,is like telling me to convert to islam.so hypercivically zelous..not going to happen.Have a great night.
  13. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Mike, That was beautiful.Your point was what I think causes a lot of the rage on the part of unbelivers.Largly because of "organized religion",or churchianity,if I may..many believe that members of the body of Christ are sinless.When we preach the gospel of Christ,their flesh recoils,and is transformed into a perception that we believe that we are "gooder"than they are.They do not understand(quoting Our Lord Jesus Christ)..there is NONE good ,but God.I am speaking about a believer who is speaking in love,not contention.Again,great point.
  14. Finally NFL Football Season!

    Garcii2, Can you say REPEATE!!!!! I know we are one game into the season,lots of ball left.Charlie ROCKED against the ricky Dolphins,oh I am sorry ,the Miami Dolphins(I know he's gone ...couldn't resist.)I don't know what is in store with the black and gold...but I am PSYCHED!I am sooooo thankful that Coach Cower,Jerome,and the rest of the team won that trophie!What a joy! I have been a fan since 1974,have seen every superbowl win ,and their defeates.There is NO other team in the history of the NFL to have only 2 coaches in 37yrs!!!The ultimate counterbalance to free agency! I don't care who you are ,that is unbelieveable,and it has paid off. Whatever happens ,it will be another great season of football,can't wait to watch the season unfold.All the best to all of you fans ,it has only begun.May the best team hoist this years trophy!GAME ON!!!GO STEELERS! P.S. I really am a grown up.....
  15. Finally NFL Football Season!

    Keep your chin's up men...there is plenty of football left! I spent yesterday kicking myself in the ass for not having the Ticket.First time in 5 yrs.I'll be calling tomorrow.My NFL began Thursday night.I bleed black & gold.YEEEHAAAA!Can you say REPEAT!Enjoy the games.MNF doubleheader!
  16. This summer is slow...

    My .02, I have a short story.In a nearby city(small,13000),A super center has been proposed.Certain Individuals,including some biz owners(retail,of course)have been twisting their undershorts in angst since this was announced.Wal Mart SS will kill us!!!etc. I say ,if you can't position you biz to compete against ANY competitor,then just go get a job with them,and stop whining. No matter the circumstance,find a way to victory.You may not be able to compete against all facets of competition(lowballers...price.)You can ALWAYS provide some service that they can not.Find it. Proffesionalism,which includes proper ins,knowledge,promptness,safety,closing sales,follow up...I am preaching to a great deal of the chior,I know...but if you come to business you come to the fire.We all know our areas,find the markets,prepare your biz,and attack. This will seperate the wheat from the chaff. pldolittle,I agree with you about more GOVERNMENTAL INTERFEARENCE!!!!NO MORE! Police ourselves.Regulating entry will ultimatly harm the level of proffessionalism.Cometition promulgates quality,better market value. Jeff, I agree about "don't care about the competition"...Do your biz,and DEFINE the market in your area.Anyhoo...
  17. Dirty clean

    Jeff, You and your crew do very nice work.Hat's off to you all.Great job!
  18. How long till the US gets into the fray....

    That freaking rocks! If the tiger is eating my children,I find and kill the tiger.No quater.The femenist,emotional brainwashing that has been brewing in this country,is now becomming manifest in the way this country defends itself.It is a curse upon America.It is time to exterminate the cowardly savages that prey upon America's freedom.Rise up oh MEN of God.Let order be restored.
  19. Honest debate Iraq

    Amen,Mike.We are at war.
  20. What it costs to be in business.

    I don't care who you are ,that's funny.Ciao'
  21. Honest debate Iraq

    John T, Your point that some people need unions is taken.I understand this.Greed of some owners opened the door for unions in America.I was a member of a union,twice...the musicians union,and sefcu.In both instances,in order to get the job,I was forced to "join".In both instances,I was sickened.I admit that I have been over the top with my op's about unions,but I still believe that they are in existance because of weakness,malaise on the part of owner's,workers,citizens.That being said,I realize this is not a perfect world,band aid's are inevitable. I will be what I believe an employer should be..paying well,training well,offering the best opportunity for our employees to prosper according to their work ethic.Effectivly locking out any intrusions of any unionizing.I am glad they have served you well,but no thank you.Enough out of me ...for now.Have a great day John,and thank you for your input.
  22. Honest debate Iraq

    Hey Jeff, I am not crazy.Hired guns...how appropiate.I support a particular lobby,the NRA.Unfortunatley,because too many Americans blow off their responsibilitie's to uphold our Republic,lobbyist's have ascended.I agree that we live in a f up worl.No doubt. It is the same principle tha applies to greedy,unGodly biz owners,who didn't (and don't) fairly compensate their most valuable resource...their employees.They allowed the union's in.So be it. Jeff you really hit the mark with this thread.It is exhilerating.I wish I had more time to invest,but am happy to drop in when I can.Praise God in the name of Jesus Christ that we live in this great country!The reality is that this world is growing worse ,and worse.This can not be stopped by anyone but the Living God.I believe ,although,it is our responsibility to steward what we have been given,to the best of our ability,until that fateful day.Let the conversation continue,to the end that we may learn,and understand more than we did yesterday.Enjoy this beautiful day,Jeff.
  23. What it costs to be in business.

    Jeff, your point is taken about the worker's comp.I don't have an alternative answer,but there must be a better way.Until ..it just is. Ok,ok...I will reign in my opinions about unions.I know that my generalizations don't apply to all involved,and if you are one of the exceptions,good for you.I will tame my tongue.No personal offence intended.Have a great day,Jeff.I am not a communist,cut it out.Hee Hee . P.S. Now Jeff ,I don't say "screw the workers,etc in "all" my posts.I am aworker,as well as an owner.Probably like most of us are or have been.Accountibility,responsibility..that is the point.Take care Jeff.
  24. Honest debate Iraq

    Jeff, You 're cracking me up about my spelling.You 've got me there! Forget about what they are packing their own bungholes with!The real point of thhis conversation is that I don't want ,need,nor will I "obey" these ...waterheads.If you plan on employees,or already have them,do the new math.You are the underdog,dog!The individuals supporting the increased min.wage,AREN"T IN BUSINESS!!!They are basically welfare receipiants!FOR LIFE!The government is NOT in charge of these decisions,unless we lie down,and grease up for them.This may seem to be a contrdiction to previous posts,but I draw a line between true leadership,and the layers of minions, in between.No matter what the news says,WE drive the economy not the corperat's.My poor spelling is partly driven by simply writing,and not checking.I know ,I suck.Anyhoo... It is a great debate.Our ability to remain civil,respectful ..these are the same principals that led to the drafting of our constutuion,bill of rights.It is intriuging to see the different perspectives that we all have.Keep it comming gentlemen! P.S. Lobbyist are free citenzes too.Some I love,some I detest.I believe that if we as voters did our jobs,lobbyists would be irrelevant.(i.e...voting)
  25. Honest debate Iraq

    John T.' First off ,I stand corrected ,and do apologize for my first impression of your character.You are correct in saying that I never served our country.When I was a youth,it did not occur to me to do so.When the first war was waged upon Iraq,I was in the receuiter's office the next day,and he informed me that by the time I would be done with "basic training",the war would would be over.I spent 1 hour attempting to dissuade him,wouldn't budge. John,thank you for your service to this country,for laying your life on the line.I respect that more than you believe. I will,however say that there is no basis for your accusation of "slander" concerning our troops.Believe me ,if I would have been allowed in,I would be one of you.I will repeate myself ,as troops ,you are bound to obey the orders of your commander in chief.End of that discussion.In your opinion,our President hasen't done a good job.Unless you are privy to information that I am not,you are simply mistaken.What would you do John?I refuse to argue about G.W.'s place in history,you have no clue either.Please. Now,your next point...unions are somehow necessary... Can you say Delphi? The propaganda that somehow socialist orgs protect "job's".I ask you to substainiate this .It it part of your indoctrination.Unions must be dismantled.It is time for America to shed the lie of the "great society",and move on.Unions have ALWAYS been subserviant to ownership.The weakness of ownership is the only thing that has allowed the socialist concept of labor unions to take root,in our capitalist economy. John,I respect your stance,but respectfully disagree. Thank you for your response.