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Don L

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Everything posted by Don L

  1. Honest debate Iraq

    Hey Mike, Ron rocked,actually had a pair. To touch upon the unions,I worked in Albany,N.Y. for three years.Inside the Gov's office ,the chambers of the Seneate,assembly,every facet of this state's gov't,It was one of the most appalling things I have ever witnessed.If the N.Y. every man were privy to the things I heard,and witnessed(brought to you by the state worker's union...CSEA,Danny Donahue presiding..),there would be a revolution ,right here,right now.
  2. Honest debate Iraq

    Hey Jeff, I began a reply to your points,but it got blown out by something stupid I did.If it shows up somewhere else I apologize.I will start again. To your comment about the President being a civilian.I believe that the weight of his office,and the commiserate responsibilities,that accompany his office,remove him from the category of civilian.I am not aware of any "civilians" that have the blood of American troops on their hands.Is it that you believe that this man takes this lightly?How would you ,or I shoulder this?I also must repeate that you cannot "support "the troops without supporting the orders that they dutifully follow;issued by their Commander in Chief.This is not to say that you are antagonistic towards our troops,but President Bush is their commander. Concerning your point about "blind patriotisim".I could take umbrage with that comment,but I don't.Many of those that support President Bush,do not agree with ALL of his decisions,they question his decisions,as I have.As you are,I am a "true" American.Believe thou me.I support his philosophy,it has kept your a**,and mine ,from being blown to hell. The final issue:your statement"Unions helped support me for many years..."That is precisely my point.I don't doubt your work,but unions foster a mind set of entitlement,and dependancy.They need to be dismantled.Who was it that footed the bill for your "benefits"?I also believe that you misunderstood what I said concerning the minium wage...The minimum wage is not,and was never intended to be a living wage,it is an entry level wage.I t is encumbant upon the worker to EARN above the living wage.Either by advancement ,or additional work.The day I let the union lobbyist's,and their bought ,and paid for butt licking polotition's determine what I pay an employee,is the day America dies.I own my biz,and even with the weight of so called "legislation"(I am spitting on the floor as I utter those last words),I will determine what an employee is worth,not some communist miscreant like...say..Chuck"flatfooted ambulance chaser" Schumer,or Little Bill Hillary.If a man does not work,he should not eat!It takes care of itself.Jeff great spirited conversation.I appreceiate it.Sorry about my spelling.
  3. How long till the US gets into the fray....

    McCown, Can't argue with Sun Tsu.You're right .The UN's single purpose is to deprive the USofA's sovernignity.We are the last mighty obstacle that stands in their way.Give me liberty,or give me death!(I am not sure of the Sun Tsu reference).The UN must be dismantled.
  4. Help Choosing A Surface Cleaner

    I am no veteren,but the Landa machine is SWEET!Lightweight,plenty of punch,attached wand,but only 19".It would be great to have a 28" from Landa.
  5. What it costs to be in business.

    Rod,my condolences. It's a great question.I don't have a hard answer.I will estimate 20-25%.It is a category that I must rise up,and master. I do want to adress insurance. I know that capitalism could not exist without insurance.It is a nessecary evil in my opinion.Nonetheless,it is. The insurance co's have us by the berries.If you want to run a proffessional operation,you need proper coverage to compete.You are coerced by law(at least here in the people's republic of New York)to carry auto ins.Then there is worker's comp,and the medical ins. These last two items have been foisted upon employers by the God forsaken,communist UNIONS.Why am I responsible for an employee's health ins.I don;t pay their electric bills,tax bills...what happened that we employers got hypnotized into thnking that is our responsibility!I want my employees to prosper,but they are not my CHILDREN.What is the matter with PAYING them well,and they being responsible for their own welfare!!!!!! I am ranting to blow off some steam,but can you imagine the trickle down effect of us having discretion to spread OUR revenue,as WE see fit?Not the ins underwriters,not the tax man,not the union hacks(which includes all of the worthless polititions who love the communists).It is a great challenge,which instead of bowing to ,we must take action to pry their parasitic existance from our skin.It the entrepenure that drives America's prosperity,not the mega corps.This have been forgotten.This very truth must be re established in our minds,and if we don't stand ,it will be the end of us all.My .02 cnts
  6. Oh Boy

    Congrats Jeff and wife, Git er done .We have three beauties.Enjoy ,and please invest in a pump ,and I am not talking about a water pump .A pump that you can rack.It's an impressive deterant.Game on!All the best to you ,and yours!
  7. Honest debate Iraq

    John T, I get the impression that you are a socialist sympathiser.Are you privy to the planning of this war?You give the impression that you are.FYI,if you aren't supporting this war,you are not suporting the troops.I have had it with individuals mouthing that they "suport the troops",yet slander our Commander in Chief.As far as I am concerned ,your cover is blown.You have apparently seccumbed to your union propaganda.Unions ,in this day,and time,have outlived their usefulness.They have driven wages,the price of auto's etc..ad nausem,into an unrealistic delerium.Yeah,I know that spending 2/3 rds of the day eating baegles,and scratching your self is worth a ton of money,but ,frankly,I am sick of unions artifically driving up the minimum wage.It was never intended to be a living wage,but a starting wage.I am interested in your reaction.I don't wear your shoes,so I would like to hear your response.No offence intended,just curious.
  8. Credit

    FCPWLLC, Bra,the world will sing about credit.Extoll it's virtues endlessly.It is a tool.It is also something that should be wielded by those that can pay off the monthly balance,every month.Credit is fine until the note is called.Then you're are screwed.The odds of a note being called in our current circumstance is slim,but still exists.Do not be deceived.Our world is a dangerous place.Position yourself, so that in the immediate future, you can be solvent ,no matter what.Consider credit mgm't ,AFTER you have established a solid revenue flow.Only ,in my opinion,can someone that is debt free can truley manage "debt",in it's truest sense. I do not have an MBA,nor do I care to comprehend the minutia of accountancy,but debt is a foundational disease.
  9. How long till the US gets into the fray....

    I would judiously say that "we"already are, "involved". Im my opinion ,Isreal is one of our staunchest ALLIES. They alone in the mid east,understand the natural yearning of humanity for liberty.They alone understand the need to eradicate the influence of Islamo facisim. The U.N. is a cancer to representitive republics. Which is what this nation is: not a "democrecy"The U.N. is an abberation of this republic.They seek to deprive this natoin of it's sovernighty.Would you condone this?What authority does Kofee Annian really have.I would slap him in the face ,if given the oppertunity.These are simply items to consider,not a condemnation of anyone's opinions.Just wondering. Rod,and Beth,thank you for laboring so diligently to make this bbs viable.
  10. Honest debate Iraq

    Well said,Scott. ...if the tiger is eating my children,I kill the tiger.
  11. Honest debate Iraq

    Mike , I am not sure. You know they are all playr's.Even my fav,Fox ,they are playrs's.It is ,in my opionin,inevitable.The simplest thing you could do to screw up something worth while,is add more humans,and start manufacturing rules.That is what you have with our society,or our culture. This is not directly referring to biz,but could apply,I think.The world is a LIAR.Repeate...LIAR! Peace out.
  12. Honest debate Iraq

    P.S. Jeff,may I ask how old you are?
  13. Honest debate Iraq

    Hey Jeff, Concerning troop #'s,I am not qualified to comment about that detail,and frankly,I don't think you are either.No offense intended. I believe that America has won a resounding victory in Afgahnastan.The Taliban is hurtin deeply.Bin Laden is supposedly still loose,but could be dead. I am responding to your statement saying we "pulled out "of Afganisthan.I may be wrong,but,we simply sent soldiers to carry on the attack to Iraq,and left select forces in Afg. Concerning your assertion that the troops are tired...wouldn't you be? I would.Since when does being tired impact your duty. Whether it is providing for your family,fullfilling your job demand's,raising your children...etc.Do what the mission requires.I am not there.I am too old,thats what the recuiter told me.In these trying times,we are demanded of more than the usual. This concept has not dawned upon the masses in our country.They don't seem to realize that we are at WAR!!! There has been NO rationing,NO more attack's on American soil since 9/11. I can only repeate myself...being "tired" is only a circumstance.Will you allow a circumstance to determine victory,in a life or death battle.I am not just referring to the battle field,(I by no means intend to compare the battle that our brave troops are involved in to our daily challenges,but there exists a paralell.)?Yeah,gas is out the a**.BIG F******DEAL!Jeff,I can't tell you how pleased I am that you opened this topic. I am going to pass on something that I saw on a local bbs. I don't want anybody getting their panties all twisted about this..but I admit ...I blew snot out of my nose. "Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics...you won,but your are still retarded.I am thankful that is not going on here.Proffessional discussion...that's how men get it done.No offence ladies.
  14. Honest debate Iraq

    Jeff, I understand your thought's about the welfare of our troops,and respect them.I do want to adress somthing before I continue. I am not comparing the 2 different wars per say(reasons for...),but remember the dead ,say at Omaha beach,I am writing without checking fig's,but I believe that somewhere around 3000 soldiers died in that assault,in a matter of hours.Perspective,not justification,perspective.The "drive by media"has been possesed with informing us of the running tally of deaths.I believe this is subversive,and a direct attack against our Commander in Chief,and the entire war effort,American victory.It has affected the masses outlook. That being said... Let us revisit the WMD question. In our great country,we have allowed a cancer grow,an enemy camp who'se main goal ,is to deprive our country of our soverinty.Like any tumor,it impedes uor ability to fully act accordingly.Whether it is real pressure,or simply percieved pressure,it has an effect.The cancer I refer to is the UN. Sadam,because of UN posturing,and our playing nicely along,removed the wepons.In this,I have no doubt. "true excellence is to plan secretly,to move surreptitiously(Sun Tzu."The Art of War")The interferance of the UN,destroyed that option for America.In light of this ,President Bush believed in attacking and pressed forward,in spite of the disadvantage.You know the story. As seen by the bolstering of the savage Islamisist,by the 9/11 attacks,you have to consider the abject cowardice of the previos "administration".I am sure you are aware of the initial attack on the trade towers,the embassy attacks,the attack on the U.S.S Cole.ALL blatent acts of war ,that should have been met with withering military attacks upon those responsible.Never happened. The "Islamo-facists" are savages,possed by deception,and they want you dead.They want everything that you recognize as life eradicated.Purified. I don't believe this is an arguable point. By taking the fight to them,President Bush,did something that I believe,very few of us could,or would do.Contrary to many,He is not stupid ,or an evil man.He understood fully ,the responsibility he was taking on. Some one had to stand against their savagery,who else but this beloved America? The fight is not just about Iraq.It was a starting point,an anchor point,to methodically destroy the strength of radical Islam.Make no mistake,if we stand down,the western world is in grave danger.Where you live,where I live....The Islamic savages need to be broken,beyond repair.I speak of the Islam who has repeatedly attacked America.There must be NO quater given. I will never bow to an Imam.It began in Afganastan,continued in Iraq,and will continue in Iran,S.Korea...until it's over,it's not over.My .02 cnts. As long as the Islamo facists seek our destruction,our liberty is bound. "Give me liberty,or give me death..." Let me know your thoughts.Good topic.Sorry about my spelling.
  15. cooling towers

    Good day ladies ,and ,gentlemen, I recall seeing a post concerning p/w'ng cooling towers.Because I am a computer dorkfish,I don't know how to search for the posting.Lord,I apologise...if anyone can lend a hand ,I would appreciate it,if you could give some direction.If not,anyone have any exp. in this field?Please post ,or e me at Peerl@rochester.rr.com.Thanks for any input..I LOVE!!! summertime!Turn it up!
  16. cooling towers

    Thanks gymrat.
  17. My new website

    Jon, The site looks good.Good pics...sell it!
  18. I'm curious...

    When I first came to this bbs,I was of the opionin that everybody that was making profit was in the ''all year round club".I have since come to learn that there are great co's in my neck of the woods(i am dating myself with that expression...but)The great north east.Particullay, the Peoples Republic of New York state. Ladie's,and gentlemen of the NE...you are no less than an inspiration to my company.To see you prospering in this climate is commendable,and to be respected.Thank you for your hard work. I am by trade a window cleaner.I entered the pw biz 3 yrs ago.W/C is stil my primary revenue source.I fully intend to position my pw division to be dominant in this market,but winter is still a challenge.I have added office cleaning to give me steady income throught the winter freeze. I have been reading so much about greasers..gahha!,I am wondering what you NE players have to say about the grease biz in our region?I know I could scan posts,but I am looking for real time. Thank ya'll.
  19. Hot Water

    jnoden, I began p/w'ing 4 yrs ago.An add on to my window cleaning biz.I began renting a 2gal/min cold machine.It did nice work.Then 3 yrs ago a friend and myself,bellied up for a Landa 4.8gpm/hot water machine.On res house washes ,it cut wk. time,by at LEAST!! 1/3rd.It is amazing.The hot water(175-180 deg.)almost replaces chems,but not quite.I do mostly vinyl,but some alum.I love it. I have also thought about winter applications.Specifically ice dam melting,with ext wand,but have yet to overcome my angst about running the beast in freezing temps.Liability with freezing spray,etc. It is a must for flat work.Yes you are adding additional $ for fuel,but gaining profit by reduced labor.Git er done!
  20. Doing things right

    Don M, I would suggest a payroll service.Rates here in NY are reasonable.So unless your in Ca.,it should be comprable.Temp agency's are full of crackheads,and slackers for the most part,although there are jewels to be found there.Workers comp is a curse upon our country.Foisted upon us by the f****** communist union culture,that invaded our great nation,by the miscreant F.D.R.TRAITOR.L.O.L
  21. Bathroom break????

    Florin, Take off your shoes,take a towel with you,if need be,and don't fear the customer.I have never had a customer refuse me ,or my men use of the bathroom.Now...if your going to nuke the toilet,it's your call.Keep the door closed when you leave.Fear not. Don't throw away(sorry) your profit.That probably cost you 50-75 buckorinos.Cut it out,your customers are human,they understand potty emergancies.Let it flow ,brother.
  22. First, if I may...Paul B.,may I ask from where you hale?I will also add that I have not read all the post's,But John,your "neighbor" is a brother ,or sister in Christ.I do not believe that God's word was referring to geographically oriented neighbors.I, of course ,could be wrong.It obviously doesn't exclude geographic "neighbors",but does not define them. The beloved familie's of ours,came here to become Americans.Not to establish their own little countries,within ours.Yes ,we all had our neighborhoods,but that didn't constitue excluding them becomming Americans. This is the problem today. Many of these ILLEGAL immg's,come to suck the bloated American teet,and nothing else. In my opionion,you are welcome to come to my home,and share in the history that is available to all who seek the milk and honey of this great nation.Those that do,will do so LEGALLY! If I can get popped for talking on a cell ,while driving,you can wait for the process.I am sick of the whining.Belly up,or stay where you are.
  23. Big window job

    J Benson, Mr. Carrol suggested a bosun's chair .Excellent tool!I get the impression that you are not a window cleaner,I apologize if I am incorrect.Doesn't mean you don't know how to use a chair,but I must ask,is the roof arched ,as you described it?Depending upon your exp.,could be a problem. My .02 sense, is that an articulating boom lift would do you well.Provided you know how to run one.Mind you ,it is not rocket science,but you can do a lot of damage;to prop,your self,your employee's.You need to ask property guy if there are any under ground races,plumbing,etc.and so on,and so on... Concerning pricing,are you doing out only ,or in/out?You take into consideration acess,risk involved,your liability,the time it will take you to clean the glass,etc;and arrive at your price.The price Mr.Carroll told you sounds like it is a good ballpark,and could be right on.I compete in a very different market,so it is hard to make a call.I hope this helps,if not feel free to e me at Peerl@rochester.rr.com.You have probably already done the job,and I hope you did well.
  24. Bd20

    Russ, I am learning,this may sound stupid,but....can I use this cleaner on vinyl,alum?Siding,I'm speaking about.Please drop me a line. Thank you.