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Posts posted by Thad

  1. Drugs & alcohol play a big roll in it. Americans are doing a lot of drugs and alcohol and then they dont show up to work. The the Immigrants do drugs & alcohol but they show up no matter what.

    A friend of mine with a landscaping business was plagued with personnel problems until he hired legal immigrants. They're not any cheaper than local workers (some he pays more) but he says they always show up and never have personal problems getting in the way of work.

    He said they show up on time and work all day.

  2. Don - call me! I never leave the house....if you call me on my cell phone from your cell phone, we can walk out the front doors and both be outside but not alone!!!!!! Thad - you do the same :)


    I will as long as Chen Fenner isn't in on it!


    I'm surprised you said to call- I thought I scared you when we talked earlier this year!


  3. I told my kids that if they would at least learn to do some of the stuff I do then they will have the ability to make money while in college or whenever they need some extra money. Even cleaning storefront windows pays a heck of a lot better than flipping burgers or waiting tables.

    I did the corporate thing for too many years and was glad that I had the ability to get out of the rat race and still support my family. I want them to have the same option.

  4. That's sweet Thad :cool:

    My dad had all kinds of guitars...12 strings, steel guitar he had atleast 4 or 5 but i never learned how to play them! D'oh

    My brother was in a cajun band The Basin Brothers ya heard of em?

    I know you would like my fav song by them "Why did you kill my pig" :D

    Thanks, man.

    I think I have heard of them, but I'm more into Bad Brains than Basin Brothers.


  5. Loomis is awesome.

    I used to have a customized 7'6" popping rod that I got when I worked in sporting goods. It was incredible and had my name in gold on the handle.

    I lost the top half in a move and didn't realize that I could buy just half a rod until I had tossed the butt end.

    Stupid brain let me down!

    Now I just use Shimano stuff for marsh fishing. I tend to be rough on gear.

    I even caught a 40" redfish with a Shimano reel, Power Pro and a $12 Shakespeare rod!
