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Posts posted by Freshscape

  1. Hey Guys! 

    I used to do pressure washing and wood restoration years and years ago. Recently one of my landscaping customers had a fence that was hail damaged and was told someone could come and "fix" it by cleaning and re-staining. (The fence was last stained 5 years ago, isn't in bad shape) But needs to be stripped and re-stained. So........I told her I knew i could do it better than some handyman with a pressure washer from Home depot and a bucket of stain from Walmart.


    I need some help with the basics, what stripping agent to use and in what mixture, and what is the best stain these days (quality). I will be getting a hot water pressure washer, and a 200psi nozzle. I got my Wolman certification back in the day, so I know a little bit, but its been far to long. I was wondering if anyone can direct me to some resources for me to learn from and get up to speed on how its done these days! 


    Any Help you guys could offer would sure make my day! Thanks in advance for any advice! 




