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Everything posted by plainpainter

  1. No - didn't have the camera with me that day. And these were tenants - and I hate tenants - so I scrammed! The product has 600ml/liter of VOC's - so it's really meant to saturate. I am more looking for what folks think on a re-coat basis. Will this be a healthy base for a re-coat this coming spring - and if so, should I do only the flats - or like you said Kevin, looks kind of weak - maybe everything should get coated? What I like most about it was - it wasn't dark and mildew growing all over it. If mildew can grown on the surface of anything - how come it hasn't grown on this surface?
  2. And a few more - I got plenty more.
  3. And here are some more photos....
  4. Beth - if I can get some pictures to post - the 'afters' are 16 months after! Let me think how it held up?
  5. I keep trying to post more pictures, but it tells me a security 'token' is missing?
  6. Here are some more 'befores'
  7. Disinfecting a deck

    You are in tennessee - so right now it's still moderate weather down there. So I am assuming this isn't from letting them go during the winter months - why do you allow your dogs to do this? And you actually let this accumulate more than a day? EWwwwwwwwww!
  8. e250???

    Dane - your whole business plan is executed perfectly. You have a 3/4 ton truck for a song - a nice little compact trailer setup - and absolutely nothing in your way to grossing 6 figures. Don't change!!!!
  9. James - I saw one of these window washer guys saying that $4/window was somewhat a national average to clean - and I assumed he meant inside and out. Didn't seem to be any money in it at those rates.
  10. e250???

    Dane - I can tell you are going to be very succesful with your business.
  11. I was once downstreaming F-18 onto bare grey PT deck boards to clean them up. Then I was packing up - the guy asked me if I could clean his front window with the cleaning water. It was like those grand entrances - where the ceiling goes up to the ceiling of the second floor - and thus they have this huge window above the front door way letting lots of light in. So I downstreamed the F-18 onto the window glass- and rinsed like crazy - and the glass came out shiny and perfect with absolutely no streaking! And it was 'hard' rinse water to boot. figure that out!
  12. I don't know what you guys are talking about - after using simple cherry - all I have to do is rinse, rinse, rinse, and my windows come out beautiful.
  13. If all you use is chlorine and water - you ain't washing.
  14. '08 Economy Poll

    You know this whole thing about Obama's lack of experience is total horse $hit. How much experience did 'W' have before he became president - one term of being a governor - right? Obama was a state senator - and then became a U.S. Senator in '04. That's way more experience than what 'W' had. Not to mention - look at that fool Henry Paulson - backing out of his original plan and changing how he is distributing money for the bailout. He is suppose to be a financial genius! He is suppose to be all knowing in how economics work - yet he is flabbering around like a beach whale, trying to figure out what to do. That's a man with experience - and yet nothing from his experience is guiding him right now effectively. I want someone that is smart - knows whom to look for advice - can gather all the opinions and knowledge and make a firm decision, right or wrong. And I believe Obama is the man whom isn't fearful of 'pulling' the trigger in making decisions. Don't let anyone fool you - nobody in washington has any experience right now to make the right decisions - they're all in the dark. Heck did you see Greenspan testify in front of Congress the other week? He was in a state of total shock as to what happened - he admitted to being absolutely clueless that this was all going down. And there is nobody with more experience in the economy than Greenspan - yet he was clueless. They're all clueless - we just need a man with a big heart and strong convictions to lead - and of course the intelligence.
  15. At this point - your guess is as good as mine. I installed aspen fence pickets last November - and they stayed all winter untreated - and this is the same mildew that attacked that wood to the point I had pickets that were coal black. Seems to me if you leave the wood long enough that it becomes grey - the mildew disappears?
  16. First Bobcat of the year

    I want one for a pet - I love cats.
  17. Looks like you sanded every square inch of that deck! Again nice job.
  18. Very nice Ken - just curious why you went with the woodzotic considering all the potential problems? And not just do A.C. for everything?
  19. Rick - as far as I am concerned, the reason you didn't find any of the 'spot' mildew is because those are quality products. I am done done done with a certain manufacturer. Enough excuses - the products don't perform. Now I have to find a solution to resurrect my deck work this year and last. God help me.
  20. Florin - I still clean out gutters - I am talking about brushing gutters. I've been a happy man since I stopped pushing the service. I also noticed that gutters that I got sparkling white - I would drive by the next year and see them all F'd up again. I've been playing with my mixes - and I can get them cleaned pretty well now without brushing - more so the front of a home vs. the back. When they don't come clean easy, then all the brushing in the world won't clean them up sometimes.
  21. I believe the m-1 mildewcide would help - but I was under the impression the manufacturers were doing this step for us! Why else pay good money for a product that you now have to tweak with additives? my timberoil railing is dry dry dry - even though it's a parafinnic product it isn't sticky on the surface. As to the comments about the 'rogue' mildew during wet summers. I installed fence pickets last november - and watched this mildew proliferate all winter long on these bare wood pickets. That mildew don't need moisture! I watched it grow like gangbusters from Nov-Feb during a cold/dry/new england winter! We need a manufactuer to fess up the reason mildew grows on their stain is because they don't put the mildewcides needed!
  22. Just when you think people couldn't be any dumber...

    Kids are writing like they do when the are online chatting. The english language has always been evolving and will continue to do so. I'd think few here would want to speak like they did back in 1850 with all their thous and thees and stuff.
  23. I cleaned a couple homes in the last week, Jim. And being further north than you I agree. You dont' have to worry about chems drying - if it ain't raining that day, more than likely it will be raining the next day - so any other chems gets washed. I just don't think cleaning gutters under 60 degrees ever works well. But then again I've stopped pushing that service.
  24. Throw bleach and TSP and a good amount of surfactant - and lay it on good before you do anything else - and I think you will be surprised with the results. Then do your HD-80 and citralic steps.