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Dan Stapleton

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Posts posted by Dan Stapleton

  1. True repentance comes when we love God for who He is and what He has done. Like you, Mike, I fail all of the time and struggle daily with the" old man ". or sin nature. Our sin has been paid in full. Past, present, future. Our faith in Jesus' finished work is what saves us, rejection of Jesus deems us lost. Read my post again and think about it.

    Believe me, Mike, I understand conviction and repentance, I am in no way undermining their importance.

  2. Thanks guys. I've cleaned plenty of wood over the years and just decided to add wood restoration. I'm doing my first deck with ESI's Woodrich. It's PT Pine, pretty old. I plan on spraying(Pump-up and splash board.....we'll see) and back brushing (Pad). I've studied the subject here for about a year but until I do it I'm a little apprehensive. It's a simple little deck, 300 sq. ft. no rails. There was some Thompson's gold something rather on it and was a b***h to strip.

    I'll post the results soon. Thanks again.
