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Dan Stapleton

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Posts posted by Dan Stapleton

  1. Shane - Sorry, I forgot my camera! The deck was about 600 sq. ft. I charged 400.00 to clean it.

    John - I will call Trex! Thanx for the tip!

    Did that $400 include the underside of the deck too? How long did the job take you? Believe me, I'm one for getting top dollar for our work but if you tried to get $400 to clean a 600sq.ft deck here in central fl. people would laugh or try to have you arrested. I hope some floridians will back this up, I'm gonna need some ammo against some northern wood guys........coughfennercoughcough.

  2. Dustin I dont know where Lexington SC is but if your ever coming to Myrtle Beach call and I can get you OX real cheap, I usually have a extra bag or 2 JBS here delivers to my house for free and I get 55 lb bags for $42.00

    If your in the area call


    I called and e-mailed jbs twice and they did'nt respond . I directed my inquiry about oxalic to the guy you recommended.

  3. If you do a search on the above mentioned questions you'll find the answers. But to answer a few: Don't buy a waterbroom. It won't clean concrete. Get at least 4gpm. Really search this board for answers to cleaning up high. I'm not being rude just letting you know that commercial work will not "come your way". Learn as much as you can from these boards, put it to use on each job and your confidence and skills will grow. Good luck

  4. You need to figure out your gpm. If you are filling 10 gallons while emptying 1 (soap) in 2 minutes that is 10:1. 11 parts total. There are 128 oz. per gallon. Divide 128 by 11. That is 11.6% chemical and 88.6 water. I don't think your craftsman is delivering 5 gpm though so you will have to time it then do the math. As an example my machine delivers 4.5 gallons per minute. I empty 1 gallon in 2 minutes(downstream injector) Thats 9:1. I put 12.8% chemical out. Hope this helps.

  5. Try applying housewash(with sodium hypochlorite) Rinse as usual then apply mix again to the cocoons, let it dwell alittle, rinse again. If you can get the proper angle(from the side) sometimes you can chisel them off. No real high pressure needed. Try a narrower fan like a 15 degree.

  6. Barry,

    Your welcome. I'm glad you had success with it. You got the goodies and put them to use quick! As for rinsing, #9to #12 size orifice nozzles should put you in the 900-1500 psi range. Much bigger and your drawing soap again. You will develop an eye for what method you need. x-jet, downstreamer, tips etc. You can contact me anytime for more of the details.

  7. Hey Mike,

    That particular wal-mart may not carry the 7 but they could probably order it. The brand name of the one I posted about is Aqua-tainer and that name is in raised lettering on the side. The opening is about 2-3 inches. I mix in 5 gal. buckets with the pop-up spout in the lid and pouring into the container out of the spout works pretty well.They are short and wide. I've seen the skinny teal one too. Good luck and let us know.

    Dan Stapleton

    All Clean Pro Wash

    Tavares Fl


  8. Thanks Ken,

    I was actually joking but there WAS an underlying current of complaining. I just read stainless' thread about being blessed and we all are (in the USA)myself included.....Bigtime. Thankyou to all for the great info on this board. I have learned so much and the learning never stops! God Bless.

    Dan Stapleton

    All Clean Pro Wash

    Tavares Fl


  9. Sorry for the hi-jack but it sounds like black streaks, baked in. Most single wides around here are aluminum sided and old. Sounds like that is what h20 is dealing with.


    If you choose to take these jobs and electrostatic bonding(black streaks or solid black) is what you are dealing with,brush like gutters, price accordingly and watch for paint removal.Otherwise what Mike said is right on. I did a lot of mobiles when I first started and 10 or even 8 a day, done properly is unrealistic.Even if they were all vinyl and you didn't have any sheds, carports etc.

    Dan Stapleton

    All Clean Pro Wash

    Tavares, Fl


  10. Why don't you just hire the guy and pay him $45 while you collect the rest of your charge?


    #1 He has a lawn business.#2 I wouldn't want to re-train him. #3 Anybody doing housewashes for that price (no matter how they do it) aint too bright.

    Dan Stapleton

    All Clean Pro Wash

    Tavares, Fl

