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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Estimate sheets

    I use both. If it's a big bid as far as complexity and I want to show pictures of their hood exhaust system then I do computerized. However, if it's a small mom and pop and they just basically want a bid, I have hand written for that that are 2 part. Office Depot does them for me.
  2. Managing our industry

    Anthony.....great name by the way ;) This is sorta what we are doing at The Grease Police in the kitchen exhaust cleaning biz. I think having a criteria that has anything to do with money is bad though. There are some HUGE companies out there that do some of the worst work you have ever seen in your life. We chose pictures as one of the way to police our members. Yeah, you can lie and photoshop stuff and take pictures at angles that may hide certain areas, but it would take more work to do all of that than just doing the job correctly. Great brain fart though dude, keep thinking and figure something out for the pw industry. I think it can be a success.
  3. yeah, cause Nissan hadn't built the Titan :D Over 38K miles now and not one single problem, rattle, shake, shimmy...nothing. I love my Titan.
  4. Thecleanernetwork.com is gone

    Nice plug Ron:sick: I never actually joined the forum, but I did troll around there quite a bit. It was a great forum. So sorry to hear it go.
  5. Yes, that is very sad. It's sad that the parents were STUPID enough to not take their little baby to a hospital at the risk of being deported or not. I would die for either of my kids, who cares about being deported? They should feel like such pieces of excrement for putting themselves in such a position. It is truly sad.
  6. Laptop for customer invoices ???

    all great benefits...not to mention doing bids.
  7. That's beautiful dude...great post. Nobody is looking to starve any kids, not even us big bad conservatives. All we're saying is follow the rules to come to our country. Yes, it is the best country in the world! Yes, I would be trying to get here if I was from another country as well! I think YOU guys are missing our point as much as we're missing your point....there is a legal way to enter our country, do it. We welcome you with open arms. You break the laws, then you deserve the punishment that goes along with it.
  8. Written by Carol Rock Saturday, 05 January 2008 Welfare and food stamp benefits soar $3 million higher than September payout. New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from September, announced Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits is going directly to the children of illegal aliens. Illegals collected over $20 million in welfare assistance for November 2007 and over $16 million in monthly food stamp allocations for a projected annual cost of $444 million. "This new information shows an alarming increase in the devastating impact Illegal immigration continues to have on Los Angeles County taxpayers," said Antonovich. "With $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $444 million in welfare allocations, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education." Dave Hollenbeck Santa Clarita Radio, Hometown Station, KHTS AM-1220 - Illegal Aliens Receive $37 Million From County In November
  9. Russia was communist, that's why they went broke..we are capitalist...HUGE DIFFERENCE. :lgbonk:Heaven forbid that somebody gets unhappy about seeing criminals be punished...
  10. See Jeff...we do agree on some things :D Illegal immigration is destroying our country! We must stop the bleeding first by sealing the borders. After all, some of those illegals sneaking over the border could be coming here to harm us, could they not? What ever happen to people being responsible for their actions? It isn't the gov't that would be responsible for sending people back to where they came from, it would be THOSE PEOPLE THAT ARE ILLEGALLY HERE!!! They are NOT innocent bystanders, they had to sneak over here knowing that what they were doing is illegal. As much as I admire their hard work and family oriented way of life, they are breaking the law....period. With that said, I would love to see some sort of temp workers program instituted. After it's instituted and an illegal is caught here that has not applied, and been granted permission, they should be sent back. After they have applied for the worker program and are accepted, THEN they would have the chance to apply for citizenship. I have made many friends in the restaurant business that are probably illegal. I don't know for sure if they are or aren't and I don't ask, but when I see the owner pay them cash at the end of the night, then I'm assuming that they are. I know that most of them work 2-3 jobs and live with 4-5 other people in a little house. They send most of their money back to Mexico to take care of their family. I admire that work ethic, however, that does not give them a pass on breaking the law.
  11. I like "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. I personally practice what this book teaches and I gotta say it works. I love cash money ;) and being debt free.
  12. I don't think Beth was talking about fictional books :lghohoho: I would have to say that The E-Myth (contractor) has gotta be on the list. Master the art of Selling...by Tom Hopkins is an oldie but goody. Guerrilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson is one of my favs.
  13. Here is the Best Ford Ad Ever!

    I had never seen the entire commercial...just the snipped version. That is pretty awesome.
  14. Where's Alan???? He's closer I believe. I think that's too far for Craig to drive just for a house wash and a little concrete...
  15. torsion or leaf spring

  16. Making the x-jet easier to use

    Alan...that is a picture of Matt's butt, don't ask me why I have pics of other dudes butt's :eek: He sat in it I believe and waiting too long before stripping down to bare metal :D Also, if you put baby oil on your wrists or wherever you are burnt every day, it will heal up quicker.
  17. Hot off the Press: 8.27.07

    Fear the Foam....
  18. burner exhaust adapter

    you have any pics Kevin?
  19. 2-way etiquette?

    hahahahahahhah... hahahahah I just spit Lipton Green Tea all over my monitor..hahahahha
  20. TGS Forums Privatized - please read

    Beth...I think that is a good idea, it worked for us at TGP..we also have a screening process for new registering members, they aren't automatically in just because they sign up. Lot's of turkey lurkers out there trying to swipe valuable info without contributing in the least---I can't stand those people!!
  21. Can a BBS be an industry leader?

    The Grease Police is taking over the world of grease. In the future if a kitchen exhaust cleaner isn't a licensed GP contractor, they will be mud in the eye of customers and the industry in general.
  22. they're called racing stripes and the speed, gpm or how many arms the surface cleaner has, has nothing to do with it. It's simply where you are overlapping. Prespraying with a good chemical should solve it. It did for me.
  23. burner exhaust adapter

    that's a bummer Rick, but I've basically ran into the same problem. You may want to try a muffler shop, they have some talented welders that can fabricate just about anything...
  24. burner exhaust adapter

    good info Russ...I didn't know that...thanks.
  25. Opinions needed on our website

    other Scott (Stainless) Thank you for your kind words of encouragment :) With that said, How come you are not on our forum? You have tons of knowledge that we could all benefit from...don't be stingy :D