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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Opinions needed on our website

    Scott, register you have to put HotShot as referrer...Are you trying to register as Integrity? Try again, I'll be looking for you to make sure you get put through. We do screen our members so your info has to be correct ;)
  2. yep, I'm with Dave... Charlie since you are ok I gotta laugh at you :D man, what I wouldn't give for some video of that... glad you're ok though man, Be safe.
  3. I know a couple guys that upstream some harsh freakin chems for Kitchen exhaust cleaning and they've been doing it a long time. Sounds like it would eat your pump alive, but I think it you rinse it really well afterwards, it will hang in their for a long time. But just washing heavy equipment, I don't see why you couldn't downstream and get enough concentration of chemical. Maybe you are just not using the correct chem? Sounds like you need a foamer though ;)
  4. yep...I'm with Alan, had that same problem myself. The tips didn't "look" clogged, but they were. I just blew on them from the outside and it came right out. Worked great ever since.
  5. My new roof cleaning tool..... check it out!

    talk about a way to cut down on inspecting rooftop exhaust fans....:eek: That would be great to fly over restaurants and see who's is dirty then go hit'em up.
  6. What I did this weekend

    Here is what I did this weekend [YT]fTyMP74SiUw[/YT]
  7. What I did this weekend

    yeah, she's got a little more practice to go, but she's not bad.
  8. What I did this weekend

    You mean something like ?[YT]bOo0G9EQebA[/YT]
  9. Making the x-jet easier to use

    You mean like this
  10. Best Techniques Using Surface Cleaner

    Also, get a Mosmatic swivel for the end of your hose (another tip from Alan that I love). You'll be surprised how easy it is on your wrists and stuff...they are really nice.
  11. spray cart

    Nice Jon...we greasers are always looking for better ways to carry in all of our tools to lessen the trips made in and out of a restaurant. That seems like a pretty handy cart. Another good one is the mini shopping carts, they work pretty good and those 3 level carts too...I think Northern Tool has them.
  12. get a respirator and you wouldn't have to worry about it.
  13. Does you step van look something like this? Do you have any pics of the setup?
  14. Listen to the wizard...but if that's what you have, then that's what you gotta work with. I know tons of guys and gals that have been using them for a long time and have had zero problems...just be very, very careful. Here is one setup that I don't think this person would mind me sharing...
  15. business is slow ..

    John...do you just have Realtors that you work with? Or is it mainly from Home Owners that you are getting this work from?
  16. mud on stucco?

    Does it look something like this? If so, Oxalic acid worked for me
  17. How Tough is Marriage

    I love being married.... I love the responsibility of being a husband and a daddy to my 2 little girls. There is nothing in this world that makes a man feel like a man more than this duty :)
  18. If I Had 100,000 Dollars I Would

    ahhh..yeah, Titan's rule baby
  19. If I Had 100,000 Dollars I Would

    I'd fill the gas tank in my Titan :banghead:
  20. Need some ideas

    you can make your surface cleaner like the ones that Rod was talking about. Mine came attached with wand, but I took it off because I didn't really like it and it weighed down the surface cleaner too much. Now I just use a ball valve and carry the wand on the surface cleaner... I gotta look for those ball valves that you're talking about Jeff...mine sucks!
  21. Making the x-jet easier to use

    Actually Alan Preferred Pressure had this idea first as far as I know...I use it too..those little jugs are really nice.
  22. WARNING....Has this happened to you too?

    man, we have a whole thread dedicated to that chick on another board....WOW..is all I can say. So did you go with the baby blue? and does your lady know?
  23. or if they didn't sell and jacked you for your money, you could take it out on their (_!_)