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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. WARNING....Has this happened to you too?

    ding, ding, ding...what do we have for him Johnny? :D
  2. WARNING....Has this happened to you too?

    "my father is a television repair man, he's got an ultimate set of tools, I can fix it" anybody know what that's from? :D my point- just because somebody has the tools don't make them a mechanic. There is a competitor of mine that has one serious freakin setup, I get a little excited just thinking about it...he's also the guy that did this!!! I would have told her to go for it, but your price will triple when I come back to fix your mess!
  3. my new freedom

    I failed a drug test and they fired me!!!!! just kidding, missing my daughter walking and talking was the last straw for me, I couldn't take it not being able to take off of work when important things happend. My family means more to me that money or work, I'm thankful that I can make good money still and see them pretty much all day, or at least when I want to :D
  4. my only suggestion would be maybe keep the price the same, take your $200 now to cover costs, then get the rest when the house closes.... makes you the savior and a good guy and also helps them out.
  5. Phone calls

    hahahah....well, from the sound of things, it may sound better than his mouf :D
  6. My Bride

    Jeff...you just trying to get "some" or what? :D
  7. Phone calls

    I'm gonna have to call your butt now :D
  8. What do you guys do when....

    well, I think what it is...is once I say something, there is nothing left to be said :D
  9. What do you guys do when....

    no problem, just send 10% of every job that you get using these methods to HotShot Hood and Duct service :D just kiddin man
  10. Owners' Manual for the parents of teenaged daughters

    oh man...that was great. I'm gonna have to get more guns :D
  11. What will work for sealing a trailer floor

    is that Herculiner easy to work with? If I remember correctly it was like a 2 or 3 step process....
  12. What do you guys do when....

    I usually put in the bid itself when I'll be calling back if I haven't heard from them. Say something like "Since life is quite hectic most of the time, I will give you a courtesy call in a few days. This way, in case you forget to schedule your service you'll still have the opportunity to take advantage of the offer while it is still available."
  13. Almost made me cry.....

    Very nice... :eek:
  14. Hang-time

    What about mixing a little "Hang Time" with the foam. Would that be the ultimate kick butt mixture? I know Josh was saying that he puts a little gel in with his foam mix, gotta be pretty similar eh?
  15. Hang-time

    You sure bout that :D
  16. Hang-time

    Stephen....Why don't you foam it man? I get an easy 20 minutes of dwell on a hood....
  17. business card feedback

    I think everyone is making a big deal out of nothing really. If I see "the fish" on something doesn't make me want to go with that guy over another though and I'm a Christian. I personally don't put it on my stuff because the way I see it is if I have to "tell" someone that I am, then I'm prolly acting in a manner that suggests otherwise. Do what you want bro, either way, it's a nice card and I would say exactly what Jeff said, go with what you think is right :)
  18. business card feedback

    They're awesome bro...but :) If they are glossy on both sides, you may regret it. You can't write on them, and sometimes I want to write on them.
  19. Ouch !!

    I heard he wasn't wearing his seatbelt....click it or ticket!!!1
  20. Organizations and the bulletin boards

    reminds me of one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes. The dentist that Jerry and Kramer go to has a playboy in the waiting room... Jerry: So you feel the need to use a lot of foul language at the dentist office? Kramer: When they stick that needle in, I let the explitives fly...hahahahaha.. I think an open forum is a good thing, but it should have a super-secret members only section for the "good info" and to talk about Phil :D
  21. Matt would never do anything like that.....*cough, cough* :D
  22. hahahahah...that's pretty funny Mike..sorry it was him that got you, but it's still pretty funny. Let's just say that the last guy that used a GP member's pics was very, VERY happy to take them down after we got done with him....
  23. well, we're giving this person the benefit of the doubt and giving him a chance to remove them in case he had somebody build the site for him and it really was a mistake.... if there is no response, then it's public humiliation time...
  24. Ouch !!

    That's a heck of a way to celebrate your Birthday mang...also, that doesn't exuse your non-presence on these forums :) glad you're ok buddy...
  25. there is someone on this forum doing some major theivery right now...The Grease Police SWAT team is all over it and he will regret it when we're done with him :D Dozen's of phone calls during greaser hours is not fun...dozen's of phone calls asking for quotes to fictitious places or even real places and make them show up and the "real place" is like WTF? are you here for isn't fun either. You know who you are doing it pal, I would suggest taking them off, before you we frisk you the Grease Police way