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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Greg...we use the GP Foamer 5000 I posted a pic of it earlier in the thread :) and yes it definetly helps with the dwell time..15-20 is pretty normal for the foam to do it's thang.... Oops, it was a different thread that I put the picture on...but here it is.
  2. Vote on logo!! (see attachments)

    I like the 2nd one better, but it is a bit confusing with the letters. If you go with the first one I would suggest really making it wood looking.... ps- don't listen to us!! We will drive you crazy on which logo to go with, just pick the one you like and go with it. Trust me, you'll thank me later if you do this. Ask me how I know...
  3. Making the x-jet easier to use

    Great Chris...you're gonna love it dude :)
  4. Product for oil removal

    Wonder if it would work on Roofs where grease has leaked all over the place like this one?
  5. Making the x-jet easier to use

    that's a great ideer man, but there is NO WAY I'd strap chems on my back...this is my GP 5000 foamer setup...I have a bucket underneath to catch any spilled chems.... yeah, yeah, I know it's not an x-jet, but my point is the dolly is the best method in my humble opinion..
  6. Cool Goggles

    Nice dude...I tried one of those out...it's a great truck
  7. Yeah, I mix Potash and S/h beads...I figure I'll foam it up and let it dwell. Maybe I'll get some video too, I haven't made one in awhile ...
  8. Cool Goggles

    Shane, is that a bed of a Titan I see there?
  9. I'z hoping you wouldn't look in the wood section Matt....hahahahah...I was trying to hide it hear to stay away from the insults :D Just kiddin- I wouldn't even attempt this if it wasn't a sweet old lady that owned this and couldn't find anybody else to do it. Oh well, it will be worth it just for the foam pics, maybe we can sell some more Grease Police foamer 5000s :)
  10. Thanks Rick and Beth...I told her not to expect too much because I was not a wood expert, but she said that was fine to just do the best I could. I did a little test spot and the grease came off pretty good, but I don't think it's gonna come out all that pretty like the work you all do.... We'll see, I'll talk pics for sure. :)
  11. Family show off :)

    you guys are crazy... her nose is a little off center, which makes her not my type :D I had to stare at her for about 10 minutes to try and find something wrong...:D that's awesome Celeste, looks like you and Rog are raising respectible young adults. Charity nowadays is so uncommon....
  12. Truck units or Trailers ?

    Hey Rod, you got any pics of that setup, that sounds sweet dude. I'm thinking of getting a van or sprinter or truck ...just can't decide which one. Since I do KEC, one major thing that I consider is the "stink" factor....do the sprinters have a seperation barrier? or can it be ordered? I'd love to see some pics of one setup though, if you don't mind. :)
  13. Jesus had a child??

    in short.....NO. Jesus said that it was not His will that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) Jesus told some religous Jews that their father was the devil (because of their sin). (John 8:44) Matt 7: 14 says Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. God doesn't play favorites Rod, all we must do is Repent and Trust in the Saviour to be saved from the great and terrible day of the Lord in which he will judge us. There is no realm of living with God, there is our life now which is but a vapor compared to eternity. Jeff...your questions are good ones young grasshoppa, I will try my best to answer them for you. On second thought, read Romans chapter 5. Get a translation like the NASB so it's really easy to understand compared to the King James Version for most folks. John T....I can't convince you of something that you don't want to be convinced of. For instance, the Noah's arc story. If you really want to know the answer to this, take the time and listen to this sermon. Download it and play it on your mp3 player when you're exercising (that's what I do :)) We've all been over this stuff 4 million times in 4 million different threads. Yet, it's still fun :D
  14. Jesus had a child??

    :banghead: No offense Rod, but it hurts my head to read your posts sometimes bro. When are people going to figure out that it's not about US. It's about God and HIS glory. We weren't created to float around and reach another level of consciousness, we were created to worship HIM and please HIM. He thought of EVERYTHING when he created us, he is all knowing. There are no surprises with God. Matter of fact in HIS word he says as a part of fulfilling prophesy that knowledge will increase dramatically, that's one way to know that HIS coming is near. We all need to read the Bible more and stop making things up as we go along....
  15. Someone pleez run me over with a weed whacker!!!

    When it rains it pours sometimes... Hang in there Jarrod, it'll get better :) Sorry I'm with Jeff, no hugs from me bro :D
  16. I have slept with some here

    hahahahhaha :D
  17. Jesus had a child??

    But Philip...the key word is TRUTH...there is no truth to this so called discovery...
  18. I have slept with some here

    and how could I ever forget by association with PETA :D
  19. I have slept with some here

    I'm in bed with Rush Limbaugh and all the guys at Club Gitmo Poo at Driploc (some of the finest KEC equipment made) And Matt Bryan from Bryan Exhaust... I get around baby....
  20. Going Green--With Reclaiming

    What's that?
  21. Going Green--With Reclaiming

    There is a book I have called "Do as I say, not as I do"...it's about liberal hypocrisy...it's a great read if you ever get a chance to pick it up.
  22. Jesus had a child??

    After that post Scott, there is nothing else to say....the only thing that you didn't mention is the laughable DNA evidence that they are asserting...it's a joke
  23. Bookkeeping Service

    I think if you're doing enough business to warrant it --- YES. If not, just stick to the basics and figure out quickbooks. Those aren't bad prices at all though.
  24. Hotel Pricing for Roundtables

    I'm with Larry on this one. I don't like roaches, or stains in my bed. I worked at a hotel (Best Western) for 6 years during and after high school, I know what goes on at some of these places and most of the time just like anything else- You get what you pay for! Now, it's a different story when I go on a hunting trip or something, anyting beats sleeping on a hard ground in a sleeping bag...I'll go cheap there.