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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Cool training site - check it out

    WOW...I had no idea that all this cool training was going on around me- Thanks Beth :)
  2. Looking for training?

    Kenner....dude, I just found this thread....Man, that's a great compliment coming from you...Thank you :) I think size of the company does mean something, but integrity and honesty mean tons more. Once upon a time there were dualling kitchen exhaust cleaning companies in the L.A. area. One was absolutely humongous, but had the integrity of OJ Simpson and the other was a tad bit smaller, but took great pride in their work and helped the industry by leaps an bounds by their own hard work and great ideas. Both were considered successful companies by any standards, but what seperated them was the major contrast of the integrity and honesty quality. I would much rather learn from the company that has character as well as being successful in their field of expertise. Both are necessary I believe.
  3. Collecting after the job.

    I just have this tattooed on my hand and when we shake hands after the job, this is what they see :D
  4. Resignation

    I'm almost positive they are not getting out of the biz, specially after our conversations the other day...ther're gonna be FEARING THE FOAM :D
  5. Resignation

    WTH???? is going on around here
  6. Who has the coolest avatar?

    OK...I was just hoping that I didn't do anything wrong, because I didn't remember anything. :) I thought I was losing it there for a second...
  7. Who has the coolest avatar?

    Hey thanks guys for the votes...:D I do like Ricky chasing the weed bag, that makes me laugh everytime I see it.....my favorite was prolly this one that I use to have of that crazy look on Hillary's face...I'm waiting for election time to put it up again, but I use to laugh out loud when I saw it at the top of my posts... ps. What's with the "accept the rules for posting" message I had to check before I could post here? Does everyone have to do that or did I do something wrong?
  8. Congrats on the booming businesses Carlos, if you're ever down this way again, be sure to call me up :) I'll treat you and your wife to dinner... I think I speak for all of us when I say you'll be missed around here.....
  9. Like a Virgin

    Those Chocolate Labs are awesome dude.... :) Welcome
  10. Vonage

    I have had it for about 4 months now...and I love it. I also have an (800) through them for $5/month... if power goes out, you can transfer it to any phone that you want...You can check your voicemail from anywhere you can get on the internet....it has tons of cool features. I haven't had an issue with customer service yet, so I can't really comment on that, but I love it and it has saved me tons of money already.
  11. video on homebuilt site.

    I couldn't get the video to work bro.....
  12. Call Josh... 314-644-5185
  13. Unbelievable! Is this OSHA approved?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH hahahahahahah :D that was funny
  14. I use a 3/8 hose barb on the end of my foamer...works better than any tip I have...I love it
  15. Dave...You downstream your chems for hoods?
  16. Unbelievable! Is this OSHA approved?

    I was expecting to see a bunch of cardboard boxes down below....that would have been funny... :D
  17. Shop Leasing

    Those pics are sweet man...I'd love to have something like that. Wes...check with your city dept and see if they have some kinda grants or anything like that. They may help cover something. My city has a program called an "Enterprise Zone" If your business is located in this area, they give HUGE tax breaks and other little benefits. It's a program to promote city growth... just a thought....it may help get that "nicer" place that you may not be able to afford any other way..
  18. Aren't we blessed

    I agree...you guys are a blast to know, and it is a real pleasure chatting with you all, no matter how wrong you are :D God really has blessed us, our businesses and our country...
  19. Political thread jump start :)

    aahhhhh....Congrats bro..that's awesome! :)
  20. Political thread jump start :)

    I'm with you John...I have fun too....:) It doesn't matter if you buy into the God stuff or not, you still have a conscience and the Bible says that your conscience bears witness with what's right and wrong...unless it becomes seared from all the sin...like the Jeffrey Dahmer types that don't think it's wrong to kill and eat people...
  21. Political thread jump start :)

    Can't the drug dealer just form a corporation and run the money through there? That way they couldn't take all his stuff, because he is just a stockholder :D This is getting silly.....there is right and there is wrong! If you do something wrong, you go to jail. Drugs are wrong. It's very simple, we are just making it sooo complex. God gave us a conscience to know right from wrong. There doen't have to be a law telling me that says drugs are wrong...I think some of you guys are taking common sense out of the equation...
  22. Political thread jump start :)

    Thought you guys may get a kick out of this story...: Students were assigned to read 2 books, "Titanic", and "My Life" by Bill Clinton. One smart-ass student turned in the following book report, with the proposition that they were nearly identical stories! His professor gave him an A+ for this report: Titanic... $29.99 Clinton.. $29.99 Titanic... Over 3 hours to read Clinton... Over 3 hours to read Titanic.... The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe. Clinton... The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe. Titanic... Jack is a starving artist. Clinton... Bill is a bullshit artist. Titanic... In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar. Clinton... Ditto for Bill. Titanic... During an ordeal, Rose's dress gets ruined. Clinton... Ditto for Monica. Titanic... Jack teaches Rose to spit. Clinton... Let's not go there. Titanic... Rose gets to keep her jewelry. Clinton... Monica's forced to return her gifts. Titanic... Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life. Clinton... Clinton doesn't remember Jack. Titanic... Rose goes down on a vessel full of seamen. Clinton... Monica...let's not go there, either. Titanic... Jack surrenders to an icy death. Clinton... Bill goes home to Hillary...basically the same thing.
  23. Political thread jump start :)

    See, I actually agree with Jeff when he said that a Billion dollars is outrageous. I agree with that..that's ludacris. All of you guys seem to base your opinions on monetary things though. That's where I part ways. I believe that the moral issues are FAR MORE IMPORTANT!!!! Ryan wants to make drugs legal so we can tax them and get the money from it....what kind of statement is that? Ryan, I respect your opinions dude, but you are way off-----WAY OFF. Make prostitution legal? WTH? Are you crazy? :D Jeff...you said that you prefer somebody in the middle of the road...can you please tell me of one "middle of the road" kinda person that has ever made a huge difference in history? Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan...those aren't middle of the road kinda guys..they are leaders, they are MEN...it's rare to see that leadership and fortitude anymore, I miss that. If a conservative gives way to a liberal, he is no longer a conservative. You can't be for abortion and also be against it, (Even though Al Gore tried to be), you can't be for the war before you were against it (like John Kerry)....you gotta draw a line in the sand. I've said it before and I'll say it again: President Bush had it right in his speech after 9/11 "You are either for us, or against us"....and "Bring it on" Those were my 2 favorite comments ever uttered from his mouth. It showed Leadership and it showed him being a Man. We are so feminized now it's sickening. Whatever happend to guys like "the Marlboro Man" and John Wayne types. Guys, don't you still stand up and cheer when you watch movies like Death Wish and Walkin Tall and Rambo? No, now we sit on the couch and cry with our wifes when we watch "The Notebook" or whatever other sissy movies are out there...gag me with a freakin spoon!!! point is....Conservatism works everytime it is tried. We can be the riches nation in the world all we want, but if we are morally corrupt, we will fall period. I vote for morals first and then everything else second.
  24. Political thread jump start :)

    J-FI... I can see your point, but there are some problems with that. I am going out on a limb here, but I would say that most conservative women are stay-at-home moms that are actually at home raising their kids and they wouldn't be able to vote???? That's not right. $40 K in some parts of the country is A LOT of money and would not include a lot of hard working people. I'm not sure that money is the issue...I don't mind EVERYBODY having a right to vote, but I do think that if a politician is caught in a lie, they should automatically be banned from the process. How many times have you watched a debate on tv and and said to yourself...that's a lie!!! I think that if you (the politician) or your staff get caught lying..you're disqualified!!!! I think this country should raise the standard for our public servants instead of brushing off the little things like rape and lying to a federal judge and you know, little things like that :rolleyes: It makes me sick when I hear people take up for a politician that has done something wrong by saying "well, that's his/her personal life"... I also think that if a guest is invited on a tv program like Hannity & Colmes or Orielly or something like that and they are caught lyiing they should not be invited back on the program and they should keep a list running at the bottom of all the liars that have been kicked off the show...I don't care if they're dems or repubs...I think the truth is more important and I think that conservatives have a better arguement for ideas on how to run the country when lying is taken out of the equation.
  25. 24

    OK....I haven't read this thread yet...I just scrolled to the bottom to post :D I just recently started watching 24 and I have to say...it is the best series I've ever seen. My in-laws have all the seasons on dvd and I have made it through seasons 1 & 2 and going to start season 3 tonight. I love it so far and from what I hear it just gets better and better every season...I can't wait. I prolly can't keep reading this thread because I don't want to know what happends, but after I'm up to speed, I'll check back....