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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Political thread jump start :)

    I am actually a little scared for conservatives in the coming 2008 elections. There are far too many limp wristed republicans that call them conservative when they are far from it in reality. I think a true conservative will be hard to find that will actually be popular enough to make it to the big-time. I sure hope they do, but as of now, I don't see it happening. Will the "real" conservatives in public service please stand up?
  2. Got A New Toy!!!!

    very, very nice Carlos....Is it your wife or you that has the good taste, who picked it out?
  3. Question about Form W-9

    HAHAHAHHA...funny man :D I have filled out quite a few, you're safe. Bout everything you need to know Celeste and Doug said...all I can say is "ask your accountant" hahahahha
  4. F-350 Dually

    My father in law has a Chebby Duramax and to be honest, I like the engine, but I don't like the truck...it sounds like it's falling apart and it only has about 25 thousand miles on it. He has to back in his driveway because it's on a slope and it won't start if it sits uphill for very long. They can't find anything wrong with it at the shop :( That's some bulllllogna that he paid nearly 50K for a truck that can't be parked uphill.... Ford is suppose to be putting a light diesel in the F-1fiddy...that would be pretty cool. Also, I've been hearing that Nissan is making a 1 Ton Titan with a Cummins in it......SWEET.
  5. F-350 Dually

    yeah, it's going to be a 6.4 I believe. Just whent they get the bugs worked out of the 6.0, they go and change it :idea:
  6. Calling all Los Angeles Washers !!!!!

    Scott...pm Alan (One Tough Pressure)...he can prolly help...or Matt Bryan..they are both familiar with everything down there
  7. rust on stucco

    Very classy Dustin...good job
  8. you can run but...

    it has over now...yippie :)
  9. My first video of 2007

    Here is my first Video of 2007:
  10. My first video of 2007

    Thanks Rick...that's a huge compliment :) I remember somebody successful saying a long time ago (I don't remember who) that "passion is the MAIN ingredient for success". If you are doing something that you love there is no stopping you with some edjumication and a little bit of hard work...that's the way I look at it. :) Thanks again...
  11. My first video of 2007

    Thank you Celeste...that means a lot :) Thad...hey bro, the Vonage is working great, going on 2 monfs now :D I love it.
  12. My first video of 2007

    Thanks guys :) God willing, this will be a monumental year for HotShot Hood and Duct Services...
  13. Happy New Year Video

    Happy New Year yall.... [YT]rtXRArCW7uk[/YT]
  14. Hanging out/Shwing

    Yeah, I'm more along the lines of Celeste :) I think the death penalty has it's place, no doubt. I don't care if it's a deterent, IT'S JUSTICE!!! I think that every person should have every opportunity to prove their innocence and I know that innocent people are in jail and even on death row and that sucks. I don't wish that on anybody. However, with DNA and all the other advances we've made, I feel pretty confident in our system. I DO think that they should bring back the chain gang, and hard labor with people in prison instead of letting them lift weights and watch tv and take college courses :mad: I think they should be made to labor like a mofo either until they die or they have served their time. I DON'T think that people should sit on death row for 20 years and be able to go through 40000 appeals when everybody knows darn well that they did it. They should be put to death within a couple weeks. If the average costs taxpayers $35,000 / year, that pisses me off that a Saddam type would be able to eat, sleep and drink and live on our dime for 20 years...
  15. rust on stucco

    Dustin...ox on stucco worked for me pretty well. Just don't let it dwell very long. Don't just glob it on and then let it set for a long time. I just put it in a spray bottle put it on, wait for the bubbles to stop then rinse (about 20 sec if I remember right). Then apply another coat if needed. It took about 10 coats for me, but it turned out great.
  16. Rick Warren & Obama

    John..you're in my prayers bro. You being in the profession that you are in, you know that your life could end at any given moment and you may not have time to repent, or even think about spiritual things....please don't wait too long buddy :) As far as seeing is believing goes. You see creation with your own eyes. Creation is 100% proof that there is a creator. You can't have creation without a creator, you can't have a painting without a painter, you can't have a pw without Hydrotek :) Have a wonderful Christmas you guys and I look forward to debating with you all next year :D
  17. Merry Christmas Everyone

    Merry Christmas to you guys and gals as well, it's a real pleasure to be associated with you all :)
  18. Best Christmas Gift Ever!

    SUWEET!! Congrats Scott....:)
  19. Rick Warren & Obama

    John...I don't believe in gravity, does that mean that if I step off of a 10 story building I wouldn't plumit to my death? After all, I can't see it, smell it, taste it, or hear it so it must not be true....
  20. Rick Warren & Obama

    Was it Jonathan Edwards? Or Calvin? I read and listen to sermons by these great puritans like Edwards and my favorite is of course Charles Spurgeon :) You got that right, no good deed can save us, only Repenting and Trusting in Jesus can save us.. How can you say this when the Bible directly commands ALL christians to "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel" ??? The Ten Commandments are God's standard and that standard is perfection. You just said that "send an otherwise good man to hell".... God says that there are NONE good, but God Mark 10:18 If you think you're good take the Good person test!!!Let me give a little analogy about what you said about predestined and God's foreknowledge. It doesn't mean that we don't still have freewill..let me explain: How would you catch a criminal who is on the run? Well, you'd think about where he might go, then you'd try to be there to intercept him. Now, if you had perfect knowledge--if you knew everything-- you'd not only know where he is at any given moment, but where he'll be at any moment in the future. You'd know exactly what time he'd arrive at any point along his entire route. Would you be able to catch a criminal if you knew the exact moves he was going to make? If you knew the things he was going to freely choose to do--and this is important--at any given point, would you be able to catch him? Sure you could. If you know he's going down a particular road and will come around a particular corner at a particular time, you could place your men there so that when he takes the route he freely chooses (though known by you), your men would be right there to nab him. You're in control the entire time--you're sovereign. You're able to be in control because you know every move he's going to freely make. Therefore, your plan can be perfectly executed, even though he's making his free choices. My point is, just because God knows who will be going to heaven and who won't, doesn't mean that we as Christians, set back and chill.... We don't know who is going and who isn't.
  21. Can I brag, a little?

    cool Bill...enjoy bro :)
  22. Full Time Now!

    Way ta go Jim...we're all proud of you mang...:)
  23. Rick Warren & Obama

    that's great....and from a great source too :rolleyes:
  24. Hiring Illegals

    I agree Scott...the whole jobs that Americans won't do is a crock.
  25. Rick Warren & Obama

    Merry Christmas to you too bro...hope you and your family have a great one..