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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Rust removal video

    it's not, it just turned green when it hit the rust....adjust the color on your monitor hahahh :D
  2. New Header for my Website...

    What can I say..."It's a Keith" :)
  3. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Mike...what are you findings? Please share...what gets your attention best and least? I think that game is a great idea and I'll start tomorrow :)
  4. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Todd...just to play devil's advocate. If I go on ebay to look for something like say a pw. I don't give it the time of day if there are no pictures. It could have the greatest headlines, but if there are no pictures, I'm not even gonna click on it to read how wonderful the machine is. I know you said that words sell and pictures support and I think that you exactly right. You have obviously done your homework in this area, I'm just trying to throw some kind of monkey wrench in there somewhere to pick your brain some more...:D
  5. Thoughts on a post card design...

    You got that right Beth...this is an awesome thread!! :)
  6. hahahahahah.....very funny J-Fi I think Haulmarks shortcomings aren't anything to do with Rusty :)
  7. yeah, Alan...look at the fine quality of Haulmark :) I don't see how I'm the only one with these issues. Do none of you have these issues?
  8. Is one employee worth it?

    why couldn't we have a spec sheet (I dont remember what they are really called) but say you take your car to the shop to have a water pump replaced. They have a book that says how long that should take. If the mechanic takes longer than that, it's on him-he loses money. If he can do it quicker than the time alotted in the book then he's making money..... just a thought.... I know how long it takes me to clean different systems. I could pretty much put that on paper and if my employee takes longer than what's on the paper...it's on him, right?
  9. Is one employee worth it?

    You guys are real inspirations. I love hearing positive stories like that Craig and Kevin....thanks for sharing :) I just hired my first "real" employee yesterday. I'm paying a % of the job as well. Being that I'm still on the truck, he will be my helper until he's pretty comfortable doing what helpers do. Then, I'm going to train him to be me, and move myself into the helper slot. When I'm comfortable with his work in that position, I will then hire him a helper and step off of the truck. I plan on continuing this pattern until I have about 3 or 4 crews going. (gotta see what the market will bare)
  10. talking websites-R they worth it.

    I can't believe people still use dialup....:D just kiddin guys
  11. Internet Explorer 7 has been released

    I love Firefox too....I'm willing to give 7 a try though
  12. Anyone willing to share?

    oh yeah, how could I forget...duh? It was Matt Bryan--his is awesome sheck it out mang... You gotta scroll down to it....hope this helps
  13. Anyone willing to share?

    John...I'm trying to remember where I saw a really nice one. I know Jeff does one (it's nice), but that's not the one that I was thinking of...I'll keep looking for you. Did you already try the search button?
  14. Internet Explorer 7 has been released

    Is it as safe (as I'm lead to believe) as my Mozilla Firefox?
  15. talking websites-R they worth it.

    she will drive you crazy...but for some reason.....it's ok :D
  16. talking websites-R they worth it.

    It's kinda cool. Have you seen this new search engine that's gonna take over....Click here
  17. Thoughts on a post card design...

    I agree with Matthew...give Keith Bruce a call and see what he comes up with.. or you could also try Here and speak to Rob
  18. New PW forum???

    that's the last thing I need...to register on another pw forum..hahahah
  19. Good job Ken...the wood and the video :D Only one thing...why didn't you do the dog house? It looked out of place in one of the last "after" shots...
  20. Alan...I have a HALLMARK for my hood cleaning rig. It's a piece of crap!!! I'm constantly replacing screws that vibrate out and fall out while driving. When I get the new screws I put a little loc-tite on them so it doesn't happen again, but if I don't catch them in time, I've had 4 out of one side before. I could pry the sheet metal out enough to get my hand in the trailer.... However, it does tow nice and the axles have held up well....I grease them about every 20K
  21. take some pics Scott....:) ps...I like that new logo hehehehh
  22. New House?

    Congrats Jeff...enjoy your house buddy :) you deserve it
  23. Geek Squad at Best Buy - Lost all my data!!

    Can you guys imagine if we ran our businesses like that....:eek:
  24. Geek Squad at Best Buy - Lost all my data!!

    Good to hear Carlos...Hope you recover all of your data :) That's good to hear that Best Buy stepped up to the plate too...good for them
  25. The Dow industrials....

    it's just a scheme drudged up by the Bush admin...the Dow really isn't that high. I know that the un-employment numbers are lower than that have been all through the Clinton administration on paper, but people are hurting and starving out there. I know that there has not been ONE single terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11, but we really aren't safer. I know that the gas prices per barrel aren't even close to the price they were years ago in today's money, but Bush is ripping off the American people and the oil companies are in his pockets...I know that 6 million jobs have been created in the last few years, but that tax break for the rich is no good for America.... Boy, you conservatives have got it all wrong....bunch a wackos..:D