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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Vacation ideas for a pregnant gal

    What about Palm Springs? or Maybe San Diego? Do you guys golf at all? Both places are amazing this time of year....
  2. Gizmos to help you get along

    Hey Chris...thanks for the tip about using the welding blanket on your other thread...it works great :)
  3. stupid things

    My father in law filled up his diesel with some 91 octane the other day....good thing he didn't start it, I was able to pump it all out of the tank and refill with diesel..He was so embarrassed and being the nice guy that I am, I will probably never let him live it down :D
  4. Gizmos to help you get along

    I've been looking at getting the push/pull lance for those hard to reach places inside the hood areas. Like behind the front wall and in the gutters where the filters sit. That would save a lot of hand wiping and scraping...
  5. stupid things

    guess that will teach you to go for the salt :DI think all hood cleaners have our "forever" braclets from the SH burns....that stuff eats to the bone quick...
  6. Before I hurt someone...LOL

    she's gonna say NMD80 I bet :D we were talking about it on another board..
  7. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    they won't let you keep that pic bro....
  8. stupid things

    Hey...did you buy it from Philip? :D
  9. stupid things

    dang, I don't even know if I want in this thread :D I've left the house without chemical, tools, ladders all kinds of stuff. As a hood cleaner, I get very little sleep and it can be dangerous out there sometimes. One of the stupidest things was I cleaned a kitchen exhaust that had a duct that went straight up then a 90 degree to a squirrel cage type fan. The top of the duct comes off for cleaning....well, I left it off, and the restaurant called me back really early the next morning and said that their restuarant was filling up with smoke. The bad part was the job was 92 miles away, and I didn't know what happend so I had to drive all the way back for that....it was a bummer :(
  10. Hotsy Burner

    Kyle, check the obvious too...... sometimes it's just the simple things. I couldn't figure out why mine wouldn't ignite once and then I figured out that I did't have the propane turned on. I felt like such an idiot :) Step back, rest on it a little and then look at it again.
  11. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    very nice Todd...it's obvious that it's a "Keith" :) Bob...that's funny :D
  12. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Hey Jeff, I'm not trying to pick on you here but I think that I can make a great point on your comment above. There are others that have said this, yours is just the latest... You guys say that you have prayed to God...or you pray or something like that. In Proverbs 28:9 the Bible says "He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination. If you are not born again, you are storing up wrath on the day of judgement guys. Jeff, you said that you guess you'll just find out when you die--You are exactly right. Hebrews 9:27 says "And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment... Jeff and others..DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THIS DAY it will be too late guys!!! Let me ask you this "have you ever told a lie?" The Bible says that "all liars will have their part in the lake of fire". Listen to your conscience, God said that he wrote his (moral) law on everybodies hearts, that's how we know wrong from right. That's how we know that it's not right to lie, or steal, or kill...Please guys I'm pleading with you, look at your life, look at the Ten Commandments- That's Gods standard of good. Yes, I think everybody on here knows about Jesus and him dying for our sins, but do you really understand what happend, why it had to happen? Don't come to Jesus because "somethings missing in your life" or "you'll really never know happiness until you know him" or "He wants to bless you beyond anything you can imagine".....those are some of the STUPID reasons that I hear just about everyday (if I can stomach listening to it) on TBN or some of these other so called Christian channels or stations. The only reason that I'm posting this is because I do care about your guys' eternal destiny. I would venture to say that the other Christians are doing the same thing for the same reason...we care about you. Judgement Day is coming and you will be judged for your sins---your destiny is Hell!!! Unless you Repent and Trust in the Savior, Jesus Christ....Nothing you can do, all the good works in the world doesn't relieve your debt to a holy God. It's like filthy rags in the site of God. Let me also say, instead of cutting off your head if you don't convert (like Muslims teach), We (as Christians) plead with you, beg you even---think of your sins, think of the Saviour hanging on the cross taking the punishment that YOU deserve....
  13. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    uhm....isn't that a HUGE contridiction. There is absolutely ZERO evidence of life on other planets...and that's a fact. Also, you say that you believe in the "THEORY" of evolution. Also just because one believes one way or the other does not make it true. You are either right or wrong. If I believed that Mickey Mouse was God, I would in fact be wrong! There is no proof whatsoever in the claim that Mickey Mouse is God. There are tons of evidence supporting the fact that Jesus Christ, the God of the Bible, is God. Archealogical, scientific, historical evidences, and fulfilled prophecies support the claim. Now we can have discussion as we are here, interpreting those evidences and I think that's great, but somebody has to be right and somebody has to be wrong. I find it a little weird that you can stretch the imagination and have "faith" that there is life on other planets, but think that the Bible, which has stood the test of time and been proven to be true in a lot of different aspects to be false, or not fact. How in the world do you come to the conclusion that some planets are far more advanced and some are at the caveman level? I don't get it.....
  14. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Jon, we are all born sinners. We are not innocent, we are guilty before a Holy God. You do not have to teach a kid to lie, steal, be selfish....sin in inbred in our nature because of Adam and Eve. It's in our genetic makeup. Do you remember the x and y chromosomes in school? It's how 2 brown haired brown eyed parents can have a blond head, blue eyed baby. Which is also a great argument For creation. The genetic information is not in us or any other animal for that matter to make anything different. For instance, a bird does not have genetic information to make scales, or a fish doesn't have genetic information to make hair...etc.. The Bible says in Genesis that let them reproduce after their kind, and that's exactly what science can prove today. That's exactly what they observe---after their kind.
  15. New House?

    I love those little square glass things for the bathroom window...nice touch
  16. New House?

    Very, Very nice Jeff, you should be proud of your new home...congrats.
  17. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    John 14:15 If you love me, keep my commandments That is how we show God our love Dan. We can't be like the husband that beats his wife, then turn around and tell her that he loves her. We cannot continue living in sin and then on the other hand say Praise God everytime we get a chance to.
  18. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I'm not sure which Bible you have then... Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou should be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the LAW OF THY GOD, I will also forget thy children. The knowledge that he is referring to is the Moral Law of God....The ten commandments. We all break them every single day. Like Don quoted "there is NONE good but God, no not one"...God's standard is perfection. That's where the modern gospel message has really dropped the ball-the whole accepting Jesus thing. Please show me a verse that says all you have to do is accept Jesus in your heart! It's not there. The Bible says that we must Repent of our sins, turn from them and turn toward God...and Trust in Jesus as the perfect sacrifice for us. We don't accept Jesus, he accepts us. He draws us to Him. The Bible says that none seek after God because of pride Ps 10:4... we are punished for breaking the law of God. Jesus (God in the Flesh) stepped out of eternity and took our punishment upon himself at the cross. He was our sacrifice. Therefore we must put him on..like the Bible says, like you would a parachute..trust in him that saved you from the wrath to come and eternal punishment for breaking his laws.
  19. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Hey Phil....people aren't given eternal damnation for simple ignorance. They are given eternal damnation for breaking God's moral laws. Just like the law of gravity- If I go up to a 10 story building and jump off, whether I believe in gravity or not, I'm going to face the penalty of splattering on the ground. God gave us a conscience to tell us right from wrong. The word conscience means "with knowledge" we know that it is wrong to steal, lie, commit adultery, kill etc..... Our conscience can become seared and you get your Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer's of the world, who can't tell the difference anymore....but they are still breaking the Holy Law of God. I think this is a wonderful discussion, you guys are doing great on both sides :)
  20. Stuck on Stucco

    My wife wouldn't give me dinner if our house looked like that :p she may even kill me...hahaha
  21. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Nice post Mike...
  22. Stuck on Stucco

    Good job Ken, that's a great pic for the folder How in the world does somebody let their house get to that condition? Don'tcha think when it's about half way there somebody would say...."hum, I think I need to get my house washed"... That's crazy
  23. What Makes 100%?

    that's funny and true :D
  24. Silencing the air cooled engine

    funny, we put certain mufflers on our vehicles to make them rumble (MagnaFlow, Flowmaster, Borla, etc....) but we put them on pw to make them quiet. I also had the muffler shop here in town give me a quote on doing that to mine and he said that he has done it before and it DOES work!!! For about a 100 bucks, it's prolly worth a shot. Alan, I think what was loud on your rig was that generator. I don't know if it would be powerful enough, I think it would though, maybe look into getting a Honda 3000 es. You can hardly hear those things run.....
  25. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    you got that right Mike...if that were the case, I'd be out :D Just wanted to make sure that it was clear about Benny Hinn that's all....I didn't read the whole thread from where I left off last time..sorry. God can and does use everything to his disposal, you are exactly right.