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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Benny Hinn=false teacher
  2. If you want a killer steak dinner

    bring your Visa and Mastercard :D
  3. Housewash in Las Vegas

    Hey no problem Carlos...Vegas can be very tempting :)
  4. Housewash in Las Vegas

    dang, I think that I'm one of the closest on this board and I'm about 2 hours away.....too bad I don't do housewashes. There may be someone in that area though...I just can't remember seeing anyone from there.
  5. Honest debate Iraq

    John, Thank you for your service to our country. I know you have better things to do than be over there getting shot at, but you're there anyway. A very close family friend is over there and he pretty much says the same as you..most want us there and some don't. Leaving the politics aside, you and your family are doing a great service to your country, and we appreciate it very much.....Stay safe sir.
  6. The Fleet

    Nice Scott....I hope one day to take a picture just like that. Don't wanna be any bigger than that right there...you should be proud my friend.
  7. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Lance, I think the reason people get angry, or it comes across that way is because most of the door-to-door types think that they have to earn their salvation. For by grace are we saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Eph 2:8-9. I know exactly what you are talking about though because I use that opportunity to share the truth to them and they don't like it most of the time....oh well :D One thing I will say though is when you are truly "born again" God puts in your heart a compasion for people to not want them to go to Hell. The Bible describes this place as a real place that was created for the fallen angels (demons) and Satan, but sinners will also go there when they die. We don't want anybody to experience that and neither does God. That's why I talk about this stuff with you guys and why I'm willing to accept being spit on and talked about and all the other stuff that comes along with it. John...You descibe yourself as what's called a "theistic evolutionist" There are some famous scientist that believe this way. Dr. Laura believes this way. From a biblical standpoint there are some problems with this view. You can't have death before sin is one of them. God would be the bad guy if people are dying before the fall of man.(Adam and Eve story). Sin is why we have death, destruction, disease, plagues all that kinda stuff. 2nd...Gen 3: 20 Adam calls his wife Eve which is the mother of all living. If it took millions of years to go from monkey to human that would mean that Eve was a monkey and we have the actual geneoligies in the Bible. So and So begat so and so, all the way from Adam to David, to Jesus. Either the Bible is wrong or millions of years is wrong....we can discuss that...but one or the other has to be wrong.....right? :) Hope that makes sense :) All the more reason we can't put our faith in scientists. The Bible said the world was round a long time ago Isaiah 40:22...science didn't figure that out until a few hundred years ago. If I understand you correctly Rod, you seem to be dabbling in demonic activity. I could be totally not getting what you are saying and I'm sorry if I am, but if you're into the whole meditation, new age, hindu , yoga kinda stuff...be very careful. I thought I've read posts from you saying that you are a christian though so I'm sorry if I'm jumping to any conclusion.. Look guys, let me give you a little scenario to make a point about evolution. If you walked up your driveway (assuming you have one) and you saw ten leaves lined up in a perfect row. The first thing that you would say to your wife (assuming you have one) would be "who lined those up" correct? Something as simple as that we know would have to be designed, much less our body, the solar system, a pressure washer...If there is a design, there has to be a designer. If there is a painting, the proof that there was a painter is "the painting" itself. Just think about it for awhile you guys.....
  8. Hotsy Burner

    good luck Kyle...I have a downed pw right now with basically the same problem
  9. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Hey Lance...my wife's best friend is an atheist....well, actually agnostic, I converted him :D I think people can discuss religious issues and stay civil...even if they can't, so what. Jesus was spat upon, all of the disiples were either stoned, or hung, or beheaded...and killed. If I can't take a couple of insults from another keyboard jockey, then my faith is not very deep. A christian should be willing to die for his/her faith, yet most of us get all bent out of shape over some words.... Anyway Lance, I'll post some more for you a little later on, I gotta run right now....
  10. Hotsy Burner

    wow, some good info on this thread....thanks guys.
  11. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    John, I agree with you about the priest.....they are suppose to be holy men of God and I would hate to be them on the day of judgement. Let me tell you what Jesus says about them......Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea... these priest will pay for their crimes..you can count on it.
  12. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Hey Larry...I love your avatar man....that is funny... I always hear people say that science disproves the Bible and all that stuff when in fact it Confirms the Bible. Bear with me..... The Bible Science then (2-3K years ago) Science now The earth is a sphere (Isaiah 40:22..........the earth was a flat disk....................the earth is a sphere Innumerable stars (Jeremiah 33:22).........Only 1,100 stars.............................inumerable stars Free float of earth in space(Job 26:7)..........earth sat on a large animal................free floating earth creation made of invisible elements(Heb 11:3)...science was ignorant............made of invisible elements Each star is different(1 Cor.15:41).....all stars were the same...................different Light moves(Job 38:19,20).................light was in fixed place...................light moves Air has weight (Job 28:25)...................air was weightless.....................air has weight Winds blow in cyclones(Eccle. 1:6).............winds blew straight.................cyclones Blood is the source of life and death(Lev. 17:11)....Sick people must be bled...........blood is source Ocean floors contain mountains and valleys(2 Sam.22:16; Jonah 38:16)...ocean flat....mtns and valleys Ocean contains springs(Job 38:16)........ocean fed only by rivers and rain............contain springs Hands should be washed under running water (Lev. 15:13)....washed in still water.......running water Genesis 3:15 reveals that a female possesses a seed for childbearing. This was not the common knowledge until a few centuries ago. It was widely believed that only the male possessed the seed of life and that the woman was nothing more than a glorified incubator. I think that science has taken awhile to catch up to the Bible. Dude, I know there are some difficult questions out there and I don't deny them. If you truly have some questions that you would like answered.....please ask, I will try my best to answer them. Hope this helps a little :)
  13. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Hey John, did you sell your car yet?
  14. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Not only is God a God of Love, but also of Wrath, and justice. Acts 17:31 Because He has appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained; whereof he has given assurance to all men, in that he has raised him from the dead. God is not some little fairy floating around loving everybody....He doesn't love everybody!! If you are not born again then His wrath abides upon you-John 3:36 You are an enemy of God in your mind through wicked works...-Colossians 1:21 Not to take away from you post danebob, it was a very good post, but it's important that sinners know that because of their sin, (breaking the laws of God) God is not going to turn a blind eye to it...they must Repent and Trust in the Saviour
  15. new fence

    turned out really nice....good job
  16. new fence

    where are the befores?
  17. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    Jim....I can't. :D Beth, I'll have to send you some good stuff, (I use to sell it). I have had blind taste tests against all of the big name brands and a whole bunch of no-names. Never lost one. Email me your mailing address and I'll mail you some if you want....
  18. Marketing comic

    hahah....that's pretty funny. :D
  19. Looking for Hood Cleaning Forms/Contracts

    Ron, are you going to be competing against your employer? I would love to help, but not if you're doing that....that's just not right and it's the thing that I most fear from employees. If not, I have some forms that I would be happy to share, :)
  20. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    Beth, you drink a lot of coffee it seems. What kind do you like?
  21. Lights(Halogen) on rigs

    Dang Grizzley, you are the man....great info!!!
  22. My New Truck!!

    "if I could just find a parking spot".......Ace Ventura :D
  23. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    what a bone-head....like anybody on this board isn't going to recognize a "Keith". Keith is the man, and like Ken said he should be a little bit flattered.
  24. I have a question about recommendation letters. My customers are usually thrilled with my work and I always suggest maybe giving me a letter of recommmendation. Most of the time they say absolutely they would love to, but I'll wait and wait and never receive it. I don't have enough guts to call somebody and ask where my letter is, so this is what I'm thinking. I write my own letter and have them sign it if they're truly pleased. The problem I have with this is it's really hard to toot your own horn. I have no idea how to word it. Any ideas?????
  25. Recommendation letters

    I think it's called card stock Kevin....My wife uses that stuff for crafts. It's a really thick paper right?