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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. one of my favorite quotes "those who fail to plan, plan to fail"
  2. I think the "ultimate" goal of a business owner would be to eventually sell out for a nice profit. If I were to start with my weaknesses I would probably get the "Your post has too many characters" line. I have been doing alright for a little over 2 years now, but there is no way I could keep going at this rate. I bascially own a job. My thinking has changed and so my company is now changing. I think the biggest change for me is creating a system that will move my company forward even if I'm on vacation....
  3. Great post Ken!!!! My head has been spinning for the last week thinking on these things.
  4. should i go full time

    Hey another Kentuckian...welcome. I'm originally from KY :D I would suggest reading the book "E-Myth, Revisited" by Michael Gerber. It's a tough decision to make that step.....
  5. 1st Day of School

    Well, it's that time of year, the little hoodlums are back to school. My daughter started K today and I'm so proud of her!! It makes me teary just typing this...I am such a sissy when it comes to that little girl. I had to keep my glasses on when I took her to her class, I didn't want to look like an idiot. It also makes me thank God as well, for giving me the opportunity to have my own business and schedule around such special occasions. I wouldn't have missed this for the world..... The first pic is my wife and daughter and the second is me and my daughter.....
  6. 1st Day of School

    I know everybody says it, but it's the truth.....They grow up sooo fast. I can not believe she is already 4 years old and in Kindergarten. But on the flip side, she gets so much more fun to play with the older she gets. Up until about 2 it's mommy time, but now she is daddy's little girl :D We get into all kinds of meaness together....mostly driving mommy nuts.
  7. Recommendation letters

    Great idea Beth....Thank you!!! :)
  8. Recommendation letters

    Thanks Bill....great advice. Richard, do you have a copy you could share?
  9. 1st Day of School

    Thanks guys for the comments...I am certainly blessed, no doubt about that :) Ken...it's California man, you can't help but have a tan :D...in looking at that picture you can see where my gloves are always on. My hand is white and my arm is dark..hehe hhe funny. I guess that could be a golf glove....yeah, I wish. I haven't had time to play yet this summer. I'm in a tournament though in Oct. in a place you may have heard of called Death Valley.
  10. Getting Shot Down!

    Ron...your last sentence said it all....:)
  11. Getting Shot Down!

    Aaron, are you sure it wasn't a competitor just checking your prices?
  12. What it costs to be in business.

    Thanks Scott....boy you up early...:D
  13. Red Sox

    go Angels!!!!
  14. The Competition

    I hate to say it, but that bum will probably get some business out of those hokey flyers. If he's cheap, people will bite, maybe not the kinda people that we're looking for, but people just want cheap.
  15. I got one of the wet-vacs that you are talking about at Home Depot. I think it was about $145 or so....you attach it to a water hose and it pumps it out..pretty cool. I used it for an inside job and it worked beautifully.
  16. Stolen gas

    Jason...dude that almost sounds like the guys wanted you out of business instead of just trying to steal some gas....downright hateful! Sorry about your loss...
  17. Help Name New Company

    Hey Jim, I just tried to call your cell phone....I believe hotshots are the firefighters that are dropped off in the middle of forest fires and fight it from within.
  18. Honest debate Iraq

    that's it Mike...thanks.
  19. Honest debate Iraq

    Jeff...great post earlier about the movie Flight 93...I watched it yesterday too...I wanted to jump through the tv and strangle those guys with their red bandannas. One thing though...Flight 93 wasn't the only one to have cell phone calls before they crashed. The plane that crashed into the Pentagon had a well known conservative writer on it, and she was talking to her husband. I can't remember her name right now for some reason, but I have one of her books about Ronald Reagan....
  20. Hello, new guy here

    Jeff, you sell Dodges?....my dad is looking for a new one
  21. Newbie question..Stucco..??

    Read this, it may help...http://forums.thegrimescene.com/showthread.php?t=6425&highlight=gradient+stucco
  22. Honest debate Iraq

    Larry....I am with you on this one. I don't think we're any worse now than before or vise versa. Sin is Sin. However, I don't agree that 98% of people are good. The Bible says that "...none is good, but one, that is God..." Matt 19:17. Some of us may be good according to our standards, but God's standard is morale perfection. The Ten Commandments. Let me give you a little quote by someone and see if you can guess who it is..a good guy or a bad guy (our standards). "It is a constant torture to me that I am still so far from Him whom I know to be my very life and being. I know that it is my wretchedness and wickedness that keeps me from Him." If you can't guess I'll tell you...it's Mahatma Ghandi. He realized that all works-based religions lead to futility and death. It is only in Jesus Christ that sinners can find forgiveness for their sins and deliverance from death and hell. Jon...NAMBLA? that's funny :D
  23. Stolen gas

    I agree.....next
  24. Stolen gas

    Scott...I feel the same way you do..."if you only knew me". I've never started a fight in my life. I'm not an aggresive person, but I do stand up for justice and right vs. wrong. Sometimes, tact works, but sometimes a good ol' butt woopin is needed. The butt woopin is used when all else fails. I never recommended woopin the theives butt, what I said was to capture him/her and letting the law take it from there--no vengence, no retaliation.....just justice! It will teach that person a lesson. You mentioned earlier that you are from KY...so am I. Ashland, it is about an hour and 15 mins from you. My mom lives in Mt. Sterling now.
  25. Stolen gas

    you're right Scott...if and when I did something like this and my dad found out...oh man, I was dealt with and I never wanted to do that thing again. Short little story for ya.....I took my wife out for dinner this one time and we were in a really nice place...(Sizzler I think...j/k) anyways this loud-mouth, foul mouthed idiot was about 3 tables from us and just cussing up a storm. We, along asked the waiter to tell him to quite down a little and the waiter went over and politely asked the jerk if he wouldn't mind keeping it down a notch. The man nearly laughed in his face. I had enough...I went over to the guy, slammed my hand on his table and told him that he better shut the hell up or he was going to get a plate upside his head. I didn't offer him any cookies or anything and he stopped talking and the restaurant clapped and somebody there bought my food for me.... I've seen it on somebodies signature, can't remember whos...but the saying is..."diplomacy is saying nice doggy until you can find a rock". Sometimes you just gotta grow some cajones and defend yourself!!!