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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Stolen gas

    I would set up my tree stand and go hunting a night or two. Forget the cameras and that. Once he/she sees the flash they can walk over and destroy it, or just take it. This person needs to be caught and dealt with!!! In a couple of years instead of stealing gas they will be breaking into houses, then killing people. Catch the perp and let the law take it's course. Leave him some cookies? You've got to be kidding me right?
  2. Am I that overpriced?

    Thomas...I agree with you with most of what you said. The problem is, there are far too many people just looking for cheap. Take Walmart for instance, I'm not bashing Walmart, just making an example. Largest company in the world....Do they have the best quality products...uhm, I'll let you answer that one. But they are cheap, and that's why people go there. When I go soliticing new accounts, I rarely mention a price unless they ask straight up...but I sell the quality of my work and my customer service, but there are those customers that all they care about is price.
  3. Am I that overpriced?

    good point Mike. I'm hardly ever for more govt, but I think you make a valid point. I'd have to research more and find out more facts to weigh the pros and cons.....(not that it makes any difference right now)
  4. My Car is for sale!!

    Yeah, it sucks that they stopped production on it because GM couldn't have a car faster than their prized Vette.... I'm kind of a Ford guy (even though I drive a Titan now) and those Mustangs were no match for those GN's when that turbo got spooled up.
  5. My Car is for sale!!

    Those GN are some awesome cars. My former boss has one and I didn't know how fast they were until he took me for a little ride....My goodness, what a sleeper! How much are you asking for it John?
  6. The Bible Verse Game

    Just like the Music game and Movie game.... I'll start Luke 13: 3 "I tell you, Nay: but except you repent, you shall likewise perish."
  7. The Bible Verse Game

    But I say unto you, That whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matt 5:28
  8. The Bible Verse Game

    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?......Jer 17:9
  9. Oh poop

    wait, on second though, you might not want a camera. You may get banned from the forum :D I had a lady call and want me to pw her refrigerator.
  10. The Bible Verse Game

    and then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: Depart from me, ye that work iniquity...Matt 7: 23
  11. Honest debate Iraq

    Vote....that's how we express our opinions in politics.
  12. The Music Game

    Feels like today....Rascal Flatts
  13. The Music Game

    Feels like Heaven--Kenny Vaughen..
  14. What it costs to be in business.

    Great thread Rod...sorry to hear about you ankle, hope it gets well soon. What does it cost to do business? I think it costs you, your life. If you want to be successful, you have to give it your all. I only actually work (clean hoods) about 20-30 hours/ week, but I'm always working. Everywhere I go, just about everything I do is work related somehow or another. It becomes a way of life when you own your own business. Sometimes, you just want to give it all up and say to heck with it...it's not worth the headaches, but when you've found something that you love to do, and you're good at it, and you can make good money doing it....your perspective changes. Don't get me wrong, if I had to go flip hamburgers to support my wife and daughter I would be the best flipper out there, but since I have been blessed enough to have the choice, I'm not going to let it slip through my fingers.
  15. Oh Boy

    I bet the poor guys never get to win an argument :) I'm out-numbered 2 to 1 and I know that I don't win many
  16. Two thumbs up for Talladega Nights!

    Clowns....I'm like Kramer (on Seinfield)...don't like them and midgets freak me out too.....:D
  17. It's not that dirty

    just pickin on ya Adrian...:)
  18. It's not that dirty

    isn't it Barry? :D
  19. Honest debate Iraq

    yeah, I hate to confuse you with the facts...I know your opinions are more important
  20. Honest debate Iraq

    ***edited*** I figure that I will just further your education with some facts my friend. Let me start by saying that much of Islam has been spread by the edge of the sword. That isn't because Muslim advacates were particularly violent. It's because their religion actually advocates this kind of thing. The difference between that and Christianity is that when Christianity was spread by the sword it was done so in contradistinction to the actual teachings of the faith. But for your sake of argument, I will include the numbers of these (not so) Christians. Religious Kills: Salem Witchcraft Trials. 35 people in 1692. In Europe Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft in 1431. Over a peiod of 300 years from 1484 ro 1782, the Christian church put to death 300 thousand. About 1000/year. The sources are World Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia Americana. Also Newsweek, Aug 31, 1992. There were 2 inquisitions. 1st one around 1017 and the Spanish Inquisition followed in the 14th century. About 2000 executions altogether. 7 Different Crusades and tens of thousands died in them over a couple hundred years. If you want to include...3000 innocent people on Sept 11, 2001. _______________________________________________________________________ Atheistic kills: China under Mao Tse Tung, 26.3 million Chinease. According to the Walker Report, 63.7 million over the whole period of time of the Communist revolution in China. Soviet Union put to death 66.7 million people. 1/3 of the 8 million Cambodian died under Kampuchea. The Chinese at 2 different times in medieval history, somewhere in the vicinity of 35-40 million people. These deaths were result of organizations or points of view or ideologies that had left God out of the equation. None of these involve religion, and all but the very last actually assert atheism. Yeah, lets imagine if there was no religion....If you werent a part of the "master" race you'd be dead!!! It's a good thing that Christians see other people as precious to God and we're all the same in His eyes. We all came from 1 man and 1 women named Adam and Eve. Good thing we're not slime that evolved from the ocean, into a monkey and now human. Life acutally has meaning and worth, you're not just another animal trying to survive....
  21. Gorgeous mountain deck

    :eek::lgbugeyes...that's funny
  22. Oh Boy

    ah cool....CONGRATULATIONS JEFF.....
  23. Honest debate Iraq

    Nice rant Jon :).. I have a friend that's a Navy SEAL and his team was just hit the other day and 1 was killed. That was the first SEAL killed since 2003...we are doing things over there that we have no idea about and he says that most of the people love to see that Red, White and Blue patch..... God Bless our Troops...God Bless our Country....
  24. here's the kids!

    Well Mike, I don't have the sicko mindset....but I've had people that I know (body builders) that posted pics on forums and their bodies and/or heads ended up in some porn pics....Put some kind writing across them, so nobody will want to use them.....
  25. here's the kids!

    that'll work, at least nobody should be able to use those pics now.....gotta look out for my homies :)