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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Before Hiring Immigrants read This NOW......

    It's getting pathetic out there http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=152036 gotta be politcally correct though.....
  2. Honest debate Iraq

    good point Mike....
  3. here's the kids!

    don't know, maybe edit button...?? I'm sure that Beth can take them off for you if the edit button doesn't work....
  4. here's the kids!

    James....be careful putting pics of your kids on the internet...maybe photoshop your name or something across the pic. Can't be too careful with the sickos out there....
  5. Gorgeous mountain deck

    what horrible working conditions :)
  6. Honest debate Iraq

    :) I guess we do agree on a lot.......
  7. Honest debate Iraq

    That's beautiful Don.....well put...:) I would also like to say to Jeff, I appreciate the civil discussion. I think that you are trying to be objective. I don't think this discussion will go anywhere though because you and others listen to what you may hear on the news and run with that. Some of us "conservative" type don't. We have a whole different perspective. For instance, you said that we've proven that we can't win with 135K troops....I totally disagree, we have kicked some serious butt over there. Saddam, his demonic sons most of his top guys, are all either captured or killed. The soldiers over there see it different than you do also, I get emails from higher ranks and they are not asking for more troops, they don't need them. I believe that it's time for the iraqis to step up to the plate. We have done a moral thing by giving them their chance for freedom, and they need to run with it. Our side probably isn't going to convince your side, and your side probably isn't going to convince our side....hope we can all just keep it civil.
  8. Honest debate Iraq

    I think we've been too soft in the war with Iraq, thus putting our soldiers in harms way. These poor soldiers are being scrutinized for every bullet they fire. War is hell, people die--it sucks. But we're in it, so we need to bring it. I think that we need to stay the course until our job is finished. Clinton bailed out of every conflict that he got into, and now we're paying for it. All it did was empower these wackos and make them think that we are a bunch of limp wristed sissies. In listening to some of you guys, maybe they're right, maybe we don't have the stomach for victory. It's really pretty sad. Of course we all want our troops home, but more than wanting them home, I want them to win!!!! I want our country to win.
  9. My new website

    Very Nice John.....good job.
  10. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you name your son Noah, because it's close to NaOH..you just might be.......
  11. Oh Boy, I need help!!

    I hate to say it John, but I think that you are going to be eating a couple of screens....Hopefully though you and others can learn a lesson from this. I use to not worry about checking the kitchen exhaust fans until....well, pretty much the same thing happend. I turned it on and there was tons of vibration and I ended up fixing it about 4 hours later, but I learned my lesson. I always turn the fans on and off before I clean them now. And always take before and after pics.... I've never done a house wash and I know nothing about them, but at least you know now what to pay attention to. Hopefully the homeowner understands and you only have to replace a couple. Good luck partner...
  12. New House?

    Jeff, I'm a little surprised that the corners aren't bull-nosed....that's pretty standard out here nowadays.....very nice, nonetheless
  13. Gorgeous mountain deck

    not only a beautiful deck, but what gorgeous country.....maybe in about 100 years when I retire, I would love to have one of my homes in a place like that. Good job on the deck
  14. Who is going to PWNA throwdown in October?

    I don't know if I agree with that statement Jason.....Phil Ackland has never once cleaned a hood or been BS certified :) But, I see your point, anybody in the business knows who Phil Ackland is.....
  15. Help Name New Company

    Ken is the man!!!!! I like HotShot...oh wait, that's already taken :) I agree with Celeste also...word of mouth will spread like a "grease" fire once you start doing a good job for people. You'll have that island "wrapped" up in no time. Those word of mouth calls are the best, they're already open, it's not a cold call. I don't think your name will matter as much as you think. But on the other hand, it couldn't hurt....
  16. Another productive 3 hour day

    yeah, you guys in the heat....Drink lots of water!!!!!!
  17. Am I that overpriced?

    That is the dictionary meaning of the word ignorance.."lack of knowledge, or education"....:)
  18. Bathroom break????

    always carry TP.... I hate to say it, but this is a very helpful thread. Just be sure to courtesy flush, if you use the customers bathroom. Don't let it set there and marinate under you. It won't stink it up as bad. And, while your dropping the browns off at the superbowl, or the kids off at the pool, turn on the sink to drown out the sound. It's kinda funny, but then again, it's really not, when you gotta go, you gotta go especially after some hot sauce.
  19. Before Hiring Immigrants read This NOW......

    Jon...you are exactly right about pulling out of context. That's why I put those scriptures down so everyone..(well, at least the ones who want or care to) can look them up and see that they are totally in context of what we're talking about. I'm sure that you would agree that in especially the Old Testement, a lot of things only apply to a specific time, or place, or people and we cannot use those verses for our own application. I am a real stickler on hermaneutics and making sure that I am careful in my Bible studies. This is exactly how different religions and sects and cults are formed...wrongly interpreting scripture. Anyways, I think that I made my point and really, we're all in the same boat. We agree with the Statue of Liberty..."give us your poor, tired....etc"
  20. Before Hiring Immigrants read This NOW......

    Hey Jon...and Ron too....I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. My mind is a lot quicker than my fingers on the keyboard, so sometimes it's very hard to express myself as clearly as I want to. With that said...I think you guys misunderstood my post. My belief and what the Bible says is "welcome the people that are not here to hurt us, but make it hard for people that want to hurt us". The Isrealies were commanded not to make trouble with the neighboring countries, but to have free trade of goods and services with their neighbors. Jon...you said that you could counter my point about protecting the borders with love your neighbor...I don't think that there is a contridiction with that at all. I can can love my neighbors, yet if a neighbor is trying to break in my house to hurt my family----he will be shot! (I'm not saying to shoot people trying to cross the border, please don't jump to that conclusion) If you have studied hermaneutics at all, then you know that the only way to find a contridiction in the Bible is to take something out of context or mis apply something that has nothing to do with us. There is a right way and a wrong way to read the Bible. I don't think you're in left field at all, I think that we are on the same page, I just didn't explain myself well enough :) I have a bad habit of doing this.... I hope I did a better job this time. Let me repeat my point for those in Rio Linda (as Rush says). We need to make it easier for the hard working families that want to come over here and enjoy this great country. We need to make it nearly impossible for the people that want to do us harm. I don't have all the answers on how, but I think with today's technology, I think it can be done.
  21. Employee Manual

    Dude, I would never laugh at anything a guy does to make an honest living. I think that's a godsend to elderly people or just people that have no idea how to patch a drywall hole or things like that. Do you get into building on rooms or anything like that? Or carports, stuff like that? It's extremely difficult to find somebody around here to do things like that nowadays. All the contractors don't mess with it at the time because the housing market is still so booming.
  22. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    if you feel like your commiting adultery when you take your truck to the car wash and use another pressure washer wand......
  23. Before Hiring Immigrants read This NOW......

    Alright, now that's it's 11:20 at night and I have a little bit of time to sit down, I'll give you guys the cliff notes version of my long Bible study that I did last night about the subject. Instead of just standing on an issue because of my opinion, I like to go to God's word to find out what He says about the subject. This is some of what I found: I found basically two principles with the first being 1. God established borders and taught his people to respect the borders of neighboring nations. Borders are not some man made idea. Consider this--What do birds sing about? What do coyotes howl about? Why do deer have "rubs"? Nature has borders. These creatures are marking their territory. Animals have territories that they are willing to defend and fight over. 2. God taught his people to distinguish foreigners who posed a threat to their culture and those who did not. Welcoming the latter and rejecting the former. Numbers 34:1-12...God gives this specific land and no other land to the Isrealites. Deut. 4:5-8....They were to have a very distinct culture inside these borders...and (Chapter 18: 9-14) they were not to follow the corrupt practices of neighboring states. Deut.2:1-5 They were to respect the borders of other nations, however the countries could trade with one another The entire book of Obadiah is about Edom transgressing the borders of Isreal and brought judgement from God. HE DID NOT HONOR BORDERS! Borders are best for the world....God destroyed one world system at the tower of Babel. Romans 13, and 1 Peter tell about the most basic role of civil gov't is to provide security. The apostle Paul talked about borders in Acts 17:26 in his sermon on Mars Hill. There was a trial in Texas not too long ago when an Iragi coyote had brought 1000 middle eastern illegals into the country through Mexico. There is a danger to our country by having our borders open, it's not just about poor little immigrants trying to make a better living for their families. People want to harm us-kill us!!!! It's up to the gov't to do something about it. After my little study last night I'm more resolved than ever that something needs to be done. We need to make it easier for the families looking for a better life and all that America has to offer, to become citizens and be our neighbors. And I gladly welcome them. And we need to make it far more difficult for the bad guys that are looking to hurt us to enter our great country. In conclusion, I think that I most definetly have some moral ground to stand on and not be called a racist, or full of hatred or any of the other things that we conservative Christians are called. I think when one runs out of argument then names start flying, or that person or persons have read too many liberal talking points. Well, I'm tired and that's my story and I'm sticking to it :) Like the famous poet said in one of his poems "Good fences make good neighbors"
  24. Employee Manual

    Jesse.....how many employees do you have now?
  25. Before Hiring Immigrants read This NOW......

    Jeff, you'll be surprised how not-out dated it is...principles still apply.