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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. I am so sick of the Gas whiners

    Jeff...it's already been thought of....drill in our own territory :) We have plenty of oil, we just need to get it.
  2. I am so sick of the Gas whiners

    Amen....bout time somebody said it!!!!! I'm totally with you Mike.
  3. Logging out for the last time...

    Congrats Neil.....wish you the best as a full timer.
  4. Nice Bill....I'm going to check out Irv.
  5. reeling it in

    good idea.....like your "to be" name...
  6. reeling it in

    maybe just get a 50' or so, then just plug in the 200' when needed?
  7. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    if you pour a little slab of concrete for the sole purpose of testing....you just might be
  8. Oxalic Acid

    Hey John, you weren't kidding!! I tried this in a little spot under a tree and it worked great. The little spot of mulch looks brand new...thanks for the info :)
  9. I had never cleaned a hood before in my life before I started my business. I invested close to $20K to start it. It's not my favorite thing in the world to do, but it sure the heck beats working for the man. The freedom that comes with owning your own business is like the commercial says......Priceless! I do agree with Mike though....it would be so easy to "try it out" and see if you like it. Good luck, let us know your decision...we're rootin for you.
  10. TGS Contest.... Put the saying in the bubble!

    gimme all your knowledge and nobody gets hurt....
  11. Why not start just part-time while you build your funds to make a real go of it?
  12. TGS Contest.... Put the saying in the bubble!

    Watch out, he's gotta gun!! Oh wait that's a pw.
  13. Fire Hydrant

    Alan (OneToughPressure) gave me a little device that plugs into the sprinkler system that I have found very useful. I know that he knows about Hydrants also...you may want to pm him in case he doesn't see this thread.
  14. Who has Worker's Comp?

    It's hard to find any kind of contractor around here that DOESN'T use them.
  15. Who has Worker's Comp?

    just go to the local "illegal" hang out and hire a couple of them for the day. That seems to be the craze nowadays.
  16. Who has Worker's Comp?

    Do most of you have a payroll service take care of your wc? or do you just pay into it yourselves?
  17. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    your right, I guess that is more of a hood cleaner type of thing....
  18. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you've ever taken a pee on somebodies roof in the middle of the night...you just might be (not that I have, :))
  19. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    if the term w*t dream means something totally different to you than most people....you might be.
  20. o.c.c.

    If you guys watch American Thunder, you have probably seen Big Bear Choppers on there a couple times. I knew those guys pretty well. They moved from a little dinky place by McDonalds to this big o' huge building now, they're getting pretty big.
  21. o.c.c.

    I like them both....did you guys see that special when Jesse went over to Iraq witht the troops and they were building that tricked out hummer?
  22. o.c.c.

    That's cool...lucky jerk :) I like those guys, they do a lot of good for their community.
  23. Full Time Now!

    Congrats Jim....if if/when times get tough, it's much better being self-employed.
  24. So far, so good

    I'm surpassing my last year numbers as well. As a matter of fact, last week was my best week so far. I did $2,917 worth of hoods. I went for a year and a half without a yellowpage ad, but I finally got tired of doing soliciting during the day and cleaning hoods at night, so I slacked off to only about 2 days/ week soliciting and got a yellowpage ad. It had really paid for itself already and the book has only been out for about 2 months.
  25. Company goals

    that brings up another question.......Do you have your employes sign a non-compete or something like that? Aren't you guys afraid that they will break off and do their own thing?