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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Company goals

    Nice thread Jeff.....makes us all think. I am currently at the border of having too much work for me too handle in the hood cleaning area. I clean every hood usually with a helper, sometimes not. I really can't grow anymore without hiring two people (a crew). Personally, I have tried to steer clear of hiring people for the reasons that Ken and others have already spoke of. Worker's Comp is horribly high here in California, so that would be eating at my profit big time. So, I can either stay where I am now at $xx/ month gross and net or, I can hire a crew try and work out the bugs and make more gross (because of more business), but about the same net or a little less. Right now, I don't have the headaches that come along with employes, but if say I'm out riding my quad and I wreck and hurt myself.....I'm screwed-BIG TIME! I have no idea what to do. When I invision what I would like to do....it would be: Have a couple crews cleaning hoods full time and I would be doing the pressure washing myself. Whether or not, I'll reach that.....I don't know.:lgbonk:
  2. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    see, now that's where your way off...:) we get it at least 3 times a year.
  3. masonry damage

    Doug, congrats on the job..... If you have some letters of recommendation, and/or pics of some work that you have done, alongside with what Ken and Thad offered that may set her at ease.
  4. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you have ever impressed people with how far you can shoot the zero tip.....you might be
  5. Now I'm a newbie to FTA

    J.....ok, I'll be the one to ask....what is FTA receiver?
  6. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    I love them! I first got them for hood cleaning, because they don't show the grease if I happen to get some on me, but now I use them for pw.....Keep me nice and dry.
  7. concrete cleaner

    Mike....I thought it was 12% and any kind of acid that you don't want to mix?
  8. Hey guys may want to check out this site for super cheap work clothes. www.usedworkclothing.com
  9. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    IF you ask the lady at Home Depot what size orifice you need on your shower head.....you just might be
  10. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you own a set of Frog Toggs and you live in Southern California....you might be
  11. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you have ever asked your wife about the dwell time for her shampoo...you just might be.
  12. Big City vs. Small Town

    I live in a fairly small town with about 25,000 people. The things that I enjoy about it are: Low crime, no traffic, everybody knows everybody, low cost of living. Some of the things that I dislike are: everybody knows everybody, not a whole lot to do socially without traveling and that's pretty much it. My bro-in-law and his family want to move to a fairly big city because they say that there is no opportunity around here. To a degree, I see their point, but what's really important to a person may not be to another. It's the last thing in the world I want to do is deal with big city traffic. I would shoot myself or somebody else. It's not important to me to go to a "show" ( like an opera or something). Half the time I don't even lock my doors in my truck, where he's going you wouldn't think about running into the post office real quick to get your mail and leave your car running......it's just different. I guess I'm just wondering if I'm letting my daughter miss out on stuff that's more important than what my little town has to offer. I don't consider stuff like poetry night at the starbucks too high on my priority list. Am I wrong?
  13. Big City vs. Small Town

    couldn't have said it better myself, exactly the point I was trying to make My Bro-in-law is moving away from family....for stuff! That's nuts to me.
  14. True Confessions: I am a baby killer :(

    Oh....I thought you were talking about one of the 4000 abortions that happend today. whew....
  15. Big City vs. Small Town

    Celeste....I agree with you. Barstow is growing like crazy right now. I've decided that if it gets above 50,000 people-I'm moving. :)
  16. Big City vs. Small Town

    J...I understand what you are saying. My mom lived in Hendersen, NV (Vegas) for 4 years. I hated to go visit. Rude people, traffic, filth....I guess I'm just not too interested in the spice of life. When I was 15 in High School, I use to have a fake i.d. and me and a couple friends would ditch school and go to Hollywood clubbin. I thought it was so much fun, until reality sets in and you realize how stupid you were. Man, I was dumb. All that brought me was trouble, pain and a whole lotta hard work to get back on track. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, I just don't understand why someone considers it better?
  17. Big City vs. Small Town

    Thank you Lance, those are the kind of answers that I'm looking for. However, my hood cleaning business is about maxed out for me in my town. If I get any bigger I will have to hire people and then comes the headaches. I can make what I make by myself with a helper, or I can grow a lot bigger, make more gross income, but net about the same that I make now....
  18. Big City vs. Small Town

    nope, I'm from Kentucky...a really small town of 1200 people called Wurtland. Moved out here when I was 8 because there was no work in Kentucky at the time, and my dad got a good job at Ft Irwin.
  19. Big City vs. Small Town

    That's what I'm asking.....What are these so called "better opportunities"?
  20. Big City vs. Small Town

    Lance....yeah, see I agree with you. I would much rather be on the outskirts of the chaos, not right in the middle of it.
  21. Big City vs. Small Town

    so do we, it's just underground except for about 3 days out of the year, when we get heavy rain. :) What do any of these other places offer that Barstow can't? We are about two hours away from anything we could possibly want to do. Vegas, Mountains, L.A., Beach, San Diego...you name it. When I go down to these places it can take that long to get to and from the grocery store. I can be 150 miles down the road in that time. In Feb, I went to a Lakers game and it took 1 hour 15 mins to go 88 miles...then it took another hour to go another 20....
  22. Big City vs. Small Town

    J....you cannot get a cheap mortgage in Compton, but I think you definetely have the wrong impression of Barstow. It's nothing like you have in your head. The point of this thread was to understand what would make somebody want to move to traffic, crime, high cost of living? If you were already there when you started your business, that's understandable. Or, if the small town that you live in can't support your business that, I can understand....but why would anybody want to move to that when they are making a good living between the two of them about 120k a year....I just don't understand it.
  23. Big City vs. Small Town

    Jay Leno is baggin on Barstow all the time...I'm use to it :)
  24. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    Just turn you surface cleaner on its side with some zero tips...that should be a blast to run into. See who can bleed less :)
  25. Big City vs. Small Town

    or if your a hood cleaner/pwer making 6 figures with a mortgage payment of $612 with 2 1/2 acres. However you want to look at it. Oh yeah, at 28 years old too.