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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Big City vs. Small Town

    Another reason I like the small town. I'm not a monopoly by any means, but loyolty actually means something to people here it seems. If you treat people right they seem to return the favor. In a big city, I don't think they could care less with whom their doing business as long as they're the cheapest.
  2. Hows Biz

    I'm no where near fulltime with pwing. However, I have more than I can handle with hoods. That's my fulltime steady work, pwing is icing on the cake. However, I would like to buildup the pwing so I could do that and just have a crew or two for hoods. The only bad thing though, is I checked on workers comp for hood cleaning....my goodness, it's $30-$40 per $100 of payroll. Between that and taxes then actually paying a couple guys a decent wage.....I don't think I could afford it anymore.
  3. Hot Box Issues

    I would check the fuel source....
  4. Weather

    yeah, that's the bad thing about here. It's 104 right now and it only gets worse in July and August. I use to work at a Solar Plant and we would see the temps around 130 pretty regularly...with all the reflections and stuff...I don't think that it was really that hot out, just being around all those mirrors.
  5. Weather

    :) that's what all my family says back there in Kentucky. It hasn't been a big deal yet, and I've been through about 4 pretty big ones. The last one was centered in Big Bear about 4 miles from my house...knocked some stuff off of walls and my wifes hutch, but other than that I was back asleep within a half hour. You kinda get use to it I guess..... If there were 6 or 7 a year, I would leave here. You guys have all kinds of storms and rain, doesn't it get a little depressing? That is about the only reason that I don't move back to KY myself. I love it there and it will probably always be my home, but I don't think that I could live there because of the weather.
  6. Weather

    I don't know how you guys deal with that kind of weather. I'd be on the first bus outa there :vroom:
  7. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    or maybe it's really slow and their living in their car :)
  8. New House?

    Very nice Jeff....cool looking house.
  9. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    if you give the 80 year old guy at Home Depot buying a little pw dirty looks...you just might be
  10. Zawaqari bit the dust :)

    I've been so busy I haven't been able to watch any news or anything lately. Just heard on the news that Al-Zawaqari..(or however you spell it) met God yesterday. I'm pretty sure that he wasn't granted 72 virgins upon his judgement day yesterday. Bout time this jerk gets whats comin!
  11. You want advice?

    perfect practice, makes perfect. If you practice something the wrong way, you'll just waste a lot of time and money. That's the good thing about forums like this one. Learn from the experts, then practice what they taught you.
  12. Oil Stains

    get a hotbox :) You can try some sodium hydroxide, but without hot water I'm not sure that it will remove anything, just kinda spread it around. Try what John said if it's wet. I use it on roofs all the time, just like he said and it does work great.
  13. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you ask a fireman, as he's putting out a fire, how many gpm's and the psi that baby's putting out.....you just might be
  14. Source for Hydrotek

    I know that some of Northern Tools stuff is made by HydroTek....
  15. $1 Million

    WOW, don't know if you guys have heard about this story yet, but these are the exact ones that I give out. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50542 I'm not too big on conspirasy theories, but I gotta tell you this is by far the greatest tract I've ever had the privelage of giving to somebody. Christian---are they coming for you?
  16. $1 Million

    It definitely cuts to the quick....It's my favorite for sure.
  17. Do you wash in the rain?

    I love mine...I like them for hood cleaning as well, they are black ( at least mine are ) and they don't show any grease if/ when I splash a little grease on them. I also like that they are bib bottoms so out here when it's still 90 degrees at night I can wear a short sleeve shirt and the bibs..... Hope you like them as much as I :)
  18. Do you wash in the rain?

    Frog Toggs.....
  19. Do you wash in the rain?

    your not kidding.....I had lightening strike in my yard about 20 yards from my wife last year. It split a tree right down the middle (vertically) and destroyed my computer through the phone line....It was pretty scarry.
  20. Competition

    Maybe he fills his holding tank with Sparkletts or something....
  21. Do you wash in the rain?

    What's rain? :) I'm in southern California.... nah, I usually just throw on the Frog Toggs and go for it.
  22. Concrete cleaning and staining

    I'd be real careful pressure washing that new of concrete.....if it's not at least 30 days old, I probably wouldn't do it yet.
  23. PITA Homeowners...

    When I'm cleaning a hood, I tell them that I WILL not spray the chemicals with them in the kitchen. If they want to watch the rest of the time...hey go for it, they are usually so impressed I get referrals or a tip out of it. Because of insurance though, they must not be around the chemicals..... My father-in-law is one of these guys. Retired Fire cheif and is use to bossing everybody around. The other day he was telling the satelite guy how, where to run his cable. It was hilarious....the rest of us sat in the house watching this poor installer guy get red in the face.....
  24. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If the croch area of your shorts has little white bleach dots from holding the pump-up sprayer and not releasing the pressure before you screw off the top, you might be.....
  25. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If your 4 year old daughter's first ring was an "o-ring", you might be......