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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    I was gonna say, if your wife asks you to do dishes and you need just a little more uhmf in the dish washing liquid....you might be
  2. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    if a friend or family member has something really really dirty and you say, "I got something that'l take that out"....you might be..
  3. People in general

    tryin to help a brotha out, and this is the payment you get....
  4. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    if your driveway at home looks like a warzone from testing, you might be a pw
  5. IRS Scam???

    never click links in emails.....unless of course it's somebody you know. Even then, I'll copy and paste it in another window....can't be too careful. I already lost one computer, not going to lose another one
  6. I've caught a few rocks from the surface cleaner wearing shorts and I didn't like it too much :)
  7. Wrong house

    I wonder what the people whos house you washed came home that day from work were thinking? :)
  8. Don't know if you guys have heard of "frogg toggs". They are bib lightweight and waterproof overalls. They are about $70 at someplace like BassPro Shops. I love them, not too hot and tucked inside my rubber boots I stay nice and dry.
  9. Awesome!!

    sorry...that's my pressure washer brand :)
  10. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Hey John, I'm going to try an answer this to the best of my ability. I know this is an old thread, but it's a really good one. I've been pondering how I can best answer your question for the last couple of days and today I'm going to take a stab at it. The Bible says in Matthew 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. In other words, bad things are going to happen to good people. Read the book of Acts....These are men that walked with the Lord himself and each of them were beaten, thrown in jail, stoned all kinds of crazy things. Todays gospel message has been reduced to....If you become a Christian, you'll have a wonderful life and your pockets will be full of money and you'll never get sick.....BOLOGNA. That's not what the word of God says, these people that teach this stuff are false teachers. I know that sounds a little harsh, but I can prove it, over and over again using the Bible. Bad things happen because of sin. (period) We have all sinned against a Holy God and deserve death, it's only by his mercy that we are around now. He is a very merciful God. Ask yourself: have you ever told a lie? Ever stolen anything? What about, have you ever looked at another woman with lust? Jesus says that if you just look at a person with lust, then you have already commited adultery with that person in your heart. God's standard is perfect and of course we're not so what's a person to do? Well, instead of God crushing us with his wrath he stepped out of heaven, became one of us and paid our death penalty for us. What a loving God. All we can do is repent of our sins and trust in him. That's what the Bible says that we have to do to be born again. Repent (turn from your sin) and Trust Him. Does this mean that we won't sin anymore.....certainly not! But, we do not practice sin willfully. There is a story in that Jesus talks about (I can't remember where off the top of my head, but I'll find it) when a building fell on a bunch of people and killed them. His disiples asked why this happened, was it because they were bad people? And Jesus said that's what we all deserve (basically). There is none good, save Christ. I'll find it for you.... John 3: 36 says that God's wrath abides on us if we're not saved. A lot of people picture God as this big, lovable god that is just going to wink us all through to heaven, but the Bible paints a totally different picture. God is a just God and MUST punish evil and sin. Yes he's loving, more than we can even imagine in our little finite minds, after all, he hung on a cross for you and me, but he's also just. All I can ask John is that you examine yourself, look around at the creation---that's the proof for the Creator. If their is a painting there must be a painter, if there is a clean sidewalk, there must have been a pw :) I can get into all kinds of scientific stuff, but I just wanted to talk about what matters most.... hope this helps, hope I didn't come off like a know it all. If you have anymore questions, I would be glad to try an answer them.
  11. Awesome!!

    I pre-spray 90% of the time...Granted, I don't deal a lot with mold, but wouldn't pre-spraying do the trick?
  12. Awesome!!

    Hey Doug....yeah, you have to go back over the surface for a quick rinse, just to rinse off the dirt that you loosened up with the surface cleaner. I did a job last night that was almost 14000 sq ft....there is NO WAY I could have done that in a night with a wand only. Also, it makes the cleaning so uniform and even. I can't seem to get as good of results with just a wand. I love my Silver Eagle 24".
  13. dryvit again

    Just in case you don't know how....... go to "quick links" at the top and go down to subscribed threads....may make your search a little easier. If you've done this type a scecific word phrase that you used into the search button..... Hope this helps...:)
  14. First liability claim

    I have seen on here that some of you guys have on your invoices and bids, a release statement. How would something like that actually hold up in court? Just curious, I think that it's a good idea.....
  15. Awesome!!

    hey John, congratulations on the purchase. It's hard to believe the time one of these saves...you will appreciate it.
  16. First liability claim

    This is the exact reason I take before and afters of every hood I clean. I offer them to my customers and they think that it's just an extra I do for them, but in reality I'm covering my own butt. Good luck on that.....
  17. What I Did Today

    awesome man....how long did it take?
  18. My new rig!

    I'm curious, do you guys ever have any problems with the pw breathing in the enclosed trailer? My pw for hood cleaning is enclosed and I had to do some adjusting so it could get more air. It would sound like a jet's afterburner when it wasn't getting enough air.
  19. new hazmat sheet

    :lgangry: you bad, bad man..... ok, my wife's gone...hehe heheh that's great :)
  20. estimating Sheet

    guys...they're already there, just download them....:) No sending required
  21. Grime Scene Jealousy

    Hi my name is Anthony and I'm a GrimeSceneAholic......:)
  22. Leaf stain in slabs - how to shift?

    WOW...this is a great thread. I just wanted to bump it so that we newbies can find it easier..:) Thanks guys for all your posts, they will really help me tonight
  23. concrete cleaner

    Doug....I PM'd you...:)
  24. concrete cleaner

    Hey Doug, just wondering what you found in your quest?
  25. Hi all... Here in California to become a legal business one must file a fictitious name with the county, run that name in 2 newspapers for 3 consecutive weeks (I believe). Is that pretty standard around the country? Oh yeah, after that you have to get a business license for each city that you will be conducting business in. I'm asking specifically about Kentucky. My dad is getting ready to retire here in California and is moving back to KY (where we're from) and start a little business. I'm trying to get things setup for him as much as I can from here, I just don't know the procedures for back there.