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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. First Bobcat of the year

    That wasn't all cats. There were a handful of coyotes and a handful of Grey Fox in there too to make it to $56K. The coyotes we sold averaged about $50 I think...I can't remember...somewhere between $30 and $50. Fox about the same. We had 96 cats all together though.
  2. First Bobcat of the year

    I just kill those for fun.
  3. First Bobcat of the year

    Can you say $56K? I love hunting bobcats, they are a lot of fun a real challenge and test my physical stamina ( I have to chase them up hills a lot ) and my shooting skills. (best shot is 226 yards at night on homemade shooting sticks, their heads are about the size of your fist)
  4. First Bobcat of the year

    I like them too. However, I wouldn't suggest them for pets...they might eat your dogs and kids.
  5. First Bobcat of the year

    Well, since my multi-quote button isn't working for some reason, I'll respond to these seperately. You can only eat them if you are a Chinaman. We skin them, flesh them and dry them. After they are dried we take them to the fur sale. Some of the prettiest ones I get tanned and keep myself. I love their fur.
  6. Say NO to Gays!

    point made...either you have it/them, or you don't.
  7. Say NO to Gays!

    No gay liberals do...literally.
  8. Say NO to Gays!

    Well, I could only make it through about 2:50 before I wanted to throw up. He doesn't make a good point. He's a tool and an idiot. Any homosexual can marry in any state of the Union and receive every one of the privileges and benefits of state-sanctioned matrimony. He just cannot marry someone of the same ***. These are rights and restrictions all citizens share equally. "Gay citizens" already have the same right to marry as anyone else--else to the same restrictions. No one may marry a close blood relative, a child, a person who is already married, or a person of the same ***. However much those restrictions may disappoint the incestuous, pedophiles, polygamists, and homosexuals, the issue is not discrimination. It is the nature of marriage itself. I'll finish this post later. I need to go spend some time with my kids before I go kill a couple coyotes/bobcats. to be continued.... The government gives special benefits to marriages and not to others for good reason. It’s not because they involve long-term, loving, committed relationships. Many others qualify there. It’s because they involve children. Inheritance rights flow naturally to progeny. Tax relief for families eases the financial burden children make on paychecks. Insurance policies reflect the unique relationship between a wage earner and his or her dependents (if Mom stays home to care for kids, she--and they--are still covered).
  9. you can run but...

    You can run, but you'll just die tired Mr. Coyote ... (not for the meek and PETA types)
  10. you can run but...

    Well, I have several weapons of choice, but my favorite coyote gun is this one. It's a Savage 24F, .223 on top and 12 gauge on the bottom. I did the cammo job myself. I have replace that scope since this picture too...
  11. you can run but...

    There are gajillions of them around here. Also, fur prices have been really high the last couple years so that makes it nice too ;) What started me hunting them was when they ate my little neighbor girls' puppy. It completely crushed them and it pissed me off. It was on from then...
  12. True Story, I swear... Our family friend is a teacher at a secondary school here in Barstow and works with pregnant teen mothers trying to get through school. She got a new student and her name is La-a She asked her how to pronounce it and she said...bahahahaha....this is the funniest thing I've ever heard...hahhahaha.... "Ladasha...the dash don't be silent" baahahahahahah...ahahahahhaha I didn't realize that dashes had sounds....hahahahhaha That takes ebonics to a whole nuther level. So, I've been thinking of some other ways to use this....uhm, unique writing skill. We have a c@ and a dog. My wife is going to start spelling her name Kris10 (Kristen). Maybe I was wrong and the gov't DOES need to be involved with the school system. OMG, I can't believe somebody could be that stupid...I was just dumb-(dash is silent here) founded.
  13. Well, I guess I can now put confirmed on snopes, right? What I told you IS a true story...the girl is going to school at this very minute 5 minutes from my house. Her teacher has been a family friend for 20+ years so I know 100% that she is not lying.
  14. you can run but...

    Have fun man...I got a bear last year with a bow. One of favorite hunting trips ever. Talk about an adrenaline rush.
  15. you can run but...

    Anybody else have a video with 93,350 views? :D I can't believe this many people have watched me shoot a coyote. It's great. I hope it inspires a lot of people to go hunting. It's really fun and challenging and you may even help out a rancher or two. [yt]P7_BQp05EIc[/yt]
  16. My wife calls one of my daughters Sassy. So, from now on her name is spelled S(_!_)E
  17. I would like to congratulate Obama on his victory tonight. We threw a lot of mud around with each other during this election year, but I think at least most of us agree that we want the best for our country. I hope that Obama governs from more of the middle of the road than his talking points lead to believe. I disagree with A LOT of what he "says" he plans on doing, but he's still my president and he will have my respect for that alone.
  18. Gov't Making Me Mad

    I have been reading a lot of stories lately about police departments cutting back their recruitment programs and even some having to lay off police officers. This really burns me up. The ONE THING that this gov't SHOULD be involved with and spend lots of money on is the protection of this country and the citizens thereof. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that POLICE forces have to worry about money, when they are giving Trillion dollar bailouts to loser mortgage companies that were too stupid to do the right thing. Well, I just had to get that off my chest for now. This really ticks me off and I hope President-elect Obama does something about it. He doesn't have a good track record for being really police-friendly, but we'll see what happens. I'm hoping for the best...
  19. Gov't Making Me Mad

    I see your point Pete....that is exactly how I feel about Feds and edjumication...it should be a local thing. But since it is a nationwide thing, I do think the Feds should fork over some money for the police forces. It is for the protection of this country.
  20. job site visitor

    :D Even have the video to prove it ;)
  21. job site visitor

    It's hard to tell without some kind of comparison picture. Even then, I don't think I'm good enough to be that accurate. Do you have any pics with your hand or something like that next to one of the tracks?
  22. job site visitor

    Well, you guys be careful, those are definitely bear tracks. 100% certain.
  23. job site visitor

    It's a bear. Those are the hind legs...there should have been some front paw prints that looked like this
  24. How many uses for duct tape are there?

    I know one thing it should NOT be used for....Wrapping hoods! I liked Daniel's suggestion :D
  25. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    I think you mean Rosita's...and yes it's still here. ;)