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Everything posted by HotShot

  1. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    Be careful Thad..praying for you guys down there bro. Beth...according to you the gov't didn't act quick enough, they are a bunch of wasteful idiots. So we should put them in charge of a national healthcare plan? Doesn't make any sense to me. Sorry, not trying to get off the topic at hand, just trying to prove a point that everytime the gov't gets involved with anything, it's pretty much down hill from there. Oh yeah, and for the record, I don't think it being below sea level is such a big deal...I mean it is, but there are other places that are below sea level and are just fine. I play in a golf tournemant every year at a city below sea level called Death Valley, it's beautiful there. Like a little oasis in the desert.
  2. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Sorry we're not as enlightened as you Kirk (Who has no signature by the way) but I think you are missing the point of our money being OUR MONEY. I will chose to help whoever the heck I want to help with MY MONEY. I would put my % of charitable donations up against yours any day dude since you think you're so much holier. By the way, I just almost went to the hospital for pneumonia because I was donating my time last weekend doing some construction work for a charity. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying that I give lots...and you don't know the first thing about me or any other person on this board making these posts so I would appreciate if the insults stopped. Also, I'm no constitutional scholar, but the last time I checked I couldn't find anything about using my money to pay for somebody else's healthcare. And another thing that you guys aren't taking into consideration on this healthcare issue. Once you give something over to the govn't, you never get it back. They just keep giving away more and more and more. Do some research on Social Security if you don't believe me. It was never intended to become what it has become today.
  3. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAH AHHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAH OH WAIT....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH that was a good one Chris. I've played sports my whole life man. And I don't mean golf or soccer. I was often the only white dude on the team. I live in southern California which means that I'm pretty much a minority when it comes to Mexicans, Blacks and Orientals. Every best friend I've had since I moved here 23 years ago has been mexican except one. With that said, I can appreciate your point. I think what you said about most minorities sticking together (and I think it's true for white people too) is true. However, I think it's like that when it comes to the un educated, lower income circles. The higher the edjumication and the more money everyone makes I don't think it's like that. I could be wrong, it's happened before..once I think so I guess it could happen again. :D I would also think that lower income minorities would realize that they've been voting for liberals forever and what has it gotten them? Nothing. They are in the same spot they were years and years ago. Instead of giving them a handout, I would much prefer giving them an opportunity to make something of themselves. Nobody is entitled to anything but opportunity! Not even a level playing field. Nothing, just opportunity. This world is harsh and if low income people are going to sit around and wait for the gov't to give them a level playing field (like the whole quota thing) they are gonna be sitting for a long time. And that is exactly what has and is happening.
  4. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    I don't think Nobama is a landslide at all, there are too many people that don't want the gov't hand's in their pockets to let it happen so easily. I think Palin as the pick for VP will fire up the conservatives like myself and get them out there to vote.
  5. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    I know of a Doctor..actually an affiliate if doctors that offer a "Gold" or Platinum membership service to their customers. They do house calls, they are on call 24 hours a day they take care of their customers. Do people make it a priority to have this service instead of having 4 jet skis, motorcycles, huge car payments etc? Yeah, some do. Some would rather not. That's ok too. I don't know of too many Americans going overseas to get the best in health care. I do know of a lot of stories of people coming here for the best healthcare. Chris you might be liberal on a lot of things, but I think if you thought about this a little more, you would probably change your mind. Should your taxes go towards paying for health care for Bill Gates? How about Oprah? Do you really think that Oprah is going to go through the bureaucracy to get a life threatening surgery she desperately needs? It all sounds good that everybody should have healthcare, but in practicality it makes no sense. I would be pissed to have to pay for Oprah's healthcare. Why doesn't Oprah just pay for everybody's healthcare? I mean, she has a lot of money, she doesn't deserve all that money, there are people that work just as hard as her right? As much as I would hate it, I would defend Oprah's right to do with her money whatever she sees fit. Instead of saying "we gotta pay taxes anyway" lets say.... Lower our taxes substantially so I can get my own health insurance. It's not their money, it's our money.
  6. An option for those struggling......

    I'm just saying that it may be a good option for those that only pressure wash...give their customers an option. I think you're on to something Jeff ;)
  7. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Jeff...does competition usually drive prices up or down? If the gov't regulates prices that means that they limit profit which means that people will not compete for business.
  8. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    I was there 4 weeks ago and my opinion of the place is exactly what Chris says....that place is an absolute waste. Yeah, some of the history is cool, but it seems that everybody there is in some kind of a daze and they aimlessly wonder the streets. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life. I made the comment to my wife when I got home from that dump that I can't understand how people could have such meaningless lives. I'm kind of a high stung person and need to be doing something all the time. The people there (don't mean to make a blanket statement like this because I know there are honest hard working people there) just walk the streets and have nothing to live for. It's strange. Don't even get me started about Bourbon Street....
  9. An option for those struggling......

    What about adding this to the "Options" for the buy? Kinda like a detail wash or something like that...
  10. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    yeah, I wouldn't believe anything you couldn't see either...
  11. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    and you say my post was childish? :deal: You tell me exactly what Nobama did in his 140 days of vast experience in the Senate that qualifies him to be the leader of the greatest country in the world. There is a reason that governors usually become presidents instead of senators. Governors actually have responsibilities.
  12. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Beth are you trying to get me arrested so I don't vote for Palin....er I mean McCain? :D
  13. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Jeff.... to answer your question about healthcare... (You may not like this) I don't think the gov't has any place in healthcare. I don't remember reading anything about them controlling healthcare in the constitution. I think the market would control itself with competition and prices if the gov't would just get out of the way. Just like it does in every other industry. I don't know if you know this, but there is a cure to cancer, AIDS and every other blood related disease out there. The cure is forbidden to talk about because of the gov't and anybody that is caught giving this cure to somebody would be arrested. There is no money in the cure, therefore it's not widely known and very suppressed. There are thousands of documented cases and was proven to work 100% of the time. By the way, an evil Christian scientist invented the little $20 device to do this. Anyway, my point is the gov't has no business in healthcare. That's my answer.
  14. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    THought this story was quite interesting...I just may have to move to Texas. Texas to teachers: Bible will be taught
  15. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    She's more qualified to be VP than the Messiah Nobama is to be Prez. She actually ran a state.
  16. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    I have to say, I'm in that group. I was not looking forward to this election at all. Notice my avatar. Now, I'm a little excited about it. I won't just be voting against Nobama anymore, I'll actually be voting for the old guy and Vise President Palin.
  17. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Finally some change...I'm tired of the phone ringing all the time with people wanting me to do work for them, I just want to sit back and enjoy life, they should pay me for that. After all, I'm 31 and I've been paying into Social Security for a long time, they owe me!!!
  18. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    :D No the economy is too bad and my house is being repossessed.
  19. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Well, in an attempt to get this thread back on topic moderators eh hemm... I think McCain made a good choice. He will not be able to use the "no experience" thing about Nobama, but people didn't seem to care anyway. Gov Palin stands for conservatism and that is what most conservatives were missing about McCain. McCain is a little too liberal for my taste, but maybe she will nag him into shape like most women do :D Just kiddin Plus, she is very good looking for a 44 year old. She has a son in the Army so she puts her money where her mouth is also. She's for drilling in ANWR and realizes that it will not hurt the spotted turtle. She is staunchly pro-LIFE which any good Bible thumper like myself can appreciate. Today is her 20th anniversary with the same husband which is rare nowadays and I am pretty sure that the husband is a MALE. The more I read and hear about this lady, the more I like.
  20. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    This is the kind of stuff that I hear from liberals everyday. (Not trying to pick on you James) This is their outlook on our great nation. Is this what you want to vote for? It's always complaints, never solutions...oh wait, I do remember a couple of solutions. The World hates us - So lets give them money, food, clean water and talk with the poor terrorists. Oil Crisis - Lets all ride around on bicycles and protect the spotted turtles, instead of drilling for our own oil. Mortgage crises - Lets give more loans to the underprivileged even though they don't deserve it or have any way to pay it back. Katrina - yeah, the gov't should rebuild every single persons house that was destroyed by a natural disaster that happens every freakin year!!! Oh wait, I forgot, Bush snorkeled down and blew up the levy himself. I'm not sure what kind of people stand on their porches screaming for the gov't to come get them when they have 2 legs, but I assure you, they are not hard working folk! Prescription Drugs - Free Health Care for everybody...woohoo. Nothing like the DMV running heathcare. Gas crisis - See above. Also, lets have the gov't MAKE everybody drive around in an unsafe tin box, but hey, it gets 30 mpg. Health Care - See above. Hilary has our answer to that. American Dollar crisis - I'm not sure what the Dems solution for this one is. Middle East Crisis - Lets sit down with the poor little terrorists and discuss why they want to obliterate western society. After that, we'll have tea and strumpets.... or roach legs or whatever the freakin dirty bassturds eat.
  21. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    It's kinda funny.... We heard for years how Bush was cutting all of these "needed" programs like education and taking care of poor people and raiding the social security for old people..how horrible he was for taking all of their money. Now you're telling me that he is spending more than any other president? Make up your mind dude... I don't agree with all of the money he has spent, but I would probably disagree with you as to where he should be spending it. Foreign Aid is one of them. These countries that make policies against America, should have NO foreign aid. Screw them. Bail outs- I don't think the gov't should be bailing out private companies for their stupidity. Sub-prime lender bailout really chapped my butt. Give loans to a bunch of welfare recipients that have no credit because of their bad choices and guess what? You're gonna have problems. Without writing a book here, I will just say that Bush has spent a lot of money and this is one of the problems that I have with his second term. He compromised with liberals and spent WAY too much money.
  22. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Some more things to think about before you vote: The Democrats have blocked every attempt to rid ourselves from foreign oil thus high gas prices (which is causing the price of everything to rise). If Dems were so concerned about the American people then why do they choose to not have the option of drilling for our own oil? Something else to think about: American has been 100% Al-Qaida free since 2001 with a republican in office. Lots of people seem to have forgotten that we were attacked 7 years ago and we are just fighting some silly war "over there" spending all of our precious money and running up the debt. I would rather be alive speaking English and have a debt to pay off than speaking Farsi or dead.
  23. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Rod....my dad was out of work for that time that Mr. Clinton shut down the gov't. Under President Bush unemployment numbers were lower than they were with Clinton nearly his entire term. The economy was better than it has ever been under President Bush's term especially given that WE WERE ATTACKED and had to go fight a war!!! Jeff... Bush did too much compromising his second term and that is why a BUNCH of conservatives like myself have been unhappy with him. Amnesty for illegals isn't a compromise? C'mon dude. I haven't read of anybody in this thread, nor do I know anybody personally that would not vote for Nobama because of his skin color. That is a very weak argument and it's always thrown in there by liberals. Here is one Black man that I would vote for in a heartbeat if he ever ran. I'm pretty sure that there are more minorities in positions of real authority under the Bush administration than there were under the Clinton admin. We conservatives often get labeled racists when the fact is we choose people that are the best for the job no matter what the ethnicity, not ones that are there to be a trophy. If Nobama is so into change, why doesn't he come up with some ideas of his own. Everything he says is a repeat of some other hack before him.
  24. Too Busy for a Roundtable?

    True, but for the guys that think they are just a little too far away, or don't know if they should spend the money on gas or whatever. I agree that just watching isn't the same, but then you gotta ask yourself, What's the point of having it live?
  25. Too Busy for a Roundtable?

    Ah, I see...so you are saying that we need to show up in person to see boobies, right? just messin with you Ron. I think it's cool to have those RT's on the internet. I just wonder if it will make peeps stay at home though if they can just get all the info by setting at home and watching? Kinda like going to a pro football game. I hate dealing with the traffic and all the drunks, so I stay at home and watch them on TV.