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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. I must be in a serious minority - I HATE HARRY POTTER!!!

    No offense to you guys, it's just my personal opinion, but I don't understand how a grown adult could sit through a 3 hour fantasy style movie. I just don't get the hype. I tried watching the first one but fell asleep about 30 minutes into it. Have seen other bits and pieces of it and it looked just as stupid. Witchcraft, sorcery, etc is not my thing.

  2. We all know that to build a successful hood cleaning and/or pressure washing business, SYSTEMS must be in place. Even ifyou are a one man show, consistency is key.

    To help you get organized, I'm offering you some of the forms that were created with SYSTEMS in mind.

    Hood Cleaning Documents and Forms | Hood Cleaning Helper

    They are all in pdf format so you must be able to view pdf documents. If your computer isn't older than your pressure washer, you shouldn't have a problem :)

    After downloading them, you can print as many as you like, they are yours.

    The first form is a form I created once I got more work than I could handle and my wife started answering the calls that were coming in.

    No matter how many times I tried to get her to ask questions I needed to qualify the callers, she just couldn't remember.

    Not only that, but I wanted to know "other things" besides just the name and location of the business like tracking advertisents, etc. This form helps with all of this.

    It's called the "New Account Information Sheet" - This form is NOT just for hood cleaners.

    Hood Cleaning Documents and Forms | Hood Cleaning Helper

    The second form is KEC Lead Technician Report. It was created with systems in mind so there can be nothing forgotten and nothing left chance.

    It covers every aspect of the job from hood to fan. It lays the ground work letting you get off the truck and work ON your business and not so much IN it.

    Hood Cleaning Documents and Forms | Hood Cleaning Helper

    The last form (so far) will free up the time of the lead technician by giving the helper or assistant clear objectives so there is no wasted time.

    Your helper will never be standing around with their thumb up their butts again. At least they won't have any excuses for doing so.

    Hood Cleaning Documents and Forms | Hood Cleaning Helper

    If you have any questions, just email.

    Hope these help


  3. I don't want to post one of mine on a public forum, but I will post this example and help describe what (I think) is good about it. This example is one of the few good ones I see from big box stores. Most are branding crap that isn't conducive with what we try to accomplish as small business owners.


    Good things:

    - Headline with benefits

    - Several calls to action

    - Coupon w/ expiration date

    - Tracking codes

    are some of the things that we should copy in ALL of our direct mail advertisements.

  4. I lost $800+ on a complex grease containment system once... The guy called back a couple days later saying that his fan motor wasn't working... I have no idea what happened :lglolly:

    Then, he called back a couple years later saying that he needed his exhaust system cleaned or he would be shut down and was willing to pay anything. Poor guy got shut down for 4 days.

    I think I won.

  5. I know I'm a little naive, but it just makes me appreciate people like Dave Ramsey more and more. Why can't a company run their company on the kinds of principles that Dave Ramsey teaches? I know they can, because the company I use to work for before being self employed DID IT!

    They had $390 million in the bank with $0 debt. Paid cash for everything. It was an awesome company. Then the owner died and morons took over and they are turning the company upside down. Sucks.

    What gripes me is these same people will be able to continue after screwing over people and nothing will happen to them. Whatever happen to consequences for your actions?

  6. Got a HUGE booklet today from the lawyers of Flying J of their bankruptcy notice. Thank God they didn't owe me any money...

    Were any of you guys servicing them?

    Things like this are what always stopped me from focusing on chains and a lot of corporate accounts. I always liked the personal relationships with mom and pops.

  7. Marko, stop being a little girl :). I told you in that other thread that you are just being messed with and don't take stuff so seriously. We are all like sharks in the water who smell blood when you show that you are being effected by criticism. It's not that people don't like you, it's just that you are so easy to mess with because of you typing and internet skills.

    This is nothing new to you, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

    Just like in your post at the top of this thread. From this side of that post, you sound like a pompous jackass who knows everything. You probably don't mean it like that, because I do know that you like to help people. Your typing comes across like your half-drunk sometimes, Hahahha.. don't worry about it man. Be ready to laugh at yourself and people will stop messing with you.

    They may still disagree with you, but you can't take it so seriously. Believe it or not, there are other people in the world that clean just as well, if not better than yourself.

    Heck, as wonderfully skilled and brilliant as I am, people still read my posts the wrong way and take what I meant to say out of context :D

    See how that sounds? Sounds like I'm pretty conceited, huh? Well, anybody who knows me, knows that I'm the exact opposite of that and would know that I'm being totally sarcastic. Be sure to hit "Preview" before you actually post your comments and read them aloud. This may help you a little.

    Hang in there man, I hope you don't go anywhere, because to be honest, I get a kick out of some of your posts. I may not agree with you all the time, but that doesn't mean I don't like you or anything like that.

  8. Don't go for the Big Ad... make a little ad count!!! Make it a lead generating ad and you will be much happier than wasting your money on fancy graphics and a list of services you offer that will bring a bunch of tire kickers and competitors posing as customers trying to get your prices.

  9. The most important "thing" you need: A very hungry market.

    I would do tons and tons of research to confirm this before I spent a dime starting a business. Asking a couple of your friends doesn't qualify for research either ;)

    Next, I would fill in the blanks of the spreadsheet made by none other than my buddy Philip Doolittle. I'll see if I can find the link for you.

    Here it is.. post number 9
