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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Without reading the entire thread because it started going off track on the first page so....

    I think it's a great idea to have teachers carry guns. Just think how quickly the little bassturds that shot 19 kids in Columbine could have been disposed of. Or, if they would have even thought about doing it.

    We had a teacher try and break up a gang fight at my school when I was High School, the teacher ended up being thrown agains the wall and the crap stomped out of him while the gang members nearly killed a guy for wearing an Angels ball cap.

    With that said, I think the teachers should have to go through some kinda training and be proficient with a firearm. I don't want some crappy shot waving a pistol around, that's just stupid. My wife, oldest daughter and myself know how to use a pistol and a shotgun. My daughter knows that it is not a toy and it's never to be played with. It's serious business when it comes to guns. Anybody walks in my house uninvited I don't have to worry about getting what's coming to them.

    Speaking of that (a lilttle of subject but I think it still relates) there is a guy that goes to my church that had his house broken into by some 22 year old punk. The guy from my church is handicapped and basically has to get around with a cane. Well, the young punk thought he could take advantage of this older fella, but to his surprise when he came strolling in the front door after breaking it down, he was met with a bullet between his eyes. He messed with the wrong old timer.

    I love justice. Schools are getting out of control and I think it's a great idea to give back some power to the people in charge and let them stop the insanity.

    I just love this picture of my daughter too, so I thought that I would post it.


    and for some of you that wonder if I'm a decent shot..here ya go ;)


  2. Love the new Jetta...but I don't like cars.

    Wesley, I would go with something like a 4 banger Tacoma, Frontier or Ranger. You will need a ladder sometimes. Those fold up ladders are nice, I have a couple myself. Plus, chicks dig trucks ;)

    just kidding.

  3. I agree with what you are saying Terry...to a degree. However, sometimes people do need to be rebuked and their methods brought to light if they are wrong. Meaningless arguing is ridiculous especially over the internet, but if somebody has a legitimate complaint I think it is constructive to complain. Wouldn't you agree with that?

  4. Not bad Pat. However, I do have one suggestion..well, 2 actually. You need to make the titles of your pages more keyword rich. And, I would use a lightbox for your "Myth" page. You don't want to link people away from your site, they may never come back.

  5. go to google.com and look around on their site. They have some free web building tools that are really easy to use. Some of the sites that I'e seen by people using those tools aren't half bad.

    It kinda depends on what you want your site for. For me, I built mine to make me money, not necessarily look pretty. It doesn't look pretty, I don't care. It makes me money. Got 3 calls yesterday from 100 postcards (YES I SAID 100) that lead people to a special page that I set up and had them sold before a price was even discussed. Yesterday was the first day that people got the cards so I'm expecting even more calls starting tomorrow.

    If you want your site to look pretty, have somebody else do it like Keith at kbkgraphics.com He does fantastic work for reasonable prices. If you have time and want to put a little research into doing it yourself, then go for it.

  6. If it gets 12/17 city/highway I certainly would not want to be in any stop and go with a trailer/water.. The titan's a great looking truck and I really wanted one until I found out how bad the mpg was and how much more it was then the chevy/gmc pick-ups..

    Sorry if I didn't make myself clear in my post about the gas mileage... it gets between 12-14 pulling a trailer period, or 16-18 without pulling a trailer period. I don't really differentiate between city and highway, because I measure the whole tank at a time. There is always both city and highway driving in the 300+ miles of driving.

    Why wouldn't you want to be in any stop and go? I don't understand :confused: How could your smaller v8 be any better in stop and go traffic? It has been my experience that the smaller engines are too underpowered to get the mileage that they claim to get when pulling a load. My dad's Tacoma gets about 20 or so without any weight behind it, but if he hooks up anything it goes down around 10-12.

    As far as price goes, I have heard different stories from guys around the country on this. Some like you say that the Nissan is higher than the Ford and Chebby, but I found the opposite to be true. I got the Titan for $8K less than the Ford stealership would give me the F-150 for. They were similar models with basically the same options (even though the Titan had tons more ;)) I couldn't figure it out, I was even trading in another F-150 that I had just bought from them a couple years prior.

    Oh well, to each his own, if you like your Chebby that's all that matters. I sure love my Titan and now that it has 41K trouble free miles, I'm loving it even more.

  7. I'm guessing you like the titans horrible gas mileage too?

    I have a '05 silverado 1500 small v8 work truck (long bed) to pull my trailer/tank

    If you were talking to me (cause I have the Titan) I don't think the Titan gets bad gas mileage at all for what it is. 12-14 pulling a trailer and 16-18 without the trailer. 6" lift with 35" tires. If it was stock, I'm sure it would be better gas mileage. It's as good as any other v8 that I've seen with tons more power.

  8. am I going to have to send you both to neutral corners? :D

    Anyway, this is a good thread. Good info Kenner, I would love to fine tune my customer acquisition costs. I can't figure out how to get them exact like I want for the different target marketing pieces I have out and send every week along with internet. I have a general cost per customer, but they are not broken down as specific as your might be I'm guessing. How do I fine tune them?
