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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Jeff I fail to see where we differ but,

    ..maybe it's that you don't see them on regular basis so your more free or unbiased to not group all the nuts together. I live and deal with the fruit and nut group regularly and they are not the everyday folk like you or I. They buy into anything and everything in way of current fad. Be careful as before ya know it they'll start laying claim and put words in everyday folks mouths. For instance ask the consumers if they want to spend money on cleaners that don't clean or stains that don't last. Before ya know it it won't be that the green products are available as option it wll be all that is available. Its the old give an inch they take a mile scenario.

    We could get into loss of timber jobs or land development due to the spotted this or that, or hunting and fishing rights etc. but do we dare go there... I mean just a hundred yards from where I live I have to be careful about stepping on or hurting some endangered beetles riperian area. I kid you not the looks I get from the bird watchers as I ride bike past their holier than thou walking/sighting adventure. Meetings on the hunting trail can be out of this world...Same folks, different color ribbon..

    I have a (what I think is funny) story about some granola heads and hunting...a couple years ago I was deer hunting up in the mountains and some jobless lowlifes that prolly still lived with their momma's had the bright idea of messing up the opening day of hunting season for us big bad evil hunters. Well, their plan was to scare off all the deer by banging pots and pans together all over the forest. To their credit, IT WORKED!!! but unfortunately for them and the deer, it spooked the deer right to us and we just massacred them :D

    We had some great deer jerky for a long time thanks to those bozo's....

  2. Sorry for the double post, but I had to say something else about going overboard.

    Where I live is about 30 miles from a military base. It provides lots of jobs to my little town. The state was redoing the road to this base and the tree huggers made them put a 2 foot tall fence the entire 30 miles to prevent desert tortoise's from getting killed on the road. They had a big community meeting about the whole thing with some gov't officials present answering questions. One guy gave them statistics about how many turtles are killed by car vs how many by Ravens and crows. There was no comparison. The gov't dudes had no answers except for , "well, we can't do anything about nature taking it's course and the predator birds killing them, but we can do something about cars killing them"..that's when some young, conservative, good looking stud (:)) yelled out "let us kill the birds!!!" Ravens are a "protected" bird here in the lovely state of California and they are destroying lots of crops and other things because there are so many of them.

    When common sense flies out the window is when either side goes over the edge. A 2 foot tall fence is completely stupid, a major waste of money and every chance I get, I run over it with my Grizzly. Now if you'll excuse me, I think a big black bird just landing on my 2 1/2 acres, I got some bird hunting to do!

  3. Without going into details of how much push or effort involved I can tell ya that grape juice or some vitamins can get ya to go purple... :)

    I know if I drink too much grape juice, I make a lot of brown :D Prunes work well too.

    Actually, I'm with Jon Chapman and I think most of the whole "green thing" is a crock of crap. All you have to do is follow the money to see that. In the kitchen exhaust cleaning industry I think we do have a major responsibility to stay compliant on what we do with our greasy waste water though. I was recently given an endorsement from a local Lake Manager while cleaning an exhaust system. He came over to the restaurant with the intention of shutting me down, but when he saw how I was handling my waste water, he gave me an endorsement and said to put it in any advertising material that I have.

    We do need to be aware and we do need to be good stewards, but going over board really ticks me off.

    Oh yeah, D-Tagr, I admire your efforts, but in my opinion, you are totally wrong in your assessment. With a higher GPM machine, you would more than likely get the job done in half the time. For 3 1/2 years I ran a 2.0 gpm machine to clean hoods, I've since changed to a 5.5 gpm machine and I'm saving soooooo much time and the water is about the same. Do whatever works for you, I'm not trying to discourage you, but I just think that you are wrong about that. Also another thing to think about is the fuel consumption....if it takes half the time and half the gas then........

  4. Hot Shot, I didn't mean I put on the flier that I was hungry and desperate for work. I said I was offering a discount in my down time. I understand what you are saying tho and I have thought of giving discounts on neighbors..

    oh, my bad, I must have just read it wrong...:)

    I do that often

  5. Robere....I think I would leave out the part explaining how slow you are. I think that it inviting people to negotiate your price. After all, if you're hungry, then you'll do it even if it's lower than you planned on right? (That will be their thinking)

    How about doing the flyer up with a "neighborhood special" or something like that. They would get a discount if they recruit their neighbor for you....something like that is how I would go about it.

  6. Celeste...absolutely, we want as many people there that will fit. We are using this opportunity to recruit Grease Police members as well ;)

    Carlos... It's looking like either Los Angeles or San Diego, not positive yet. We're trying to get the most seats for the least amount of money. We are new at this so bear with us a little bit, don't have some of the details worked out.

    I'm getting really excited because there are a lot of you guys signing up already, this is going to be a fun event with tons of info and lots of giveaways. I didn't even mention the golf tournament :) ............ yet.

  7. As the Director of Marketing for The Grease Police org, I'm very excited to announce our first annual Greaser convention coming this fall. Here is the link to the information, it will be something that you will NOT want to miss if you're in the Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning business. There are going to be tons of giveaways, some major special ops training that you can only get from the Grease Police. How to build a foamer for under $50, the plans, the instructions and live demonstrations. It's what you've all been waiting for and asking me about when you call.

    There are going to be some BIG names in the business letting it all hang out. Secrets of the industry and all. Also, one of our members is good friends with a famous former NFL star that may be able to give a motivational speech. You DO NOT want to miss this convention!!!

    Sign up today, we don't have a whole lot of space, so make sure you get your seats. I know you guys will want more info on this, so after you visit the link here and if you still have questions, then contact us at info@thegreasepolice.org Many guys are helping on this because we want to make it big so just specify the information you need and you will be directed to the appropriate person.

    So, visit the link, sign up and we'll see you in the fall ;)

    p.s. You will prolly want to drive a truck because the prizes will be major things and not something that could be taken on a plane for the most part. I guess you could always have them shipped, but that's your choice.

    p.p.s This will probably be the one and only convention open to non Grease Police members. Next year will be GP members only. Of course we want to use the opportunity to build up our membership, but the secret methods/chemicals/foamers/etc...will be on display this time. This is your chance, Don't miss it!!!

  8. Anthony.....great name by the way ;) This is sorta what we are doing at The Grease Police in the kitchen exhaust cleaning biz.

    I think having a criteria that has anything to do with money is bad though. There are some HUGE companies out there that do some of the worst work you have ever seen in your life. We chose pictures as one of the way to police our members. Yeah, you can lie and photoshop stuff and take pictures at angles that may hide certain areas, but it would take more work to do all of that than just doing the job correctly.

    Great brain fart though dude, keep thinking and figure something out for the pw industry. I think it can be a success.
