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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. When You decide to go this option your choices are almost unlimted.

    Using the right equipment you could invoive and recieve payment all on the spot.

    Quickbooks pro is amazing as far as all the differnt options and things you can do.

    Imagine this:

    Laptop in truck, print invoice, custumer pays with credit card, use laptop w/ wireless card from cell phone company and quickbooks and there ya go... Invoived, and paid on the spot.

    Having a Laptop on site is great! Billing, Customer information and also the ability to showcase your work to name a few. We also used a laptop based GPS unit at first. worked ok but NOT the same as a stand alone GPS just much cheaper.

    But remember that it all comes at a cost!

    all great benefits...not to mention doing bids.

  2. Ron

    I know this may seem harsh but in this country poverty is a self induced condition. My father raised a family with five children on a 6th grade education. We didn't ask for any assistance from the government and we didn't miss any meals. I get so tired of this we got to help them mentality. No we don't have to help them we need to make them help their self. This dependence of the government mentality is diametrically apposed to what our founding fathers created.


    That's beautiful dude...great post.

    Nobody is looking to starve any kids, not even us big bad conservatives. All we're saying is follow the rules to come to our country. Yes, it is the best country in the world! Yes, I would be trying to get here if I was from another country as well! I think YOU guys are missing our point as much as we're missing your point....there is a legal way to enter our country, do it. We welcome you with open arms. You break the laws, then you deserve the punishment that goes along with it.

  3. Written by Carol Rock

    Saturday, 05 January 2008

    Welfare and food stamp benefits soar $3 million higher than September payout.

    New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from September, announced Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

    Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits is going directly to the children of illegal aliens. Illegals collected over $20 million in welfare assistance for November 2007 and over $16 million in monthly food stamp allocations for a projected annual cost of $444 million.

    "This new information shows an alarming increase in the devastating impact Illegal immigration continues to have on Los Angeles County taxpayers," said Antonovich. "With $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $444 million in welfare allocations, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education."

    Dave Hollenbeck

    Santa Clarita Radio, Hometown Station, KHTS AM-1220 - Illegal Aliens Receive $37 Million From County In November

  4. See Jeff...we do agree on some things :D

    Illegal immigration is destroying our country! We must stop the bleeding first by sealing the borders. After all, some of those illegals sneaking over the border could be coming here to harm us, could they not?

    What ever happen to people being responsible for their actions? It isn't the gov't that would be responsible for sending people back to where they came from, it would be THOSE PEOPLE THAT ARE ILLEGALLY HERE!!! They are NOT innocent bystanders, they had to sneak over here knowing that what they were doing is illegal. As much as I admire their hard work and family oriented way of life, they are breaking the law....period.

    With that said, I would love to see some sort of temp workers program instituted. After it's instituted and an illegal is caught here that has not applied, and been granted permission, they should be sent back. After they have applied for the worker program and are accepted, THEN they would have the chance to apply for citizenship.

    I have made many friends in the restaurant business that are probably illegal. I don't know for sure if they are or aren't and I don't ask, but when I see the owner pay them cash at the end of the night, then I'm assuming that they are. I know that most of them work 2-3 jobs and live with 4-5 other people in a little house. They send most of their money back to Mexico to take care of their family. I admire that work ethic, however, that does not give them a pass on breaking the law.

  5. I think it is anoying when I am talking to someone in person and someone else starts squacking on the nextel without an alert first. " yoohoo are you there?" I had one of my friends do this once when I was with a customer. He thought I was ignoring him so he started singing and cursing and doing everything he can to try to get my attention. During the whole time I was trying to shut him off and apologizing to the customer.



    I just spit Lipton Green Tea all over my monitor..hahahahha

  6. I have tried several times to register. I have used you and Ant both as a referrer and it reads "Invalid Referrer Specified".

    Is in working properly?


    Scott, register you have to put HotShot as referrer...Are you trying to register as Integrity? Try again, I'll be looking for you to make sure you get put through. We do screen our members so your info has to be correct ;)

  7. I know a couple guys that upstream some harsh freakin chems for Kitchen exhaust cleaning and they've been doing it a long time. Sounds like it would eat your pump alive, but I think it you rinse it really well afterwards, it will hang in their for a long time.

    But just washing heavy equipment, I don't see why you couldn't downstream and get enough concentration of chemical. Maybe you are just not using the correct chem? Sounds like you need a foamer though ;)
