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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. I usually put in the bid itself when I'll be calling back if I haven't heard from them. Say something like "Since life is quite hectic most of the time, I will


    you a courtesy call in a few days. This way, in case you forget to schedule


    service you'll still have the opportunity to take

    advantage of the offer while it is still available."

  2. I think everyone is making a big deal out of nothing really. If I see "the fish" on something doesn't make me want to go with that guy over another though and I'm a Christian. I personally don't put it on my stuff because the way I see it is if I have to "tell" someone that I am, then I'm prolly acting in a manner that suggests otherwise.

    Do what you want bro, either way, it's a nice card and I would say exactly what Jeff said, go with what you think is right :)

  3. reminds me of one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes. The dentist that Jerry and Kramer go to has a playboy in the waiting room...

    Jerry: So you feel the need to use a lot of foul language at the dentist office?

    Kramer: When they stick that needle in, I let the explitives fly...hahahahaha..

    I think an open forum is a good thing, but it should have a super-secret members only section for the "good info" and to talk about Phil :D

  4. there is someone on this forum doing some major theivery right now...The Grease Police SWAT team is all over it and he will regret it when we're done with him :D Dozen's of phone calls during greaser hours is not fun...dozen's of phone calls asking for quotes to fictitious places or even real places and make them show up and the "real place" is like WTF? are you here for isn't fun either.

    You know who you are doing it pal, I would suggest taking them off, before you we frisk you the Grease Police way
