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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Leave the tools and run!

    Funny story. I was cleaning gutters out in the boonies when unplesantries set upon me suddenly. I dashed to my truck and flew down endless miles of road (no TP). Just when it seemed like I would never make it, I spotted a port-let in the middle of front lawn at a McMansion under construction. I got everyone's attention as I took the corner screeching on two wheels. They were all still trying to figure out what the heck was going on when I raced up the drive, threw it into park, and jumped out quickly. I dashed across about 75 yards of new sod and ducked into the safety of the porto-let. Seconds later I heard wild laughter from all over that work site. They were still laughing and making wise cracks when I went back to my truck.

    From that day forward, I keep a roll in my truck at all times. It has saved me more than once.

    if only one of them had a camera phone :D hahahahahah


  2. Talk about your sacrificial lambs.


    no Phil, I gotta one up you .... This is the most rediculous statement. Rod, you should go onto the "View" with Rosie O'Fatso and you guys could blame America together!!! Saddam was a pure innocent, sweet gentle man...poor little sacrificial lamb. Dude, that's disgusting, in my opinion, you should be ashamed of yourself.

  3. Jeff, I think I have the same virus as YOU.... My daughter is 5, my wife is getting ready to pop anytime in April (Due date is the 28th) and I'm already thinking about another one. She KNOWS I'm crazy and she's saying that if she has to have a c-section, then she's gonna make them knock me out and start snippin on me at the same time. Sooo, I'm scheduling more work than usually in the month of April :D

  4. I like the 2nd one better, but it is a bit confusing with the letters. If you go with the first one I would suggest really making it wood looking....

    ps- don't listen to us!! We will drive you crazy on which logo to go with, just pick the one you like and go with it. Trust me, you'll thank me later if you do this. Ask me how I know...
