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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Ya know I'm suppose to be a racist bigot being that I'm a conservative Christian right wing extremist...but I'd prolly vote for Condi Rice in a heartbeat :eek: Character is far more important to me than beinga slickster with words. JFK was hardly a model of character...MLK was also a known adulterer....Bill Clinton...well, I don't even have to go there.

    As far as Rick Warren goes...the man is a false teacher!!! Ecumenism is NOT a good thing in the Bible. Let's take Jesus for example on how he brought people together: I am the way the truth and the life: No man cometh to the Father but by me (John 14:6)

    Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? (Matt 23:33)

    Rick Warren is a false teacher!!!!

    As far as Obama, Osama Hussein bin Laden goes. He is a full fledged liberal left wing democrat. He is all for abortion, and the fact that Rick Warren would have him in his [so called] church is a disgrace and he should be ashamed of himself. Oh yeah, did I mention that Rick Warren is a liar? ... All liars will have their part in the lake of fire....(Rev. 21:8)

    Listen to this if you have about 20 minutes or so...

  2. I don't know the specific details Jeff, but my mom was the manager of a pretty large Hotel and she was telling me how it was illegal for her to ask a person for social security cards or ask if the person was a legal citizen...this was a few years ago and it may have been a California thing, and like I said, I don't know the exact details, but it was pretty freakin crooked (on the gov't part).

  3. I left my job about 2 1/2 years ago and have been happy ever since. Though I had some rough months along the way, it was all worth it. I am netting what I use to gross with a job...bout 60K. I only needed about 40K a year to survive though...well, that's inflated a little too, I'M SPOILED :D

  4. Thanks Jeff, for your great threads and everybody on TGS for your help and for a laugh every once in awhile. Most of all Thank God for letting us live another day and for another opportunity to serve him!!

    As most of you guys know, I am one of the *right wingers* that Jeff is referring to and in that spirit I would like to post The real story of Thanksgiving as told by Rush everyyear on his radio program and in his book "See, I told you so". It's a great read if you have the time--

    well, since I can't figure out how to paste something...I'll just link it here...

  5. Dude, she is filming there at the last. You should see the raw footage, she surprised the heck outa me. She kept up with me where ever I went and didn't miss a beat. On that one stretch where we're doing about 55 she is yelling faster, faster!!! I love her to so much man....Can't wait for April to come so I'll have another one to play with...hahahah :D
