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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. I've been getting my work pants from here for awhile....let's see...Dickies= $21/pair, then get ruined by grease, or Walts used work pants $4/ pair, then get ruined by grease...then throw away..:)

    It's a no brainer for me. I really don't worry about doing too much laundry. My wife would kill me if I put some of my "bad" work pants in her new Kenmore H4 whatever washer....if my pants get "bad" on a job, I just throw them away. If they don't get too bad, I'll wash them.

  2. How Did You Put It Together

    I use Windows Movie Maker...you should have it on your computer if you have a newish computer with window xp...

    Thanks for the comments guys. It's so easy to put together something like that of such a photogenic little girl. She is an absolute cheese.....:)

  3. Thanks Ryan...

    It's already started with the Grandmas and mommy. I'm too manly to cry over something like that *sniffle, sniffle* :) Nah, my plan is when I feel like beating her because she is driving us crazy, I'll watch this and remember how cute she can be. We are looking forward to our new addition due in April. Of all the things I love, being a dad is probably the highest on my list. My one great accomplishment hahhah.

    Advice for you guys with little kids: Take tons of pictures, then just when you think you have a lot, take more. I could have made about 3 or 4 of these videos...we have lot's of pictures of our little monkey and you really need a lot if you ever want to put something like this together...

  4. Dude, that's awesome...as soon as my daughter is out of Balet and Tap, she's going into Karate. They said pretty much the same thing, she has to be 5. They didn't let her stay in a class or anything though...

    I like the picture of him all tuckered out after a hard day of killin...:D

  5. yeah, I agree with you Mike....my "stuff" isn't worth anybody's life. But the problem nowadays is they will take your stuff then shoot you anyways. I will protect my stuff, and do everything I can to see that the criminal is brought to justice, but I wouldn't shoot anybody for stuff.....Even though I feel like it sometimes. I have a much bigger authority to answer to that says it's not right. I do think that the theif should have to pay back your stuff x 4 like the Bible says though...I wish the courts did that. It would make people think before they stold something....well, maybe

  6. I know exactly what you mean bro....(see pictures above) Anybody can be a power washer, just stop by Home Depot, pick up a pw, lowball some bids and BAM...you're in business. In the meantime, people like you and I put together business plans, researched to best products and methods, thought about our ways of advertising, planned everything down to the last crossing of the T, get insurance, get business licenses...etc, etc.

    I cleaned a McDonalds kitchen exhaust system about a month ago and they told me that the last guy was working out of a Toyota Celica.....wth?

  7. she's almost there...

    You know I use to tell people that Arnold, our Governator should be ashamed of himself. The same people that voted him into office also vote for Hilary Clinton??? Something wrong with that picture if you call yourself a conservative republican. Clintonites would hate my guts if I were running for something.

  8. Pet products related to odor removal and prevention. Check out our site at: www.OdorDestroyer.com

    I'd love to hear any feedback or new product suggestions anyone has.


    Nice....where were you about 5 years ago when my in laws had a stupid cat that use to pee all over the house? :) They have had to replace carpet and padding because of that dumb cat....

    I would suggest checking on BioClean. The plumber that I buy mine from says that he puts a little in the bottom of his cat's litter box and the BioClean not only eats away the pet waste, but also eats away the smell that goes along with it....

    Once again, I don't know if it's true, but he really has no reason to lie to me and I know that it sure does a number on grease on roofs....that stuff is awesome!
