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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Anthony,

    Please explain your intended message from your last post.I'm a slow learner.Thanks.

    Scott answered for me.....

    I was just getting ready to rip into Matthew, I thought he was going crazy there for a second :D

    Matthew, that was not funny (it really was). :p You got me good....hahahah

  2. If there are thieves on my property, IMHO it is a given that they pose a significant threat to my life. As for evidence, simply look the pipe wrench and tire tools they are holding. Obviously taken from my tool box just before I shot them. :)

    you made my day already....that was some funny stuff right there...:D

  3. With all due respect, then why have it?

    I have three times. I remember all three well. One was similar to AC's situation. Thanks to the convergence of a few one way streets and my ignorance of the area, I ended up in the middle of a race oriented protest. They wer pissed, needed a whipping boy, and I was handy. I attempted to drive on, but the power of the masses exceeded the power of my 4cyl (same truck AC). The truck started rocking and I had visions of being upside down on fire. Out came the 38 and I informed those by the window that I was leaving one way or another.

    I've never been able to figure out why people in this situation don't mash the gas and drag a few morons along until they're out of the danger zone? Not speaking of you personally Phil, I'm talking about the LA riots after poor Rodney King's defense of "being poor Rodney King" didn't work and people went crazy down there. They were dragging people out of cars and beating the snot out of em and the truck driver Reginald Denny had a 14 million horsepower rig at his disposal where he could have taken a few of them out....

    I don't understand people---hum, these people want to kill me, but I don't want to hurt their feelings or be rude so I'll just let them ??????

  4. Nice post Don and Russ and Thad and lets see...who else posted..

    We must protect ourselves and I wouldn't think twice about protecting my life or any other innocent person's life for that matter. The last thing in the world that I would want to do is shoot somebody, but if it came to it....shoot first ask questions later.

    Also, I would not protect my "stuff" with deadly force...I would not shoot somebody over a pressure washer or money, or even my Titan :D...but if you are going to hurt me or my family, there is a bullseye that I see right between your beaty little evil eyes and I am one heck of a shot. If I may say so myself.

    Just ask these guys...heheheh

