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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Ron....you had 4 fathers? Is that kinda like heather has 2 mommies?....just giving you a hard time :)

    My daughter ate some cherries at my brother-in-law's house and had an allergic reaction. We took her to the emergency room. It took 3 hours to get her in for the doctor to see her and that was at 11:00 pm. I pay a lot of money to have my family insured. They pay nothing!!!! yet get the treatment.

    I hope that you guys don't run your households the way you treat illegal behavior. Let's say I told my daughter don't throw rocks at the neighbors house. Then a week later the neighbors come over and say that she broke one of their windows with a rock. I ask her wtf? (just kidding, thought it sounded funny) and she replies, well I did take out the trash and feed the dog this morning.

    What does that have to do with anything? She still must be punished for her crime against dad's law. She broke the rules, therefore there is consiquences for her actions. It doesn't matter what "good deeds" she has done or "if she paid her taxes". The line must be drawn.

    ON the filp-side. My wife's cousin was a pro hockey player. He is from Canada. It took him 7 years to obtain citizenship...that's rediculous! Like I said before, the process of obtaining legal status needs to be fixed. With today's technology it shouldn't take that long to figure out who somebody is. It needs to be fixed, but before we can heal the wound, the bleeding must be stopped.

    I don't think any sensible person is against immigration as long as it's legal. I also don't think anybody that's against illegal immigration said anything about race. I don't know why that keeps coming up.

  2. Beth...you are exactly right...anyone that treats others as subhuman or like they're better than the next needs some attitude adjustment.

    It's kinda funny you mention this. I have gotten so many accounts because the hispanic cook or any worker for that matter would move jobs and convince the owner to use me as their hood cleaner. I get along with just about everybody, because I don't treat people differently. Rich, poor, white, black, mexican, democrat, republican, atheist, muslim.....we are all from the same dirt from which God created us.

  3. New York City’s Republican mayor, Mike Bloomberg may have summed up best when he wrote the following in today’s Wall Street Journal: “In New York City, 500,000 of our more than three million immigrants are here illegally. Although they broke the law by illegally crossing our borders or overstaying their visas, our economy would be a shell of itself had they not, and it would collapse if they were deported. The same holds true for the nation…Now, instead of pointing fingers about the past, let's accept the present for what it is by bringing people out of the shadows, and focus on the future by casting those shadows aside, permanently.”

    that's so touching....:lgsick: I think Bloomberg has been drinking too much Kool-Aid!

    Jesse.....that's beautiful man...good job.

    Now my 2 cents....No one in our country illegally should be able to receive any social services except emergency medical services. Efforts should be made to deport illegal aliens. Our borders should be made secure both against illegal entry of persons and potential threats to national security. U.S. citizenship and Immigration services procedures for obtaining work permits and citizenship should be streamlined so that law-abiding people around the world can more easily contribute to and enjoy America's greatness.

    Legal immigration has always been good for our country and I support it 100%....but the key term is Legal

  4. sounds like you had a lot of fun Jeff. For me, it's hard to get back to work after hanging out with the family so much though. That's the kind of vacation that I wanna take next year. I always go to Kentucky every year to see all of my family, but next year we're going on a "Grizwald Type" vacation.

  5. John G......I know how you feel my friend. When I first started I made sure to plan my schedule very carefully not to waste any time or money. I've been going for 2 years now and I still treat my time the same, even though I'm making more money I'm very careful to not waste gas. I pay more every month in gas than I do my mortgage. It's my largest bill actually.
