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Posts posted by HotShot

  1. Here's another use for oxalic...mulch! When irrigation rust is a problem, many times it will darken the mulch. A light spray of oxalic will brighten the mulch and make it look new. The homeowner will be amazed.

    Hey John, you weren't kidding!! I tried this in a little spot under a tree and it worked great. The little spot of mulch looks brand new...thanks for the info :)

  2. I had never cleaned a hood before in my life before I started my business. I invested close to $20K to start it. It's not my favorite thing in the world to do, but it sure the heck beats working for the man. The freedom that comes with owning your own business is like the commercial says......Priceless!

    I do agree with Mike though....it would be so easy to "try it out" and see if you like it. Good luck, let us know your decision...we're rootin for you.

  3. If you guys watch American Thunder, you have probably seen Big Bear Choppers on there a couple times. I knew those guys pretty well. They moved from a little dinky place by McDonalds to this big o' huge building now, they're getting pretty big.

  4. I'm surpassing my last year numbers as well. As a matter of fact, last week was my best week so far. I did $2,917 worth of hoods. I went for a year and a half without a yellowpage ad, but I finally got tired of doing soliciting during the day and cleaning hoods at night, so I slacked off to only about 2 days/ week soliciting and got a yellowpage ad. It had really paid for itself already and the book has only been out for about 2 months.

  5. Nice thread Jeff.....makes us all think.

    I am currently at the border of having too much work for me too handle in the hood cleaning area. I clean every hood usually with a helper, sometimes not. I really can't grow anymore without hiring two people (a crew). Personally, I have tried to steer clear of hiring people for the reasons that Ken and others have already spoke of. Worker's Comp is horribly high here in California, so that would be eating at my profit big time.

    So, I can either stay where I am now at $xx/ month gross and net or, I can hire a crew try and work out the bugs and make more gross (because of more business), but about the same net or a little less. Right now, I don't have the headaches that come along with employes, but if say I'm out riding my quad and I wreck and hurt myself.....I'm screwed-BIG TIME!

    I have no idea what to do. When I invision what I would like to do....it would be: Have a couple crews cleaning hoods full time and I would be doing the pressure washing myself. Whether or not, I'll reach that.....I don't know.:lgbonk:
